ninja gave my his car
ninja gave my his car
jbm won the lottery!
do they have cars in the phillipines
none only spaceships
damn it feels good to be a gangsta
brown gangsta
jbm is from the future
jbm is a highly sophisticated sex robot
jbm changes the future
jbm was on dancing with the stars
he got a boner while dancing with a man
dancing with whores
line dancing
brown cow
cock gobbler
ninja lost his weener again
brown boner
ninja uses my used condoms
I lost it in jbm's mouth
and your butt hole
Wet back greaser
michael Bolton
michael phelps
mike and the mechanics
O face
ninja eats poop
your moms butt plug
glade plug in
I don't eat poop!
I eat pizza!
small pimping
ninja eats cow dung
jbm is cow dung
jbm has a digital watch
and jean shorts
and mesh jerseys
jbm has side burns
and flip flops with socks
TPS reports
murder in the 1st
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