Yea i been feeling like shit myself
I am 25 in college dont even have my A.S yet been going for about 4 years (part time) and i work full time
I live at home - feel like a loser doing it but i can't afford school and to be on my own.
My girl just broke up with me - i loved this girl with all my ****ing heart (you slut)
I owe a lot of money out there as well
i gave my last two months to school only and work (no gym time) and lost about 15lbs ! feel like shit.
There are two ways to deal with this.
One be a little baby and say why can't i have what so-and-so has. Why can't i do, what can't i .... STOP THE WHY CAN'T's and just tell yourself what can i do......
I am 25 but in school working full time and paying my bills on time
I do live at home but thats for now, when i can get out i will
I am single now so i been going out with my buddies all night having a ****ing blast
i do owe money but who doesn't ?!
I will get the weight back if i work out again which i am now.
Bad shit happens to everyone but what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. I do beileve this.
Think positive bro and you will be fine. Try not to dwell on the past too much because all that is going to do is make you feel depressed and guess what ? There is nothing you can do to change the past.
Keep your head up !