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  1. #1
    k0nsl's Avatar
    k0nsl is offline Banned
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    Apr 2002

    Stupid kid and AAS.

    Here is a short conversation I had with somebody who apparently understands nothing about the proper use of AAS. As you will notice I never even bothered to ask if he knew anything about "PCT", it was obvious to me that he did not.

    Well, here goes the ignorancy of today:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    hey i was wondering is that ur arm in the pic

    k0nsl säger:
    Yes, it is.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    thats not the size of ur muscle is it lol

    [CLUELESS] says:
    that big

    k0nsl säger:
    Well, it is almost fully flexed there.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    thats wicked so you go to the gym

    [CLUELESS] says:
    am straight btw lol

    [CLUELESS] says:
    not askin in a gay way

    k0nsl säger:
    Yes, I used to be in the gym all the time, but then I stopped for a short period of time, and now I am interested in bodybuilding again. Anyway, during the time I stopped for a short period of time, I did not lose much.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    ah thats wicked i went to the gym but i can't put on weight so i take steroids and haven't been working out with them

    [CLUELESS] says:
    i love the gym its ace

    [CLUELESS] says:
    so the body builder in the pic u sometimes have is that you

    k0nsl säger:
    Nice. But you should workout hard when you're using steroids!

    k0nsl säger:
    No, that is somebody I know.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    oh cool

    [CLUELESS] says:
    yea i usually do 2 hours when i go and i'm on them

    k0nsl säger:
    Ah okay, I see.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    lol do you inject or take the pills

    [CLUELESS] says:
    i blame [DELETION]

    [CLUELESS] says:

    k0nsl säger:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    oh i just take the tablet form

    k0nsl säger:
    I won't cycle again until I get more base.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    omg they are huge

    [CLUELESS] says:
    those people

    k0nsl säger:
    Yeah, they're big. Its hardwork & dedication!

    [CLUELESS] says:
    are the tablets you take pink

    k0nsl säger:
    Yes, they are pink, but I am not going to use them yet.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    haha i have the same i take 5 a day for 5 days a week

    k0nsl säger:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    what time is it in [DELETION] now ?

    k0nsl säger:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    oh an hour ahead cool

    [CLUELESS] says:
    1 day i was so bored i spent all night trying to work out the picture on the tablet lol

    k0nsl säger:
    Snake & Arrow.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    is that what it is ah man i had no idea

    [CLUELESS] says:
    are they expensive where you are ?

    k0nsl säger:
    I don't think they are expensive. [DELETION].

    [CLUELESS] says:
    OMG thats much cheaper than me

    [CLUELESS] says:
    £40 1 months course

    k0nsl säger:
    That seems like quite a lot for a one month usage.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    so about 70 dollars i think

    [CLUELESS] says:
    or maybe more

    k0nsl säger:
    Well, that's not too bad I guess, if they're 10mg ones...

    [CLUELESS] says:
    huh no mine are 5MG [DELETION] told me

    k0nsl säger:
    The 5mg ones come in 1000/tabs per bottle.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    yea i have 5mg 1's

    k0nsl säger:
    OK. They are [DELETION] for 1000 tabs here.

    [CLUELESS] says:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    haha i am paying too much

    [CLUELESS] says:
    i get about 75 tablets for what i pay a month [70 dollars or more for 75 tablets--owww]

    k0nsl säger:
    Probably somebody who wants a little profit...

    [CLUELESS] says:
    yea [DELETION]

    [CLUELESS] says:
    haha i will have to find out where i can order them direct

    k0nsl säger:
    Well, I can't tell that.

    [CLUELESS] says:
    ah ok

    [CLUELESS] says:
    ok what do you recommend i go on

    [CLUELESS] says:
    you seem to know what your talking about

    [CLUELESS] says:
    i have been taking mine for a few months and haven't had any dramtic affect on weight or anything

    k0nsl säger:
    Well, Dianabol /Anabol works good, but I would include an injectable testosterone - a long acting ester like Enanthate , for 12-14 weeks and run the Dbol 's for 4 or 5 weeks in the beginning of the cycle. That is a common "newbie" cycle.

    k0nsl säger:
    Do you have a photograph of your tabs, perhaps they are fake?

    [CLUELESS] says:
    yea i can take a photo of my tablets now

    k0nsl säger:
    You took 5 tabs a day, correct? That's 25mg. I would use 40-50mg at a minimum. Otherwise there won't be any dramatic changes. Don't you feel pumped at all?

    [CLUELESS] says:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    i feel nothing on them

    k0nsl säger:
    That is very, very strange...and on top if it all you pay so much too :/

    [CLUELESS] says:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    u know who [DELETION] is yea

    k0nsl säger:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    yea he is who i get them off but only thing is he takes them too

    [CLUELESS] says:
    and he feels nothing and he takes like 10 a day [50mg]

    [CLUELESS] says:
    hes bin on them for 8 months and is still skinny lol

    k0nsl säger:
    Doesn't sound so good. Perhaps they aren't real? Might be good in the end, since doing them for eight months straight would be fatal for the liver. Just to name one.

    [CLUELESS] says:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    i think ur right i'll takes pictures now

    k0nsl säger:

    k0nsl säger:
    I would never run Dbol for more than eight weeks. Usually gains stop being noticed after 4-5 weeks anyway, so...

    k0nsl säger:
    But it depends on the person too, of course.

    [CLUELESS] says:

    haha i think i broke the camera

    [CLUELESS] says:

    [CLUELESS] says:
    i xommed in full and took a picture on flash and it went off and won't turn on lol

    [CLUELESS] says:
    OMG i have broke the camera

    [CLUELESS] says:
    it wont switch on
    Skinny guys doing Dianabol thinking its some type of wonder-drug - yeah, that sure sounds like the bell of success!

    Luckily the person I spoke with is being ripped of. I write "luckily" because otherwise his health would have been in a very bad condition - same for his friend, who apparently ran this stuff for eight months...

    I have edited out names and prices and made a couple of his comments in bold and inserted brackets with comments.
    Last edited by k0nsl; 08-16-2006 at 07:27 PM.

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    I've seen that too many times to keep the convo going anymore

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Seriously this kid shouldn't be using anything. But really nobody on this board had done a shitty cycle. Or had no clue what they were doing first? Oh i forgot everyone was an expert and reached their natural limits first

    The kid is probably getting shitty advice from someone. The advice is just as good as telling him 8 months on an oral is FATAL to his liver. Its def. not something I would recommend but let not exaggerate. This board flames and makes fun of more people them i ever seen on any board. Except maybe Elite.

  4. #4
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I can't read that BS, what i am wondering is why you would even have a conversation with such an idiot?
    ***No source checks!!!***

  5. #5
    rar1015's Avatar
    rar1015 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Kids a moron IMO.

  6. #6
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    flying from the ashes
    sounds kinda young too or very stupid

  7. #7
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    LOL. nice convo lol

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