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As far as reaching out to the Muslim world with Aid...I get the sentiment and the purpose the only problem is the countries, nations, teaching a generation to hate Israel, Jews, America, infidels, etc...would not allow our aid in their country for one thing and secondly, they don't need it. They are so flush with petrodollars they could build every man woman and child a 5 bedroom home equipped with the most modern convienances. They could send every one of their college age children to any University in the world....money is not what they need...reason is what needs to break out. Some very brave people are gonna have to stand up and say "ENOUGH!" to the mullahs, and ayatollahs, and dictators. The ruling factions in these countries will never allow peace to break out...if that occured and it was apparent Israel, the US, and Europe were not the threats they were led to believe they were, then those citizens would eventually turn inward and ask their government why they live in the conditions they do....the ruling factions cannot have that...they have to have an external threat to stay in power.