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Thread: What is YOUR solution to the middle east dilemma?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    What is YOUR solution to the middle east dilemma?

    There are some very intelligent bro's on here with a lot of different opinions.

    I am very curious to see what some of you think would be a proper solution to the middle east problems. PLEASE only post serious answers here, unless you really feel nuking Iran would be feasible to your solution.

    I'd like to keep this civil if possible, but I'm not holding my breath

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    There are some very intelligent bro's on here with a lot of different opinions.

    I am very curious to see what some of you think would be a proper solution to the middle east problems. PLEASE only post serious answers here, unless you really feel nuking Iran would be feasible to your solution.

    I'd like to keep this civil if possible, but I'm not holding my breath
    A proper solution would be to take 2 steps back form all directions. Get
    rid of the media. It seems that more things happen when the camera's
    are there to broadcast to the world.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    A proper solution would be to take 2 steps back form all directions. Get
    rid of the media. It seems that more things happen when the camera's
    are there to broadcast to the world.
    usign UFA suggestion , And livign in an assumingly more civilized world than we used to live in , we need to first stop the media from spewing carnage 24/7 on those issues and have the leading ppl sit and talk to how they can compensate the rising situation , i am sure this isnt as easy i say it , but the world leaders need to realize we as human beings need to survive together cause we r gonna be living here anyways , each involved party needs to make it clear that there is no hostility towards each other , till there is hostility a solution cannot be reached , for ppl who will say O remember 9/11 ! well we have killed mroe than 2000 civilains in 3 different countries to show our response , and if u say we cannot stop now , then u r part of the problem .............. the other side wont stop till u stop , because they have been envoked and by killing more and more its fuel to the fire , for the fire to be put out we as USA have to take the first step and , if those fvckers still do it then guess the world will know who the real culprit is .

  4. #4
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    I posted in another my suggestion...can't find it now, so here goes...

    What must happen: Israel
    1. Return to 1948 borders. Relinquish the "occupied" land to whoever...let them fight over it.

    What must happen: Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc..
    1. Acknowledge Israel right to exist, cease hostile or offensive actions. Reign in, disband, disarm, etc...militant groups advocating violence against Israel.

    Too simple I know....I can't wait for the "yea but" responses.

  5. #5
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    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Teabagger
    I posted in another my suggestion...can't find it now, so here goes...

    What must happen: Israel
    1. Return to 1948 borders. Relinquish the "occupied" land to whoever...let them fight over it.

    What must happen: Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc..
    1. Acknowledge Israel right to exist, cease hostile or offensive actions. Reign in, disband, disarm, etc...militant groups advocating violence against Israel.

    Too simple I know....I can't wait for the "yea but" responses.
    I would change the Israel comment to 1967 borders, but the issue of Jerusalem will be difficult to say the least, perhaps if it were made an international city or something.......I dont pretend to have the answer on this one.

    As to the other, I agree. First accept the fact Israel is here to stay, stop the terror, and then perhaps..........

  6. #6
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Teabagger
    I posted in another my suggestion...can't find it now, so here goes...

    What must happen: Israel
    1. Return to 1948 borders. Relinquish the "occupied" land to whoever...let them fight over it.

    What must happen: Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc..
    1. Acknowledge Israel right to exist, cease hostile or offensive actions. Reign in, disband, disarm, etc...militant groups advocating violence against Israel.

    Too simple I know....I can't wait for the "yea but" responses.

    agree, but this is just one side of the problem. id add to this:

    4: reach out to the muslim world, increasing aid, support where its is needed while floating american propaganda..... if a saudi kid sees a basketball court in his town donated by the US govt, chances are that kid wont become a terrorist. i think that with our recent action we've created a whole new generation of terrorist wannabes. this is a very alarming thought. we need to try to reverse that. israel is a great ally but we need not piss our enemies off any further. arroagance is a silly stance when dealing with innocent lives.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    agree, but this is just one side of the problem. id add to this:

    4: reach out to the muslim world, increasing aid, support where its is needed while floating american propaganda..... if a saudi kid sees a basketball court in his town donated by the US govt, chances are that kid wont become a terrorist. i think that with our recent action we've created a whole new generation of terrorist wannabes. this is a very alarming thought. we need to try to reverse that. israel is a great ally but we need not piss our enemies off any further. arroagance is a silly stance when dealing with innocent lives.
    I understand what you are saying but, I dont see how the basic demand for a nations right to live, to exist ,is considered arrogant or silly.

  8. #8
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    IF U.S. involvement in the affairs of Israel were to cease, would the terrorist attacks and general violence cease or at least be toned down?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    There are some very intelligent bro's on here with a lot of different opinions.

    I am very curious to see what some of you think would be a proper solution to the middle east problems. PLEASE only post serious answers here, unless you really feel nuking Iran would be feasible to your solution.

    I'd like to keep this civil if possible, but I'm not holding my breath
    i believe the best solution is to give all the countries their own nuke.....that can't reach anywhere except the middle east of course.....then they all nuke eachother and we take the oil

  10. #10
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    In the Gym, if i could
    the news article would be????????????
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  11. #11
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    In the lounge it works fine, till some one gets out of line..
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  12. #12
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    Completely withdraw and sever all ties with Israel - no offense teabagger but how does the USA benefit off of being an ally to Israel? U.S. defense contractors will still make money either way by selling jets and weapons to Israel. If we sever all ties with Israel, there will be no reason for the Muslim Extremists to hate America. Let Israel and the Palestinians solve their own problem, and let Iraq rebuild itself.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    the news article would be????????????
    I see plenty of nonsense not relating to news in this forum, this is a discussion of a newsworthy topic. I'm ok with it being in the lounge, but I'm afraid the thread will get lost with all the nonsense posted in the lounge before all the regulars in the news section get to comment...

    Oh well.

  14. #14
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    Nothing, they been doing it since bibilicial times. It's a religion thing ( I mean think about it if it wasn't the "principle of the thing" who would fight over a freaking dessert full of rubble and rocks?
    ps in before the lock

  15. #15
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    I see plenty of nonsense not relating to news in this forum, this is a discussion of a newsworthy topic. I'm ok with it being in the lounge, but I'm afraid the thread will get lost with all the nonsense posted in the lounge before all the regulars in the news section get to comment...

    Oh well.
    when you find one, report it and it will be taken care of..

    i closed this one at 1st read.. then opened it, and moved it because i thought it was good..

    carry on
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    I would change the Israel comment to 1967 borders, but the issue of Jerusalem will be difficult to say the least, perhaps if it were made an international city or something.......I dont pretend to have the answer on this one.

    As to the other, I agree. First accept the fact Israel is here to stay, stop the terror, and then perhaps..........
    Why the 1967 border? As far as Jerusalem, making this an international city seem reasonalble and I have head it before. Perhaps have it administered by the Vatican. It is home, or at least central to the worlds 3 largest religions.

  17. #17
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    As far as reaching out to the Muslim world with Aid...I get the sentiment and the purpose the only problem is the countries, nations, teaching a generation to hate Israel, Jews, America, infidels, etc...would not allow our aid in their country for one thing and secondly, they don't need it. They are so flush with petrodollars they could build every man woman and child a 5 bedroom home equipped with the most modern convienances. They could send every one of their college age children to any University in the is not what they need...reason is what needs to break out. Some very brave people are gonna have to stand up and say "ENOUGH!" to the mullahs, and ayatollahs, and dictators. The ruling factions in these countries will never allow peace to break out...if that occured and it was apparent Israel, the US, and Europe were not the threats they were led to believe they were, then those citizens would eventually turn inward and ask their government why they live in the conditions they do....the ruling factions cannot have that...they have to have an external threat to stay in power.

  18. #18
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    i am not going to comment on this post, the only thing i can say without getting into detail is this, the US already screwed up and got involved, if we would back at now, it would be even worse. i dont think there can be a peaceful solution,i see this to continue for years and years to come. peace in the middle east is a hopeful wish, i dont think in any of our lives we will see it actualy happen

  19. #19
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    No offense taken...hey you have your opinion. Why are we allies with Israel...maybe for one its just the right thing to do. Why did we get involved in Somalia?? It was the right thing to do. Why did we get involved in Kosovo and stop the ethinc cleansing of was the right thing to do. Neither of those adventures held any tactical or strategic, or economic benefit for the US. Why do we send billions of dollars of aid to Africa? We never had a colony there, we owe that continent nothing...we do it because maybe its the right thing to do. Doing the right thing is not always easy, or popular, and most times is actually painful and very unpopular, but what do you do?

    Why are we sending 200 some odd million dollars to Lebanon? To a country that supports, defends, and gives sanctuary to Hezbollah...the same Hezbollah that exploded a truck bomb in Lebanon at our Marines barracks, killing 200 some?? The marines were part of a peace keeping!?

    Turning our backs on Israel is not the would not fix anything. We have to finally understand the radical muslims, the Islamofascists, do not and will not accept peace with infidels...end of story.

  20. #20
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    Like tupac sang about in the 90's "there's war in the streets and war in the middle east, instead of a war on poverty they have a war on drugs so the police can bother me" shlt will go on forever until one side wipes out the other. I think we should just take the women and the oil and let them kill each other (have you seen a hot middle eastern chic, omg)

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Teabagger
    As far as reaching out to the Muslim world with Aid...I get the sentiment and the purpose the only problem is the countries, nations, teaching a generation to hate Israel, Jews, America, infidels, etc...would not allow our aid in their country for one thing and secondly, they don't need it. They are so flush with petrodollars they could build every man woman and child a 5 bedroom home equipped with the most modern convienances. They could send every one of their college age children to any University in the is not what they need...reason is what needs to break out. Some very brave people are gonna have to stand up and say "ENOUGH!" to the mullahs, and ayatollahs, and dictators. The ruling factions in these countries will never allow peace to break out...if that occured and it was apparent Israel, the US, and Europe were not the threats they were led to believe they were, then those citizens would eventually turn inward and ask their government why they live in the conditions they do....the ruling factions cannot have that...they have to have an external threat to stay in power.
    For sure.

  22. #22
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    Maybe if everyone just finally got real and told each other how we really feel. I mean if you live in America and a group of muslims move right next door, what do you think they "really" think? the first thing they would say is something against muslims. It's a shame that we can't set down and take as men, but hell you can't talk to alot of muslims w/o getting pissed off. They have a low opinion of women, I was basically raised by a single mother and find that fuked up. Not knocking their religion, it's just I don't see any need to be murdered while everyone smiles and says "it's not their fault" fuk that. It's time to get real and help the ones that want help and get rid of the extremist. I'm about tired of the whole "middle east thing" I'm 33 and heard about this shlt all my life. Moving on to something more positive (hoping a plane doesn't crash into the building or am poisoned because I live in America)

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    I understand what you are saying but, I dont see how the basic demand for a nations right to live, to exist ,is considered arrogant or silly.

    my comment about arrogance was related to the US creating a new generation of terrorists and seemingly not caring, not the israeli situation. i do believe in diplomacy by superior fire power to a certain degree but i think that liberals and conservatives alike will agree that we have entered a cyclical situation with the terrorists. they terrorize, we bomb the pee out of them, collateral damage creates more hatred for the US, they terrorize.......and so on and so on. we got lucky with this past incident with these nuts on planes. will we be so lucky next time(there will be a next time) i can only hope so.

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