gay ninja
dsm 4 gay
22000 here I come
what was the point of that thread??
big heads getting
gaybm where are you??
arrow pointed thread
he's scared
I'm here siggay
hey hey hey
siggay is the gay
its mr gay gay gay
Hows it going j?
sup siggy how's the baby
I can see little j is turning into big j
nice to hear that! what's her name?
We called her "Emma"
Last edited by sigman roid; 11-02-2009 at 08:34 AM.
we gotta take her for a hearing test today
nice name! Emma.... you are now a father of 4 right?
yeah 4 girls j
hearing test why?
Its just something they do to all newborn babies j
whats happening EL
ok! we don't have that here... what we have is newborn screening!
Great thanks...... Even better now since u have a name now
JBM how was Saturday's typhoon there??
yeah i heard there was another 1 heading your way j glad it missed you bro
Our country is hit by typhoon more than 20x a year!
I gotta go and get ready ,i'll catch up with you boys later
later siggay
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