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Thread: How long do you guys wait...?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    How long do you guys wait...?

    when you get a girls number how many days do you give it before you call her.I went to dinner last night with my uncle and his family and my uncle is regular there. When i walked in i saw the hostess was a smoking hot so i said something to my uncle.

    i didnt hit on her in the slightest when i was there but i guess she grabbed my uncle gave him her number to give to me.

    this was last night so i was thinkign i wait till like tuesday/wed to call and ask her to dinner or some shit..

    what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    the whole waiting thing is so stupid. "do it too early, you seem desperate, too late and it looks like youre not interested" just call her whenever the hell you want to.

  3. #3
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    I think the norm is to wait two-three days. So like you said, if you got her number on Sunday, give her a call on Tuesday/Wednesday? When I get a girls number (and she actually answers my call. . .damn bitches), I try to ask them out to dinner on a weeknight so its a bit more casual.

  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    folow the rules of the movie swingers, 3 days

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    the whole waiting thing is so stupid. "do it too early, you seem desperate, too late and it looks like youre not interested" just call her whenever the hell you want to.
    Without the three-day rule; civilization as we know it would cease.

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    the whole waiting thing is so stupid. "do it too early, you seem desperate, too late and it looks like youre not interested" just call her whenever the hell you want to.
    actually this is even better advice

  7. #7
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    Please I call right away! Get that shit while it's hot..Believe me I am not desperate either.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Italion Stallion07
    when you get a girls number how many days do you give it before you call her.I went to dinner last night with my uncle and his family and my uncle is regular there. When i walked in i saw the hostess was a smoking hot so i said something to my uncle.

    i didnt hit on her in the slightest when i was there but i guess she grabbed my uncle gave him her number to give to me.

    this was last night so i was thinkign i wait till like tuesday/wed to call and ask her to dinner or some shit..

    what do you guys think?
    ill teach you a nice trick. has a higher percent success rate than getting phone #'s once you perfect it but DONT tell anyone lol.
    when your talking to a chick, ask her about her job. girls love to talk about thier jobs. she'll tell you where she works and how much she actually loves/hates it.
    Ask her what her heritage is.
    She'll say italian/irish/wtc. Girls are proud of thier heritage most of the time.
    Than you say oh im italian my last names ****
    Ask her what her last name is.
    Remember her last name and where she works. These are things you slip into the conversation but the other 99% of the conversation is simply to do ONE thing to make her REMEMBER you. Sometimes ill give them a stupid gift from the environment, like slip a rubber band on thier wrist and flick it, anything that anchors YOU to her in any type of way is good. A lot of times theyll leave it on as it makes them feel good when they look at it.

    Dont get her phone #

    Look it up in the phone book and call her. She'll be really EXCITED and SURPRISED, emotions women LOVE. if she doesnt like you she'll quickly screen you and find a way to get off the phone, so much better than being rejected in person, so much more likely shell be honest too. But this RARELY happens. Your destroying convention, making a bold move, women LOVE that. And as far as the the when to call her rule. Call WHENEVER you want. It doesnt matter.. trust me. (as long as its not like 2 weeks) you get the point.

    Try it one time. You'll shit your pants, because this is a NEW thing. Will only happen to a given women once maybe not even in her lifetime. Makes it that much harder for her to flake out and not reward you.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Italion Stallion07
    when you get a girls number how many days do you give it before you call her.I went to dinner last night with my uncle and his family and my uncle is regular there. When i walked in i saw the hostess was a smoking hot so i said something to my uncle.

    i didnt hit on her in the slightest when i was there but i guess she grabbed my uncle gave him her number to give to me.

    this was last night so i was thinkign i wait till like tuesday/wed to call and ask her to dinner or some shit..

    what do you guys think?

    i usually give 2 to 3 days...

    or ...wait till i run into her and say THE PHONE works both ways!

  10. #10
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    depends when u get it...if i was to get it on a thursday threw saturday ill call some time monday or tuesday
    if i got it on a monday threw wedneday id call right away.

  11. #11
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    call her that night... at 4 in the morning... drunk... and horny!

    bojangles69, i agree with most of that but the lookin up the phone number part, a possibly less stalker like move would be to give her yours and tell her no pressure, but if she's interested to hit you up.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    i usually give 2 to 3 days...

    or ...wait till i run into her and say THE PHONE works both ways!
    no it doesnt. at least thats what 99% of women believe. this is thier game, you beat them on thier own terms, not yours. have much more success that way, trust me.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    ill teach you a nice trick. has a higher percent success rate than getting phone #'s once you perfect it but DONT tell anyone lol.
    when your talking to a chick, ask her about her job. girls love to talk about thier jobs. she'll tell you where she works and how much she actually loves/hates it.
    Ask her what her heritage is.
    She'll say italian/irish/wtc. Girls are proud of thier heritage most of the time.
    Than you say oh im italian my last names ****
    Ask her what her last name is.
    Remember her last name and where she works. These are things you slip into the conversation but the other 99% of the conversation is simply to do ONE thing to make her REMEMBER you. Sometimes ill give them a stupid gift from the environment, like slip a rubber band on thier wrist and flick it, anything that anchors YOU to her in any type of way is good. A lot of times theyll leave it on as it makes them feel good when they look at it.

    Dont get her phone #

    Look it up in the phone book and call her. She'll be really EXCITED and SURPRISED, emotions women LOVE. if she doesnt like you she'll quickly screen you and find a way to get off the phone, so much better than being rejected in person, so much more likely shell be honest too. But this RARELY happens. Your destroying convention, making a bold move, women LOVE that. And as far as the the when to call her rule. Call WHENEVER you want. It doesnt matter.. trust me. (as long as its not like 2 weeks) you get the point.

    Try it one time. You'll shit your pants, because this is a NEW thing. Will only happen to a given women once maybe not even in her lifetime. Makes it that much harder for her to flake out and not reward you.

    Dude what if her number is not listed or she just has a celly

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    call her that night... at 4 in the morning... drunk... and horny!

    bojangles69, i agree with most of that but the lookin up the phone number part, a possibly less stalker like move would be to give her yours and tell her no pressure, but if she's interested to hit you up.

    yeh if your one of those men who from general behavoir and bodylanguage (ie: acting needy, sketchy or nervous around her) and has the POTENTIAL to be pinned as stalker material in her head prior to opeing the phone book. Dont do this.

    But yeh the whole stalker routine for a woman begins within the first few minutes she meets you, so the phone book is more or less an accelerator of the symptoms not a cause of it itself. IF you cant convey an "i dont give a ****" attitide than def DONT do it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Dude what if her number is not listed or she just has a celly

    on of these 2 lists cell phones, i tested it on a few of my friends. last names are connected to cells just as address is connected to home phone. Knowing one you can ALWAYS know the other. Theres even some crazier sites on the net that do a lot more. Go browse a bit.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    just call her the next night....

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Please I call right away! Get that shit while it's hot..Believe me I am not desperate either.

    Sorry guys but when a guy waits to long to call me - i forget about him..

    Means i didn't leave an impression

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    don't wait too long. call the next night and just say you had fun and set up another date. done.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    haha good responses.

    i was goign to wait till tuesday to call but the more i think of it i didnt even talk to this girl . she gave the number out for me so i think its already in the bag i can just call her tongiht and see if she wants to head out to dinner one night soon.

    if i **** it up somehow im not really worried... im not desperate in the least so im sure ill be alright lol.

    Bo jangels that was one thoguht out plan bud lol thanks for the advice. i dont think i would look up the number becasue its too stalker but the part about leaving something on them so they remember you... that was good stuff.

    this thread defenitey took a little boredom out of my work day like i intended it to

    Thanks fellas

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    **** the waiting game, it's like the same old same old. They expect it, I call right away, possibly that same night just to make sure they remember me

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    **** the waiting game, it's like the same old same old. They expect it, I call right away, possibly that same night just to make sure they remember me

    hahah i did get hammered while i was there and went home and swam in the pool with some mixers... cant say i didnt think about doing what bigbouncinballs said and call her at 4 am drunk and horny lol

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    edit... duplicate post

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit

    Sorry guys but when a guy waits to long to call me - i forget about him..

    Means i didn't leave an impression
    Great minds think alike

  24. #24
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    I will call within the first two days but usually on the first day.

  25. #25
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    one time I met this chick at the Waffle House at 4am, she called me at 9:00am that morning, I met her at the Wal-mart and she followed me back to my apartment. I nailed her, then I never heard from her again, I think she was married

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Italion Stallion07
    when you get a girls number how many days do you give it before you call her.I went to dinner last night with my uncle and his family and my uncle is regular there. When i walked in i saw the hostess was a smoking hot so i said something to my uncle.

    i didnt hit on her in the slightest when i was there but i guess she grabbed my uncle gave him her number to give to me.

    this was last night so i was thinkign i wait till like tuesday/wed to call and ask her to dinner or some shit..

    what do you guys think?
    when's the next olympics yeah that's a good time

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    one time I met this chick at the Waffle House at 4am, she called me at 9:00am that morning, I met her at the Wal-mart and she followed me back to my apartment. I nailed her, then I never heard from her again, I think she was married

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1
    when's the next olympics yeah that's a good time

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Italion Stallion07
    your getting alot of good advice from these men

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bobcat County
    Nice to know guys think about this stuff so much too.... but it all sounds like such a game. Call when you want, don't call when you don't wanna.... i think it shows confidence if you follow that ... a guy who isn't worried about little crap is more attractive to me.. JMO... good luck!!

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    she gave your uncle her number to give to you bc she likes you.. she obvioulsy whats you to call.. give her a ring..

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katelette81
    Nice to know guys think about this stuff so much too.... but it all sounds like such a game. Call when you want, don't call when you don't wanna.... i think it shows confidence if you follow that ... a guy who isn't worried about little crap is more attractive to me.. JMO... good luck!!
    yea it always is a game.. stupid, but thats the way it works..

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    she gave your uncle her number to give to you bc she likes you.. she obvioulsy whats you to call.. give her a ring..
    If i am not interested i wouldn't go out of my way to try to ensure some guy gets my #

  34. #34
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Italion Stallion07
    when you get a girls number how many days do you give it before you call her.I went to dinner last night with my uncle and his family and my uncle is regular there. When i walked in i saw the hostess was a smoking hot so i said something to my uncle.

    i didnt hit on her in the slightest when i was there but i guess she grabbed my uncle gave him her number to give to me.

    this was last night so i was thinkign i wait till like tuesday/wed to call and ask her to dinner or some shit..

    what do you guys think?

    I personally wouldn't call immediately after getting it but you also dont want to make her think that you're not that interested. I would probably call by tomorrow at the latest. That's early enough to make plans for next weekend.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    If i am not interested i wouldn't go out of my way to try to ensure some guy gets my #
    exactly!! thats the way I think..
    I mean do you really think shes going to be like: " why the hell is this guy calling me today and not tomorrow" I dont think a mature girl would say that.. and if she does- who cares.. there are many beatiful girls out there... dont make it a big deal, dont sweat it.. its a piece of cake bro..

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    I'd wait about two days or so.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    I'd wait about two days or so.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    i hate dateing it takes to much time/energy/ect... always haveing to plan shit out its really a pain in the ass IMO, like i will forget i made plans with a chick and go out rideing 4 wheelers with my bros and the next thing i know my phone is blowin up with voice mails screaming at me askin were i am, so i find it better just to stick to flussies and skanks. but i normally wait 2-3 days to call depending on what day of the week it is.

  39. #39
    Give me her number i will call her right now, that way you wont have to worry about counting days, this is not rocket science you know.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    So whats up Stallion, you hit that shit or what???

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