spray poop on the walls
is way
that messed you
sigmond got right in my way and cock blocked me with his *****......
Cat that is
well at least you are considerate enough to realize what a guy!!
Its Ojk this is just a round about way of POst WhorING in a sleeker newer less conspicuos wy
I'm Audi 5000
I know im special like that nine
Im a whore
im on a roll
Wheres ninja gone?
I made this, you are an intruder
on toast
anal whip
down the road
boner or city
sensual rape
I am the ruler you are my apprentice
this thread should now be known as "First thing that comes to sigmans mind"
sarah evans
sarah evans
dirty nuts
pepperoni nipples
live in a shopping cart
picture of poop
butter face
dick batter
loud noises
short soup on five penguins
you lick anal beads
save the whales ...harpoon the fat chicks
kick japanese lady boys in the head
i say down with skirts
who said that ?
keith urban is a fukkin slug
i seen that once ...dried squirell poop
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