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Thread: Share your proudest bodybuilding moment!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY

    Share your proudest bodybuilding moment!

    My proudest bodybuilding "moment" was attaining 1 inch on my calves in 1.5 years. It may sound like a small gain but it made a big difference in my overall symmetry. I have nice shape in my calves and they are high set and I have tiny knees, so visually, that inch made my lower legs quite sweepy.

    But my pride comes from the work it took to get there. I was influenced by Arnold and Tom Platz who talked about training calves every day for 30-60 minutes. Arnold also talked about shock bombing them with everything you can think of. This is exactly what I did. People would notice the enormous time I put into calves and the would say, all he does is calves which, wasn't true of course. Calves are painful too. I can remember one day doing endless descending sets, supersets, for an hour and a half straight and rolling around on the floor in agony and laughing as they quivered and pulsated. In the showers afterward, they were still quivering and on the way home, I was pumping the brakes involuntarily at I'd try to stop for a red light. I always had in mind the image of Tom Platz or Arnold back then.

    These days, good calf equip is hard to come by. My favorite excercise is the donkey and you don't see that at commercial gyms here on LI very often. And when you do, the stack only goes up to 400 pounds and there's no handlebars to add additional weight. It's a bummer and no one seems to really care about it. That's why I long for the good ole days! An ode to calves!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    When I deadlifted 200kg(450ibs) the first time. It was a LONG way to get that weight up. I had pulled 180kg(405ibs) 2 years before but was stuck at that weight for ages. Then I ****ed my back up.

    So the day I managed to pull 200kg was bloody amazing. One of the happiest moments in my life because I proved to myself I can overcome any shit life throws at me.

    Benching 160kg(360ibs) feelt pretty sweat aswell. But nothing close to the deadlift.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Seeing my abs for the first time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Hmm, hard to put a finger on it but I suppose one of my proudest moments was when I was on a training course for a new job and I told the guy doing the training that I worked out and he said "Well I can see that!" - sounds silly, I know, but it meant alot to me at the time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    i have many. when im at work, wearing a big, baggy black shirt that is about as flattering to the physique as a potatoe sack, and still people comment on how big i am, and ask advice on how they too can get big. at my age (21) that makes me feel very proud, and makes me realise that by the time im 25, i will likely be a monster. thats the first one i can think of, like i said, there are loads more

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