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Thread: Pretty big issues for me personally. Please Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Pretty big issues for me personally. Please Help

    Hey guys I have been a member of the board for a while now and couldn't think of anyone else to turn to for answers on this. I apologize it's somewhat off topic but I really need help. I trust you gusy will steer me in the right direction.

    Anyways I am a big dude. 6'4" 285lbs. and I have a major issue with flying after a extremly bad experience since my last flight. Anyways I have to get on a plane in Thursday bound for Germany and it's goign to be a eight hour flight.

    My issue is that I am extremly worried abotu the flight. I am affraid I will freak out on the flight and start raging to get off. I need somethign like valium or somethign to put me out during the flight. I am 25 years old and had a decent run in with ADHD as a kid so I am always full of energy.

    I need some advise here. Is their any place I can order from quickly or can you gusy suggest anything that might work for you guys. I know this doesn't seem urgent to you gusy but I am really worried I am going to refuse to get on the flight and I am going for MY WEDDING! so yea this coudl be bad.

    A co-worker of mine gave me some of his prescirption Zynax but they are small and he only had 6 and I am not even sure how well these things would work for me. Anyways guys anything you can tell me would be great. Thanks all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Man I feel for you. You are lucky you dont have my job, I flew 250,000 miles just last year alone !!! I guess its hard to deal with for you but you know the chances of you dying in a car crash on the way to the airport are about four millions times higher than dying in a plane crash. Apart from drugging yourself into oblivion, is anyone else flying with you that you know ? How often have you flown before ? Did you have a bad experience that caused this fear ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Well I have been flying my entire life and always loved it. The issue I am having is my flight fell over 10,000ft and watching people and drinks and flight attendants hit the ceiling in a matter of a split second. It was super tramatic for me and I had never felt so out of control in my entire life. It literally scared the hell out of me cause I was making peace with my make because I legitamatly thought I was going to die.

    I am really just trying to find a site or something I can do to order from valium or find something comparable to help me get through the flight. All this drama happened less then a year ago so the heal time isn't there for me.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDecon
    Well I have been flying my entire life and always loved it. The issue I am having is my flight fell over 10,000ft and watching people and drinks and flight attendants hit the ceiling in a matter of a split second. It was super tramatic for me and I had never felt so out of control in my entire life. It literally scared the hell out of me cause I was making peace with my make because I legitamatly thought I was going to die.

    I am really just trying to find a site or something I can do to order from valium or find something comparable to help me get through the flight. All this drama happened less then a year ago so the heal time isn't there for me.
    Jesus !!!! Well I guess that would do ot to me as well. The scariest thing that ever happened to me was I fell alseep about an hour before landing and I woke up to the engines screamin abd the whole plane shuddering like crazy. I was like you, and in an instant I really thought I was going to die. Then I looked out the window only to discover that we had just landed !!!! Didnt I feel like a complete dickhead, but I was a happy one. I cant help you with the meds you need bro but good luck with getting over it which I am sure you will. Like I said I have flown thousands of hours now, and touch wood, I have only had a couple of minor issues that were nothing in comparrison to yours.

  5. #5
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    Go to your Dr. Explain to him exactly what you've explained here. He will hook you up.

    My mother flew with me and a few people to Hawaii from Dallas. She went to the Dr. a week ahead of time, she took a pill on the way there and on the way back. I wish I knew what it was. Anyway she slept soundly the ENTIRE flight.

    Go to the Dr. he will help you.

  6. #6
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    i do not want to be an asshole here but i will move this to the lounge,this is a steroid question forum and i feel you will get a better response from the lounge..............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Yeah, just tell your doc. He should proscribe you some Vals or something.

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    zanax will help, but you may need even more than that, you may have to be almost sedated, go to your dr. and tell him you want something that will knock you out cold

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    i dont recomend thsi, but if you take the zanax amd have a few drinks, that may be just enough to make you pass out and miss the entir flight.

    i got drunk and took a zanx flying from amsterdam to the states, i missed the entire 7 hour flight,totaly unconcious the whole time

  10. #10
    pop bars and drink....out before you know it

    You might wake up in an cell, but you will def. be out

    lol personal experience..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks for the adivse and I would go to the doctor for sure but my only issue is that I leave in 3 days and my doctor is out of the office till Friday and no openings between now and then.

    Looks like zynax and Mr. Jack Daniels is going ot be my answer and I hope it's enough =X

  12. #12
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    Depends on the dose. I have a completely irrational fear of flying. It takes two .5 xanax for me to get on the plane. I always pop em 1 hour before getting on the flight. The problem is they only last about 4 hours so they are not going to last you the entire time..

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Do you know the dose of the ones you have?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    See thats my problem 100%
    I have .5's and I only have 6 of them.
    I will need at least 8 if I react the exact same as you.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDecon
    See thats my problem 100%
    I have .5's and I only have 6 of them.
    I will need at least 8 if I react the exact same as you.

    Bro, now your going off the reservation. Sounds like your asking.

  16. #16
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDecon
    Thanks for the adivse and I would go to the doctor for sure but my only issue is that I leave in 3 days and my doctor is out of the office till Friday and no openings between now and then.

    Looks like zynax and Mr. Jack Daniels is going ot be my answer and I hope it's enough =X
    Surely you can go to any Dr. I dont see the issue here !!!

  17. #17
    i edited it for the asking part, you cant do that bro. i feel your pain and i dont think drinking is the answer, with his fear and booz and drugs, that can be a bad combonation, imo. get to the Doc asap.

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  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by #Admin#
    i edited it for the asking part, you cant do that bro. i feel your pain and i dont think drinking is the answer, with his fear and booz and drugs, that can be a bad combonation, imo. get to the Doc asap.

    I think booz is pretty helpful actually.

    I had a problem flying on my last flight too, not any others before but the last one. If you cant calm down naturally, try half a vicodin, that helps me relax but, I only use them maybe once or twice every few months if that. You have to be cautious with em, don't over do it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    The Bay, California
    Go to the doctor like everyone said and he will give you something.

  20. #20
    Call your Doc's office and ask to see whoever he has covering for him. You should be able to get a few valium anyway. The xanax should work though, if you dont take them regulary and havnt built up a tolrance two .5's should do ya. Watch the alchohol with them though, one beer maybe, no more, you could really end up out there and if you get on the plane too obviously gone the crew might have a problem with that too, plus you dont want to end up leaning over on the poor sob next to you drooling on em. Xanax and alcohol can leave you with a whopper hangover too. Also get some good noise reduction headphones (the sony's are good at $50) and bring some good music, drown the place out.

    I had a big drop like that once on the way to Japan from Singapore, scared the crap out of me. Then there was an aborted landing in Tokyo that was pretty exciting. Now I get nervous too and I never did before those two incidence.

    Good luck with it, you'll be fine.

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