How many frogs can you fit in your anus?
How many frogs can you fit in your anus?
I have done 6
I have a magic instrument
It does magic in the vaj
Go triangle fishy
You did it fishy
Now im gonna kill you and eat you
Mission completed
I took one for the team when i did your mum
She wanted more but her vaj stunk
More more more
Temper temper biotch
Starts tonight at 6
No thanx
What sound does sparky make?
How do i know foo
Be careful or i knock you out
Yeah im talking to you
3 stars and a bum
39 is gonna be 60
Must carry on
Its the only way
Other than anal that is
16 to 60
Roar roar
Sparky looks darky
I lost my nut sack somewhere
Hcg cycle with no gear
Hot diggady dog
10 t0 the 60
Do you like scratching?
What is it?
Dont hate the player hate the game
Not a clue
I dont know
Dont be a naughty
Daisy duck had a fuk
Sigman your so funny
I know i cant help it
New page please
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