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Thread: Need some advice....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Need some advice....

    Heres the problem:
    My good friend is a shovinist/racist and my girlfriend is mixed race white/black. (Im white). He wont let it rest.

    I have know my friend for a while, we are in the same career field, workout partners. My girl I met a couple of months ago, and have serious intentions with. Shes got her head on right, no drugs got a good career ect... shes great.
    Every dam time I talk with my friend he brings up the "still seein' the dark stuff" comments. Furthermore, this is the kind of guy he is. He is complely disrespectful to his father and his step-mom. He argues with her when he's in town to the point that is not allowed to stay with his father when he's in town. He was constantly downing my X-girlfriend for different BS reasons, but I tried to overlook it.

    Im not sure what to do. If I get on him hes probably going to throw a fit maybe just stop talking to me altogether. I havent said anything to him yet, but I dont think it will go well, and Im kind of felling like he's going to have to go if my relationship is going to stay, but I hate to do that

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    I just wouldn't have a friend like that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    if he is ur friend thn he shouldnt make a big deal about the race/ethnicity of ur girl, esp. if u mention tht it annoys u. i think u have to make tht clear to him, tht this is not some fling, and he needs to get used to it. friends should always try and make friends gf's feel welcome unless she had actually done something to offend him which it doesnt sound like.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Yeah,fvck him..

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    ninja dojo, UK
    im suprised your friend has any friends with that attitude

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    yah your friend sucks..

    Ditch the friend.. and dont let him back in your life until he changes his ways..
    U'll be doing him the biggest favor..

    If u dont got the guts to do this, well than u are his lil bitch.
    and u deserve nothing, u dont deserve your gf.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Whats the point of having a friend like that? I'd be embarrassed to go out with him in public. Tie him to a streetlamp in Compton with a white cape on.

  8. #8
    doesnt sound like an actual friend to me at all..

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Tell him how you feel about your girl, and you don't like his comments...if he can't accpet that...fvck him...he's a loser then. Doesn't matter if race is involved or not...would you tolerate anyone disrespecting your woman for any reason? Lets say your girl is white, with small tits...are you gonna tolerate your friend talking about her little tits.....hell no........again I say fvck him....if you don't, like said earlier, you're his bitch so just bend over or drop to your knees.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I just wouldn't have a friend like that.
    Exactly what I was thinking.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    From a woman’s point of view... if I somehow found out that my boyfriend "allowed" his friend to repeatedly make bad comments about me (even if I found out much later) I would not only be hurt, but I really think twice about the "man" I have chosen for myself. A girl wants someone who will stick up for her, and protect her to anybody, at all costs. So, my advice is to stop pussyfooting around and give the guy a piece of your mind, and if he doesn't listen knock him out and laugh in his face. (LOL you don't have to go that far... but it sounded good in my head ).. And hope to god that your girl doesn't ever realize how long it took you to do so. =) I know its hard when it's a friend, but you just have to remember that it's really YOU that you are sticking up for and YOU shouldn't take shit from anyone. Good luck buddy =)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    We live in a racist and prejudice world. We cannot help to have some prejudices. The point is to be aware and to make the best decision in any given circumstance.

    Watch the movie " Crash"...This is the world that we live in and the people that you and I are. PERIOD. To think otherwise is just foolish and naive.

    Your boy is jealous and more than likely has a fear of losing you to her. You should talk to him about disrespecting your girl though. Regardless of any faults she may or may not have, he shouldnt be dissin her to you.

    Good luck man, friends are few and far between. Girls come and go. Unless this is "the one". Either way, you need to talk with him. Soon.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristofer68ss
    We live in a racist and prejudice world. We cannot help to have some prejudices. The point is to be aware and to make the best decision in any given circumstance.

    Watch the movie " Crash"...This is the world that we live in and the people that you and I are. PERIOD. To think otherwise is just foolish and naive.

    Your boy is jealous and more than likely has a fear of losing you to her. You should talk to him about disrespecting your girl though. Regardless of any faults she may or may not have, he shouldnt be dissin her to you.

    Good luck man, friends are few and far between. Girls come and go. Unless this is "the one". Either way, you need to talk with him. Soon.

    I disagree. If your an asshole Im going to say your an asshole regardless of race/color. Prejudice based on race/color is for 60's Mississippi hillbillys.

  14. #14
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    Heres the problem:
    My good friend is a shovinist/racist and my girlfriend is mixed race white/black. (Im white). He wont let it rest.

    I have know my friend for a while, we are in the same career field, workout partners. My girl I met a couple of months ago, and have serious intentions with. Shes got her head on right, no drugs got a good career ect... shes great.
    Every dam time I talk with my friend he brings up the "still seein' the dark stuff" comments. Furthermore, this is the kind of guy he is. He is complely disrespectful to his father and his step-mom. He argues with her when he's in town to the point that is not allowed to stay with his father when he's in town. He was constantly downing my X-girlfriend for different BS reasons, but I tried to overlook it.

    Im not sure what to do. If I get on him hes probably going to throw a fit maybe just stop talking to me altogether. I havent said anything to him yet, but I dont think it will go well, and Im kind of felling like he's going to have to go if my relationship is going to stay, but I hate to do that
    He sounds like a negative influence. Why do you want negative people around you? They will only bring you down. Get rid of him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristofer68ss
    You should talk to him about disrespecting your girl though. Regardless of any faults she may or may not have, he shouldnt be dissin her to you.
    Faults? He said his gf is mixed. He has not stated any faults. The guy is ragging on her because she is mixed.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Why do you need a dickhead like this for a friend !!!

  16. #16
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Why do you need a dickhead like this for a friend !!!
    That is the same thing I am thinking. I would not stand for it. I don't make friends with assholes. I *had* a friend until I found out he is racist against White people. I ditched his ignorant ass and let him know how stupid he is.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    Racism is bad enough - but he is distrepsecting you and ur girl - u sure he is a friend

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    1-Call Michael Jackson up for advice....

    2-Get a white GF

    3-Ditch the racist

    mmm I dunno it's sooo hard to decide......

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    1-Call Michael Jackson up for advice....

    2-Get a white GF

    3-Ditch the racist

    mmm I dunno it's sooo hard to decide......

    I am going with option 1 !!! And here he is

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    I am going with option 1 !!! And here he is
    You are correct keep your GF and you keep your friend!!!!

    only problem is she keeps losing her nose...but she'll get used to it

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    You are correct keep your GF and you keep your friend!!!!

    only problem is she keeps losing her nose...but she'll get used to it

    Holy shit! bwhahahahahahah

    Your funny, your so damn funny......or maybe I'm really bored. Who knows?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    People who have anti semitic views and racists personalities are just very close minded people and won't every really be able to enjoy life spending so much emotion and energy on something so negative,all that bs starts in the home and it's probably not his fault but if he's not willing to change I'd say stay away from him.Negative energy screws with your mind and in order to stay positive we have to surround ourselves with positive people,did you ever hear that saying "IF YOU HANG OUT WITH SHIT YOUR GONNA SMELL LIKE IT"Well don't be that guy, if you like this girl I'd say keep her away from your friend.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    state your buisiness and let him know the deal.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Thankx, It was'nt such a hard question. I guess I was hoping that to flat out ditch him was'nt the anwser. Ive thought about it and Im gonna have to confront him about it, then ball is then in his court. If he chooses to remain the same.... than friendship over, if not well I dono, Ill go from there.

    He really does'nt have much to be against her for, he made "black meat" hints from the beginning. My grl and I got into it a couple months back (almost broke up), and I asked his advice. Of course that argument has become something for him to use against her.

    Ive let my girl know whats up with him, and that I was probably going to drop him. I shot him an email today...the first time in a month or so. He seems to want to keep being a *rick about it. He'll be back in country/town in two weeks and I suspect he'll show up at my place.

    To think this guy is going to be a physician???? Sad for the medical profession, and patients.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I disagree. If your an asshole Im going to say your an asshole regardless of race/color. Prejudice based on race/color is for 60's Mississippi hillbillys.
    tell that to your 10 oclock news brother. Or how about the show, cops.
    Whatever man. This is a racist or very least a brainwashed prejudiced country.
    How about Iraqis, I am sure you have no reservations there either.

    Wake up.

    You took my concept of prejudice in the simplest form possible. Its really not as black and white as your trying to make it.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    He sounds like a negative influence. Why do you want negative people around you? They will only bring you down. Get rid of him.

    Faults? He said his gf is mixed. He has not stated any faults. The guy is ragging on her because she is mixed.
    We all have faults. He is a buddy diggin on his homeys girl. Color I am sure is just part of it. There is no perfect man or women. I never said color was a fault.
    Last edited by Kristofer68ss; 08-13-2006 at 10:15 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Is in there some kinda of saying... Your are who your friends are.. OR show me your friends and i can.... i dont no exactly.... but if some has that saying please post

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristofer68ss
    tell that to your 10 oclock news brother. Or how about the show, cops.
    Whatever man. This is a racist or very least a brainwashed prejudiced country.
    How about Iraqis, I am sure you have no reservations there either.

    Wake up.

    You took my concept of prejudice in the simplest form possible. Its really not as black and white as your trying to make it.
    Ive been in a room with black men when I was the only white one..them hating on me..Ive also been in the room with white people telling "nigger" jokes. Should I label each race based on these experiences?

    Its funny you say its not as black and white as I say it is..

    The sooner people start treating people for who they are and not the color of their skin, the sooner we can get passed the things that divide us. Im not just talking about white people either..

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    Heres the problem:
    My good friend is a shovinist/racist and my girlfriend is mixed race white/black. (Im white). He wont let it rest.

    I have know my friend for a while, we are in the same career field, workout partners. My girl I met a couple of months ago, and have serious intentions with. Shes got her head on right, no drugs got a good career ect... shes great.
    Every dam time I talk with my friend he brings up the "still seein' the dark stuff" comments. Furthermore, this is the kind of guy he is. He is complely disrespectful to his father and his step-mom. He argues with her when he's in town to the point that is not allowed to stay with his father when he's in town. He was constantly downing my X-girlfriend for different BS reasons, but I tried to overlook it.

    Im not sure what to do. If I get on him hes probably going to throw a fit maybe just stop talking to me altogether. I havent said anything to him yet, but I dont think it will go well, and Im kind of felling like he's going to have to go if my relationship is going to stay, but I hate to do that

    no offense, your friends got issues, find a new one. and more than that, what kind of respect do you have for yourself to be associated with such a person??

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1974
    Heres the problem:
    My good friend is a shovinist/racist and my girlfriend is mixed race white/black. (Im white). He wont let it rest.

    I have know my friend for a while, we are in the same career field, workout partners. My girl I met a couple of months ago, and have serious intentions with. Shes got her head on right, no drugs got a good career ect... shes great.
    Every dam time I talk with my friend he brings up the "still seein' the dark stuff" comments. Furthermore, this is the kind of guy he is. He is complely disrespectful to his father and his step-mom. He argues with her when he's in town to the point that is not allowed to stay with his father when he's in town. He was constantly downing my X-girlfriend for different BS reasons, but I tried to overlook it.

    Im not sure what to do. If I get on him hes probably going to throw a fit maybe just stop talking to me altogether. I havent said anything to him yet, but I dont think it will go well, and Im kind of felling like he's going to have to go if my relationship is going to stay, but I hate to do that

    try respectfully and politely explaining to him that you really like this girl and you would appreciate it if he kept the racists crap to himself. if he cant understand that, then maybe hes not such a good friend.

    personally, id get pissed if i was in your situation, and id fu_kin snap if he pulled that crap in front of my woman

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Kster
    From a woman’s point of view... if I somehow found out that my boyfriend "allowed" his friend to repeatedly make bad comments about me (even if I found out much later) I would not only be hurt, but I really think twice about the "man" I have chosen for myself. A girl wants someone who will stick up for her, and protect her to anybody, at all costs. So, my advice is to stop pussyfooting around and give the guy a piece of your mind, and if he doesn't listen knock him out and laugh in his face. (LOL you don't have to go that far... but it sounded good in my head ).. And hope to god that your girl doesn't ever realize how long it took you to do so. =) I know its hard when it's a friend, but you just have to remember that it's really YOU that you are sticking up for and YOU shouldn't take shit from anyone. Good luck buddy =)

    exactly, imo its an unwritten rule that a man should protect his woman

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    bro's before ho's

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    You've been listening to too much G-unit

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
    You've been listening to too much G-unit
    f_ck g-unit. i'm down with blackwall street GuNot

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Whats the point of having a friend like that? I'd be embarrassed to go out with him in public. Tie him to a streetlamp in Compton with a white cape on.
    compton is cool.. i think inglewood is worse these days but.. all i had to do was walk thru the middle and i got my ass kickd outta the neighourhood before i got a few blocks in

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by spencer
    f_ck g-unit. i'm down with blackwall street GuNot
    mass respect

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    no offense, your friends got issues, find a new one. and more than that, what kind of respect do you have for yourself to be associated with such a person??
    ill be ur first new friend! <3

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    You're a lucky man to have a mixed girl, they are flaming hot. Dark hair, dark skin, kicking body. Your friend is just stuck in the past, I like all girls, I hear crap from some of my "girl" friends about liking asian and latino girls, but to me they are hot as hell. I see blondes every day at the salon and don't even bat an eye, but when a dark haired girl comes in in, I notice them. I also think jessica simpson is only "average" Jessica alba omg that's different, wow

  39. #39
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  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Bro, I only read the first line there and thats all it took to determine that he is not your friend if he can't show any respect for your girlfriend.

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