i was talking to this guy today (names blake) and i overhear from some people that hes an inventor, doesnt work or do shit. saw his house today and wanted to rob his ass.
i overheard before i met him that he was on his phone one day a while ago and was getting a lot of background noice so he drilled a stupid little hole in his phone. and wallah!! those little stupid holes were invented and he made a fortune of it... for drilling a F*&%KING HOLE IN A PHONE!!!!!!!!
He went into this whole shpeal about how as humans evolve we become lazier and lazier and invent things to basically satsify our laziness.
Well im not lazy but i do have a SERIOUS problem waking up in the morning. Have gone through a good number of alarm clocks in my life. And i was thinking, alarm clocks are stupid. They make a little noise, you wake up still asleep, push a button and go back to bed. At least for me, when my alarm goes off i dont know who i am, where i am or what im doing. I have about 1% concious activity going on when i roll over and punch my clock.
So i had an idea. Im gonna invent a clock with a 9 digit number pad. The alarm will be ear piercingly loud. But instead of pushing a stupid little button it will randomly display like a 16 digit number and you have to enter the number to shut if off. I figure this will make you THINK, which is what you want, to wake up your brain not your body, because just because i can move doesnt mean im awake. So my question is would you buy this thing?? and if not feel free to add your own idea and i promise i wont steal it, ill just change it slightly and get a patent for it lol. But serious i cant wake up for shit in the morning, im only 23 and i wake up like an 80 year old.