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Thread: I Hate Pu$$ies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!

    I Hate Pu$$ies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was in Manhattan for my friends bachelor party tonight, first a steak dinner and then to this place called buddha bar. When we left buddha bar it was about 4:00am, while we were walking to the car we saw a fight break out!! I don't know the exact story of what happened, but this one little punk starts talking shit to this one guy who was with his girl, the guy with his girl was fairly big, you could totally tell he worked out. So the little guy and his friends start beating up this one guy and are acting like they are all hard because there are 3 guys beating up on 1, and it just so fvckin pisses me off because if this one guy were to fight 1 on 1 all three of those little mother fvckin bitches...oh and let me reitirate BITCHES he would have wiped the concrete with them!!!! Then one girl that was with the BITCHES started to beat up the girlfriend and me and my 2 friends just watched these three punks beat this guy up. I am just venting because it really bothers me when people think that they are so bad, but in reality they are full blown PU$$IES!!! Do you guys think we did the right thing by not getting involved, or do you think we should have helped this guy? We really don't know the whole story about what happened therefore we felt it wasn't our place to help. But it so pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE PU$$IES!!!!!!!!! 1 on 1 no weapons that's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by STYLE74; 08-06-2006 at 03:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    ehh Me being violent Id jump into right away.....atleast seperate them cause I don't know the story and fight against the 1st person who hits me....I hate bitches like that too....Id woulda deff went in

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Bro i felt so bad for this guy and his girl, you don't even know! Your right we should have helped! I am mad at myself and pist for not helping!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by style74
    Bro i felt so bad for this guy and his girl, you don't even know! Your right we should have helped! I am mad at myself and pist for not helping!!!!
    Well I wouldve gone man, u were 2 or3??? atleast stop it.....but me being me Id go in there wanting to fight what did the guy do??

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    He was fighting back a little and the some bouncers started to break it up, it was a big mess man!!! I learned a valuable lesson tonight though i will tell you that!! Oh yeah and it's good to have you back Ironfreak!!!!!!!! Got to hit the sack bro, talk to you soon!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by style74
    He was fighting back a little and the some bouncers started to break it up, it was a big mess man!!! I learned a valuable lesson tonight though i will tell you that!! Oh yeah and it's good to have you back Ironfreak!!!!!!!! Got to hit the sack bro, talk to you soon!!
    He shoulda concentrated on the weakest one 1st then moved on oh well....usually the bouncers are nice enough to hold the group of guys and let the alone guy throw in a few punches at them while theyre held.

    I'll catch ya l8r

  7. #7
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    i would of helped a cant stand to see people being bullied. it realy pisses me off. But there is no right or wrong answer mate you did what you felt right them 3 bitches could of been carrying knives or even worse guns.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I think you absolutely should have jumped in. I would have. I realize you didn't know the whole story but there are VERY few excuses for 3 guys to be beating up 1...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    no questions asked, id have jumped in. id have thrown the girl across the room too

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Stay the **** out of it. I grew up around the city and when i was younger probably would have jumped in. Most of those clubs you see a lot of the same people. What happend next week when you are by yourself and then the three of them want to get even. You dont know what happened the guy could have deserved it. Probably not but mind your own you'll be better off.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    You dont know how/why the fight started. Some people deserve it. Best to stay out.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    I think you did the right thing.

    It wasn't your fight so it's not your problem.

    Now if the three guy's were beating up on the girl than I would have stepped in and threw down the Smak!

  13. #13
    i agree its not your fight, but thats some bullshit. I hate that...when more than one person jumps just one guy and think their badass. I dont care what anybody says, unless youre Bruce fu**in Lee youre going to have trouble taking out 2 or more people.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by style74
    I was in Manhattan for my friends bachelor party tonight, first a steak dinner and then to this place called buddha bar. When we left buddha bar it was about 4:00am, while we were walking to the car we saw a fight break out!! I don't know the exact story of what happened, but this one little punk starts talking shit to this one guy who was with his girl, the guy with his girl was fairly big, you could totally tell he worked out. So the little guy and his friends start beating up this one guy and are acting like they are all hard because there are 3 guys beating up on 1, and it just so fvckin pisses me off because if this one guy were to fight 1 on 1 all three of those little mother fvckin bitches...oh and let me reitirate BITCHES he would have wiped the concrete with them!!!! Then one girl that was with the BITCHES started to beat up the girlfriend and me and my 2 friends just watched these three punks beat this guy up. I am just venting because it really bothers me when people think that they are so bad, but in reality they are full blown PU$$IES!!! Do you guys think we did the right thing by not getting involved, or do you think we should have helped this guy? We really don't know the whole story about what happened therefore we felt it wasn't our place to help. But it so pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE PU$$IES!!!!!!!!! 1 on 1 no weapons that's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i would have stopped it

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    But at the same time that could have been you in that person's situation getting your ass jumped by three puzzies and you would probably want someone to step in and lend you a hand or try and stop it. Unless you enjoy getting your pretty face bashed in.

    It's almost a catch 22 because no matter what it's still a fuked up situation and one you want to try and avoid at all costs.

    It makes for a interesting discussion though.

    As somebody said earlier in the thread maybe these guys were drug dealers and could have had guns or knives? Who knows.

    I can relate though because I got jumped in Miami outside of a bar by three punks as well.

    Luckily the bouncer was right there to break it up and of course they took off quick, but things could have gotten ugly for me if he wasn't there.
    Last edited by Smak; 08-06-2006 at 01:36 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    But what if the big guy was pestering one or more of them all night and is a major ass? What if he was trying to bully? See thats the problem with stepping in. I agree if they were hitting a woman it would be different.

  17. #17
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    Dec 2004
    I was working on the doors one night and i saw a guy punch a girl to the ground in the road outside my club. he then kicked her head like it was a football. I ran over and punched the guy and knocked him on his ass. The girl got up and hit me with her stilleto saying "you ****er you hit my boyfriend". Now i never get involved unless i know the whole story.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I was working on the doors one night and i saw a guy punch a girl to the ground in the road outside my club. he then kicked her head like it was a football. I ran over and punched the guy and knocked him on his ass. The girl got up and hit me with her stilleto saying "you ****er you hit my boyfriend". Now i never get involved unless i know the whole story.
    I guess she likes it ruff.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    dont fight, just stop it. three on one is gheeeeyyyyyyy.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Ya, you never know if they have a gun/knife. I would have done what you did or if I was with some of my bigger guy friends I would have broken the fight up. Don't regret your actions by not fighting.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    I think you did the right thing.

    It wasn't your fight so it's not your problem.

    Now if the three guy's were beating up on the girl than I would have stepped in and threw down the Smak!

    oh man, id go ape sh_t if i saw 3 guys beating on a female

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh yeah there is no doubt about that!!! If we saw one of the guys hitting the girl, it would have been over for that dude!! It's just really crazy how i didn't even know the guy but i really felt bad and wanted to help him. I am not a tough guy nor to i try to portray myself as one, but i can sure as hell handle myself if need be. Personally i think three guys beating up on one is fighting dirty so i would have to do the same thing wether it be bat, knife or whatever i could grab around me, if someone is fighting dirty with me then i'm fighting dirty back, and if i was that guy getting beat up last night and i had a knife i would have been forced to start cutting people up!! There is no way i'm going down like that, an eye for an eye!!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    you know what would be really funny? if 3 or more bitch made pussies like that tried to beat down one guy, and he pulled out a .50 cal desert eagle with rubber slugs in it and started popping caps at them

    non... or more accurately, less lethal than a real bullet, but it would hurt like a motherfu_ker

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!

    Hell Yeah!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    you know what would be really funny? if 3 or more bitch made pussies like that tried to beat down one guy, and he pulled out a .50 cal desert eagle with rubber slugs in it and started popping caps at them

    non... or more accurately, less lethal than a real bullet, but it would hurt like a motherfu_ker

    Yeah bro those Dessert Eagles are some serious guns!! After the guy shoots them i would have to go piss on there dying asses for being such bitches!! Yo tren i swear to god if you would have seen these three guys you would have laughed how puny they were, the guy who was getting it was fairly nice size, big back arms and everything. He would have housed them if it was one on one, one at a time!!

  25. #25
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by style74
    Yeah bro those Dessert Eagles are some serious guns!! After the guy shoots them i would have to go piss on there dying asses for being such bitches!! Yo tren i swear to god if you would have seen these three guys you would have laughed how puny they were, the guy who was getting it was fairly nice size, big back arms and everything. He would have housed them if it was one on one, one at a time!!

    i dont know why, but it seriously offends me when scrawny guys think they can talk sh_t to bigger guys. and it really offends me when they gang up on bigger guys.

    i remember this group of meth heads that used to fu_k with me when i was working at my old job. i was so angry that i was down to fight all of them at the same time.

    haha, i hadnt even seen gear at that point either

  26. #26
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    what are your stats tren?

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    what are your stats tren?

    as of right now, im 230, 18 inch arms cold. i max around 350 on bench and 400 on bent over rows. heres 2 pics from about a month ago
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  28. #28
    Join Date
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    The Bay, California
    I would have jumped in and let them go one on one. If someone said something to me I could have tryed to knock him out an no questions asked.

  29. #29
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    You should have done something besides watching. Hell, call the police and say one has a gun and one has a knife. If you tell them someone has a weapon they show up in minutes.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    There were people standing right next to us calling the cops, so we didn't need to call cops.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by style74
    There were people standing right next to us calling the cops, so we didn't need to call cops.
    You probably did the right thing not getting involved then. With all the little tough guy kids out there now, who knows if they wouldn't pull a knife or a gun on you. If it was someone I knew or a girl being assaulted by a guy are the only situations where I would definitly jump in. Even in situations with girls you have to be careful though, who's to say that isn't her boyfriend and that she wouldnt take his side in a second if cops were involved.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    u did the right thing. The situation was not fair but that's life sometimes. What would have been more unfair would have been you getting into legal trouble or you or your girl hurt over someone elses bullshit

  33. #33
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    I wouldnt have got involved either. It sucks that people have to jump other guys like that but your better off just staying out of it IMO.

  34. #34
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    i would have punched the girl dead in the face with all my force. act like a man get treated like one.........

    that would have stopped them.

  35. #35
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    In the Gym, if i could
    well, look at it this way... if it were you getting beat down in the middle of the street, or your wife beaten and raped while some guys held you down or used a taser on you ( no matter how big you are)

    hopefully other people standing around will step in and help, or call the police..

    just an observation..
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  36. #36
    Join Date
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    hell no you shouldnt have jumped in. (unless you and your boys wanted to have some fun). but you have no idea what the fight was about. the guy getting worked could have done some fu*cked up shit to one of the other guys and they finally had a run in (the scenarios could be endless). however if the 3 on 1 was based on a drink being spilled in the club or someone stepping on someone elses shoe then shit yeah you shoulda jumped in especially, when the females got it into.. that would made the bachelor party all the more memorable

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    well, look at it this way... if it were you getting beat down in the middle of the street, or your wife beaten and raped while some guys held you down or used a taser on you ( no matter how big you are)

    hopefully other people standing around will step in and help, or call the police..

    just an observation..
    JESUS CHRIST! this was just your average late night barfight. Raping and tasers changes things entirely. but i do get what tyou saying..

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    So you just stood there and watched a guy get beat up by 3 smaller dudes?

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    i would have jumed in for matter what happened 3 on 1 is not fair...i hate punks like that...

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    why didn't you do anything? what if the couple got killed?

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