Whats up fellas.
I have a small problem and i dont know what to do. I have a little brother who is 18 years old. This summer i bought a new car and i gave him my old one(1994 ford taurus SHO). not a bad car. it was worth about 3-4k. He didnt have a job and actually never had had one before so i told him he could have the car if he worked full time an dhe paid me 500$ at the end of the summer.
Long story short. he lost two jobs and the LONGEST he stayed at one these jobs was a week. one of the jobs was also a family friend who served him easy money on a platter and he still ****ed things up. Needless to say im pretty disapointed in the kid. I am only 20 and in college. i cant afford to be giving away cars for free.
End up summer is comign up and i ask him for my money and he gives me a million excuses and says he doesnt have any money. at that point i just told him im real dispointed and i needed to think about some shit...
now i dont knwo if i should go to his house and take the car back and the plates or just let him have it. he is my brother and i feel bad taking it away but im also not his father and i shouldnt have to do this type of stuff for him...
what do you guys think i should do about it?