bunky cock
cock bunky
bunky on me from the cock
No bunky on you from the cock
bunky all over the place, all in my hair.
Dsm your too Gay
JBm will give you bunky
The cube
skinny gay guy
gonna f u up
peachy whats happening bro??
uh siggo peachuz...this must be the tiny people fest.
Voland you funny man you
yeah, life good i'm still jobless, houseless, carless, muscleless.
Take that jealous bytches.
whats up Voland? Havnt seen my whores around for a minute now
Haha what more could you ask for voland..lol
Im all alone
Everybody has run and left me
uh yeah and my girl is getting fatter by the day.
what do ya want me to say...i'm for teh WIN hah
im scurred. i'm all alone??
You have it all voland you dont know how lucky you are
Wheres peach jizz gone?
Im thinking going back to college. spend 4 years more studing while i expect the crisis to get over...i'll be doing something fancy and job-oriented. Dental prosthetic. Those guys get paid GOOD.
Bloody lazy whores
Maybe thats a plan then voland
im a transgender
yup i'm afriad thats it. i can't apply till next may and i expect to be selected.
I'll try some personal training till the. Working on some leaflets and biz cards. Home made photoshop noob notch work.
Hopefully you'll get some work from that voland cos mays a good few months away
Peach why you pink?
yeah i just got the prices of what PTs are charging and i'm dumping the prices...haha some people will hate me![]()
Gotta be done voland fuk it
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