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Thread: Is there no end to the evil that steroid do??

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Is there no end to the evil that steroid do??

    So I'm sitting down reading SI here a minute ago(taking a crap if you must know)and I stumble acrossed an article about Tommy Morrison. Now if you remember Tommy he was a kick ass boxer from the late 80's through the mid 90's when he tested positive for HIV. So he is planning a comeback now, seeing as how he has tested negative for HIV for the last 7 years and he has quit taking any form of AIDs medicine. So when asked about why he tested positive he responds, "the two tests taken in 96 were false positives, the results of steroids and other supplements I was taking at the time". I read that and thought, boy I know what you mean, people are always asking me, do you have AIDs, or are you on steroids??

    Media=Drunken Fvcktards!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    I personally know the 2 longest surviving aids patients, they both live in Atlanta Ga....

    (they are friends of my Brother..yes he's gay)

    3-6% bf year round.. GH/test/winny/eq or deca... both in great shape.. mid to late 40's...

    but they each get sick about 1 per year.. and let me tell you, they get close to death.....

    steroids are the answer to waisting disease for aids patients..
    The answer to your every question


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  3. #3
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    In the Gym, if i could
    tommy is saying he had false positives because the steroids he was taking made indications for the aids virus detectable..
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  4. #4
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    No, he's saying he was taking steroids and that what caused him to test positive, and that he never had AIDs. I.E. He never had HIV, he was just on steroids.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    SW...if that even possible? Steroids causing false positives on HIV tests?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    SW...if that even possible? Steroids causing false positives on HIV tests?

    Not according to the medical expert they questioned, but really, we all know how evil steroids are...

  7. #7
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    So I'm sitting down reading SI here a minute ago(taking a crap if you must know)and I stumble acrossed an article about Tommy Morrison. Now if you remember Tommy he was a kick ass boxer from the late 80's through the mid 90's when he tested positive for HIV. So he is planning a comeback now, seeing as how he has tested negative for HIV for the last 7 years and he has quit taking any form of AIDs medicine. So when asked about why he tested positive he responds, "the two tests taken in 96 were false positives, the results of steroids and other supplements I was taking at the time". I read that and thought, boy I know what you mean, people are always asking me, do you have AIDs, or are you on steroids??

    Media=Drunken Fvcktards!
    From what I read, the media had little to do with it. You're bashing the media since Tommyclaimed to have tested positive for HIV which he blamed on steroid use. I never heard of that. Anyways wouldn't Tommy be the fvcktard in your equation?

  8. #8
    as far as I know the only way you get a false pos is by having the antibodies, usually present after sero-conversion.

    So what else can cause them to be present?

    A virus, other than HIV.

    Why would your body produce such an antibody in the presence of a different less harmful virus?

    It is possible under these circumstances that a subject has a common cold virus, for example, and his immune system is already in a low state, he could, possibly, make such antibodies.

    As far as I know steroids have a positive effect on immune function.

    BUT immune function is also dependant on ESTRADIOL. Yep the culprit that can shut down natural T production when to high actually in needed for a healthy immune (and cholesterol) system.

    So it is possible that the over use of an AI, could have, if he had another common virus, made his body make such antibodies.

    Now, I would think that saying it was caused by steroids, in general is an over-simplification, and incorrect assessment.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2005
    dont know about the aids but i know he was juicin. one of my friends who fought tommy(destroyed tommy,bye the way)said tommy was a big steroid boy. also said that out of all the fighters he ever fought, and he fought them all, tommy hit the hardest. said tommy was hittin him in the body and he was farting all over himself in the ring.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    From what I read, the media had little to do with it. You're bashing the media since Tommyclaimed to have tested positive for HIV which he blamed on steroid use. I never heard of that. Anyways wouldn't Tommy be the fvcktard in your equation?
    No, I'm bashing the media for repeating this bullshit(albeit Morrison deserves his share), they have demonized steroids so bad that now some guy says he falsely tests positive for HIV because of roids and they actually bother to report/repeat it. Next thing you know they'll all run around quoting Lyle Alzado saying he died from AAS. Oh, wait that's already been done...

    The point of my entire thread(as should be noted with the six inch layer if sarcasm in the title)is how biased is the media and world views because of what the media reports that something like this is even thought of. That steroids have been payed the devil so strongly that here's a guy making shit up so outrageous even he prolly doesn't believe it, but knows that due to media brainwashing of the public a lot of folks are going to start running around quoting like it is gospel.

  11. #11
    I hate steroids.... they are frickin aweful..... I mean come on, every time I run tren I get all huge and cut! it's terrible. hahaha lol.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Bobcat County
    Wow... seems odd to think that steroids could cause someone to test positive for HIV.

    But you have to woner with high profile people, such as fighters, if it wasn't a fake out to attract some attention to him... you just never know. If it was the steroids that's pretty scary.. people might actually have it and think it's just the roids.. or test positive, upturn their lives and not have it at all.. crappy.

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