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Thread: Have u actually heard of olympic athletes doing this to pass drug tests?

  1. #1

    Have u actually heard of olympic athletes doing this to pass drug tests?

    I was on reading on how to pass drug tests, and anyways i read about this method that people who took anabolic steroids and wanted to pass the test would empty there bladders, and then proceed to take a syringe and needle, and inject someone elses urine directly into their bladder. Anyways... Anybody ever heard of any famous athletes doing this? if so can u name them?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    if hear of it before but they dont use a needle you have to insert the tube all the way into you bladder, i beleive its called the wizzanator

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    New England
    LOLOL....I'm not really in tune with celebrities that inject themselves with piss .... I've heard of it but I think its the stupidest idea ever. I'd never let anyones peepee come near me

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    West Texas
    isnt that what Latimer does in The Program, i think they called it an "oil change"......

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I've heard of people hiding containers of urine, and using those. Never injecting urin though, that's pretty sick.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    athleats do it all the time, it works and as long as your source is clean then youll be alright, it prolly hurts like a mother fugger, you have to be dry before you do it, like dont drink any fluids for about 12hrs then load up or " oil change "

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    it's called a cathiter sp...

    damn... i'm not sure i'm that much of a man to be able to do that to myself..
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    the wizinator is a device that looks just like a penis, and fits over yours...the 'balls' go over yours and hold the fake urine...

    Yes athletes have used this method to beat test in the past, in all sports...the one i hear most about is football

  9. #9
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    yes it is a catheter, it isnt a needle, what you do is shove a small plastic tube up your pee hole(ouch) drain your bladder, and than syphon in clean urine from somebody else, i had to get a catheter when i was a little kid, in the hospital and very sick, lets just say hts, IT ISNT very pleasent

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    it dont work these days, people watch you pee these days, when they want a sample.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    yes it is a catheter, it isnt a needle, what you do is shove a small plastic tube up your pee hole(ouch) drain your bladder, and than syphon in clean urine from somebody else, i had to get a catheter when i was a little kid, in the hospital and very sick, lets just say hts, IT ISNT very pleasent
    I had one of those inserted too... I was with a friend actually he was more like 25% a friend 75% an a-hole. We started taking something called triple-c's, which contained dxm. I took 22, we went to the mall 2 hours later, i started barfing and i was about to pass out. Anyways i woke up about 3 hours later, with my vision all messed up. Naked with just a sheet covering me and a small plastic tube up my weenier. and this kids step mom, who was hot for a 40 year old woman was like apolgizing and crap to me about the whole incident... Anyways it was a fairly interesting night i had at the time.

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