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Thread: How many girls do bodybuilders get?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    North Carolina

    How many girls do bodybuilders get?

    I've been wondering about this for a long time. Once you start competing and really getting a good body/tan, how many girls do you get? I mean, how many girls pretty much throw themselves at you?

    The big muscles, ripped abs, and nice overall muscular look definately help, but its definately more the fact that you are on stage and everybody is gawking at you... basically, you are in the spotlight. And, you also have photoshots, "appearances", shows, etc... in a way you are a celebrity.
    Basically, you have higher social status than her becauses you are "out there in the social spotlight" and if you study male/female attraction, women are really attracted to men with higher social status. Its also attractive because girls will see that you need a woman at your side along your journey.

    How is it at the amatuer, intermediate, and pro level? What is it like? Do they just throw themselves at you or do they just obviously show interest?

  2. #2
    I really can't answer your question, but I know that the majority of the girls I know, while they can appreciate or admire the amount of dedication and conditioning it takes to get your body to professional bodybuilding status, they aren't attracted to the appearance of professional bodybuilders. They like ripped, muscular men, but there comes a point when they think they're too BIG. I usually find that the women dating professional bodybuilders are women bodybuilders themselves and I, at least, don't find that look attractive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I am sure they get some but the question is how many would want to be in a relationship since I doubt few woman(or men) can understand the dedication it takes to be great in any sport.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    They like ripped, muscular men, but there comes a point when they think they're too BIG.
    not really... what percentage of guys have as much muscle as a top amature or pro bber? far less than 1%. now, what percentage of girls would find themselves attracted to that type of physique? easily alot more than 1%. so even if most girls arent attracted to guys with alot of muscle, that doesnt matter, look at the supply, then the demand. fuck being some skinny ass weak faggot with a 6 pack. get big, ripped, be the fucking alpha male.
    Last edited by LX-1; 08-05-2006 at 04:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    alpha male yea thats the shit, no abercrombie here

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Most girls say that's nasty and the would never want to be with someone like that blah blah blah... but if you've got a decent build, even state level and go to a club or strip bar you get a lot of attention from very attractive girls.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    I really can't answer your question, but I know that the majority of the girls I know, while they can appreciate or admire the amount of dedication and conditioning it takes to get your body to professional bodybuilding status, they aren't attracted to the appearance of professional bodybuilders. They like ripped, muscular men, but there comes a point when they think they're too BIG. I usually find that the women dating professional bodybuilders are women bodybuilders themselves and I, at least, don't find that look attractive.
    Personally i would kinda agree with that. It's like that round here. If your too big women get kinda freaked out by it.

  8. #8
    my girlfriend likes that i work out and have a good body, but she says im not aloudto get like the bodybuilders...Most girls I know dont really like the look.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by LX-1
    not really... what percentage of guys have as much muscle as a top amature or pro bber? far less than 1%. now, what percentage of girls would find themselves attracted to that type of physique? easily alot more than 1%. so even if most girls arent attracted to guys with alot of muscle, that doesnt matter, look at the supply, then the demand. fuck being some skinny ass weak faggot with a 6 pack. get big, ripped, be the fucking alpha male.

    True but as far as I am concerned if the girl is not a 9 or 10 on the hot scale she doesnt matter for this convo.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario
    I can say that when I was had less size I did seem to get attention from more girls then I do now. If anything, now when I go out I hear girls mumble random steroid comments behind my back. Fortunately there are still some girls around who can appreciate muscle.

  11. #11
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    girls already think I'm too big and are intimidated so I have no clue how pro bodybuilders get girls! What I have noticed a lot @ the clubs i have worked @ is that girls with boyfriends will come up to me, kiss me, rub me, lick me, whatever - and get all horny, and then use their newfound "horniness" on their ugly-ass boyfriends... does that make sense?

  12. #12

    How many chicks do BBers get?


  13. #13
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    I can say that when I was had less size I did seem to get attention from more girls then I do now. If anything, now when I go out I hear girls mumble random steroid comments behind my back. Fortunately there are still some girls around who can appreciate muscle.
    girls are intimidated by bodybuilders, its a self confidence issue. you have to be extra friendly and show you're interested if you're looking for a date or something. seems most girls who approach me are straight up hoes, actually, all girls who approach me are, cant think of any who werent, wonder why that is.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX-1
    girls are intimidated by bodybuilders, its a self confidence issue. you have to be extra friendly and show you're interested if you're looking for a date or something. seems most girls who approach me are straight up hoes, actually, all girls who approach me are, cant think of any who werent, wonder why that is.
    well personally I just got out of a LONG relationship so I'm quite alright with the hoes haha

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    well personally I just got out of a LONG relationship so I'm quite alright with the hoes haha
    right, but remember, bros before hoes and weights before dates

  16. #16
    Hoes rule.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LX-1
    right, but remember, bros before hoes and weights before dates
    definitely! i'm gonna have to remember that one

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i find alot of slutty girls like the real big guys.

  19. #19
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  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    no girl i know likes the big guys... its like when you go over some weight limit its not sexy anymore


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I think most girls think the pro bb (like ronnie or jay) are to big. I'm alot smaller then that but bigger then an abercrombie putz and i have no problems. Most girls arent going to care that you are doing appearance at gym and health food places. Pro BB aren't main stream celebs and most people wouldn't no who they were unless they were into the scene

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by LX-1
    right, but remember, bros before hoes and weights before dates
    Weights before dates thats a good one..I have actually done that before

  23. #23
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle_4_Hire
    how many girls do you get?
    Zero. And very happy to keep it that way.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  24. #24
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    If your too big women get kinda freaked out by it.
    ...and guys are the same way.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Learnin from the best...
    can you do all of us a favor and only make on of these usless threads ata time please...thanks, i hat eresponding to it in a different forum and then coming in here and doing it...

  26. #26
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    North Carolina
    Thanks for those who replied with a thoughtful response. This is my take on it... girls do want the alpha male of the group. Muscles seem to be a great initial indicator and if you can follow through with personality or "game", you should be set. For instance, there is this one hot blonde 9 from my high school who was the head cheerleader and dated the star quarter back. Then, I saw her two years after graduating high school along with all my other friends who were all the same and I packed on a lot of muscle. I walked in the place and everybody seemed taken back by my size. Back in HS she never payed attention to me ever and now she came up to me from behind, squezzed my arms, told me I had veins coming out, and just really on me. She is used to having every guy kneel to her and I just did the opposite of what they did.

    So, I think with the 8s and lower, they are intimidated but if you can build comfort with them, you're good. With the 9s, 10s... they want something rare that they can't always have...

    As far as size, I think Marcus Reinhardt is the end of the spectrum... its my idol goal as far as size.... take a look at his pics at

  27. #27
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    in the gym
    Completly ripped with abs a chik can wash her panys on will beat muscle bound every time I would think

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle_4_Hire
    Thanks for those who replied with a thoughtful response. This is my take on it... girls do want the alpha male of the group. Muscles seem to be a great initial indicator and if you can follow through with personality or "game", you should be set. For instance, there is this one hot blonde 9 from my high school who was the head cheerleader and dated the star quarter back. Then, I saw her two years after graduating high school along with all my other friends who were all the same and I packed on a lot of muscle. I walked in the place and everybody seemed taken back by my size. Back in HS she never payed attention to me ever and now she came up to me from behind, squezzed my arms, told me I had veins coming out, and just really on me. She is used to having every guy kneel to her and I just did the opposite of what they did.

    So, I think with the 8s and lower, they are intimidated but if you can build comfort with them, you're good. With the 9s, 10s... they want something rare that they can't always have...

    As far as size, I think Marcus Reinhardt is the end of the spectrum... its my idol goal as far as size.... take a look at his pics at

    Agreed,but any chik that didn't pay you any mind in HS and is all over you now,wax that ass and then return the favor that's what she get's for acting on straiht appearence who is she to judge you soley on what she sees or any of that shit.

  29. #29
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    it depends. ive had females occasionally throw themselves at me years before i started juicing.

    but id have to say that since i started roiding, females have become even more forward with me

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    it doesnt matter if a guy is aBB or not - it's attitude that lets a guy pick up more chicks than another

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    it doesnt matter if a guy is aBB or not - it's attitude that lets a guy pick up more chicks than another

    i agree, but for the most part that only holds true for intelligent girls

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i agree, but for the most part that only holds true for intelligent girls
    Takes alot more than a great body to keep me interested

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Takes alot more than a great body to keep me interested

    its all about finding someone that you totaly click with. id rather spend all day talking to the woman i love than 30 minutes of getting play from some pretty girl that simply has nothing in common with me.

    ive been in that situation before, and imo its pointless.

  34. #34
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    i think that most average girls just want a guy in shape or thats not may even be chubby. but girls that are into bars and clubs want a big dude as a status symbol. on campus bars or regular city bars usually the sourity chicks with some regular dude and the skanks with some big freaks.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    lately ive noticed i can only get the slutty girls, or ones that i am only SLIGHTLY attracted too. i want to find a nice one, but none of them ever seem interested lol. mind you, im not the best when it comes to approaching women, and its been getting to me these last few days. one woman i was dating afew months back told me that if she had seen me in a club before she got to know me, she would assume i was so inlove with myself and obsessed, that she wouldnt have approached me anyway. same goes for alot of women im sure
    Last edited by Timm1704; 08-06-2006 at 05:46 PM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    lately ive noticed i can only get the slutty girls. i want to find a nice one, but none of them ever seem interested lol. mind you, im not the best when it comes to approaching women, and its been getting to me these last few days. one woman i was dating told me that if she had seen me in a club before she got to know me, she would assume i was so inlove with myself and obsessed, that she wouldnt have approached me anyway. same goes for alot of women im sure

    yea i hate it when people judge me before they get to know me. girls always assume im some dumb pretty boy meat head that only works out during the day and goes out to get laid every night.

    just cause i look like a player does NOT mean that i am

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieStyles
    i find alot of slutty girls like the real big guys.

    Dude slutty girls like ALL guys, hence the name SLUT.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    toronto, canada

    but thats becasue im not big yet

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Thanks for those who replied with a thoughtful response. This is my take on it... girls do want the alpha male of the group. Muscles seem to be a great initial indicator and if you can follow through with personality or "game", you should be set. For instance, there is this one hot blonde 9 from my high school who was the head cheerleader and dated the star quarter back. Then, I saw her two years after graduating high school along with all my other friends who were all the same and I packed on a lot of muscle. I walked in the place and everybody seemed taken back by my size. Back in HS she never payed attention to me ever and now she came up to me from behind, squezzed my arms, told me I had veins coming out, and just really on me. She is used to having every guy kneel to her and I just did the opposite of what they did.

    So, I think with the 8s and lower, they are intimidated but if you can build comfort with them, you're good. With the 9s, 10s... they want something rare that they can't always have...
    Haha. Been studying some mystery method?

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    Yes when you become big have a nice body you automatically attract the fatties and sorority sluts. It comes with the territory.

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