Hey guys I have been a member of the board for a while now and couldn't think of anyone else to turn to for answers on this. I apologize it's somewhat off topic but I really need help. I trust you gusy will steer me in the right direction.
Anyways I am a big dude. 6'4" 285lbs. and I have a major issue with flying after a extremly bad experience since my last flight. Anyways I have to get on a plane in Thursday bound for Germany and it's goign to be a eight hour flight.
My issue is that I am extremly worried abotu the flight. I am affraid I will freak out on the flight and start raging to get off. I need somethign like valium or somethign to put me out during the flight. I am 25 years old and had a decent run in with ADHD as a kid so I am always full of energy.
I need some advise here. Is their any place I can order from quickly or can you gusy suggest anything that might work for you guys. I know this doesn't seem urgent to you gusy but I am really worried I am going to refuse to get on the flight and I am going for MY WEDDING! so yea this coudl be bad.
A co-worker of mine gave me some of his prescirption Zynax but they are small and he only had 6 and I am not even sure how well these things would work for me. Anyways guys anything you can tell me would be great. Thanks all.