Why the hell do fvcking people use a wierd fvcking language and not talk like fvcking normal human beings who speak english
This fvcking pisses me off like crazy I do not almost understand anything and sometimes I just wanna repeat what they said followed with a HA!!?? and then smash their heads...but the thought of jail always comes rushing...
A couple of things I have a problem with
1-When people Sup dog?
Since people who say that have no problem with it I hope they dont mind me saying "nothing much monkey"
2-when people say "sup home boy"
I just wanna say "kiss my ass you fvcking bitch"
3-when people say "I gotsta axe yo smth"
Ok so someone has to AXE me?? awesome...FVCKING AWESOME
ITS ASK!!! A....S...K!!!! ASK ASK axe is something to chop heads off
4-when people say "he be...trippin....shizzlin nizzling or whatever the fvck they say"
I have to work with people like that all fvcking day long and 1st few weeks I started I couldnt fvcking understand what the fvck they were saying.
Ofcourse being at work, I have to be nice and say yeah ok have a nice day where as I really wanna say "FVCK you mutherfvckering idiot"
I love when I see some of em outside the store and Im free to say whatever and they feel the need to say hey or smth like that...and Im fvcking rude....haha....oh well.....
Fvck ebonics, FVCK RAP, save the enlgish language