Idiot: sup man
ME: have u ever taken an AI
Idiot: AI
Idiot: ?
ME: if u dont know what that is
ME: u got problems
Idiot: Whats a AI
ME: considering u took test
ME: aromatase inhibitor
Idiot: OOOO
Idiot: so whats your point?
ME: have u really done test?
Idiot: You saying i have Gyno?
ME: bro can we just cut the BS
Idiot: lol
ME: its fine if u havent
Idiot: Bro Im not prone to gyno
Idiot: i could run test at any dosage
Idiot: and never get any fat on my nipples
Idiot: ever
Idiot: i get NO acne
ME: ok what was the cycle u did
Idiot: non of ur biz
ME: wtf
Idiot: wtf u wanna know?
Idiot: i know what im doing
ME: i'm asking as just another guy in the gym
ME: and u say …
ME: “none of my biz”
Idiot: So
Idiot: Ok
Idiot: well
Idiot: u wanna know
ME: ya
Idiot: i dont give a ****
Idiot: ill tell u
Idiot: Been on test for almost a year now
Idiot: non stop
Idiot: at high dosages
ME: how many shots a week
Idiot: :-)
Idiot: I use enanthate
Idiot: Homebrew enanthate :-)
Idiot: test
ME: so how much do u take
Idiot: anyware from
Idiot: to 2000mg/week
Idiot: and thats just test.
Idiot: When i run tren
Idiot: i run it at high dosages
Idiot: i weigh 245
Idiot: 250
Idiot: around 10%bf
ME: i know little about homebrewing.. where do u buy the compunds
Idiot: secret
Idiot: they come from another country
ME: internet or a guy in person?
Idiot: it comes in powder
Idiot: the test is a wet powder
Idiot: and it comes in a vacume sealed bad
Idiot: bag
Idiot: but i dont brew it
Idiot: i have a friend
Idiot: who does it
Idiot: UG juice
Idiot: much cheaper
Idiot: then pharm
Idiot: ur a cop right?!
ME: no
Idiot: what kinda law inforcement are you?
ME: nothing
Idiot: tru tru
ME: moving along...
Idiot: i cant be talkin bout that shit
ME: do u use anything to reduce estrogen instability
Idiot: nope
Idiot: nothing but test
ME: u said Tren too
Idiot: and tren sometimes
Idiot: masteron
ME: how big are ur balls
Idiot: same as when i started
Idiot: i dont get any atrophy
Idiot: and im not lieing to u
Idiot signed off at 10:28:05 PM.