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  1. #1
    BIGswang's Avatar
    BIGswang is offline Associate Member
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    pregancy harder or easier?

    hey guys just wondering is it easier to get a women pregnant while yur on juice or harder? comments please.

  2. #2
    zodiac666's Avatar
    zodiac666 is offline Senior Member
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    i would think if your balls are the size of marbles it would be harder to get a girl pregnant.

  3. #3
    BIGswang's Avatar
    BIGswang is offline Associate Member
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    what if my balls are normal looking just shrunk abit just into my 14 week almost finished. does it make a differnece

  4. #4
    zodiac666's Avatar
    zodiac666 is offline Senior Member
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    hopefully someone else with more knowledge will answer this for you but im pretty sure it would be much harder on cycle.

  5. #5
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Deffinitly... but less fertile

    Most men will bring there sperm count down to null after a few weeks of 300mg or more of testosterone . Doses of 100 or 200mg per week are less suppressive (depending on the dose) but at anything 300mg or higher; responsive men show a flatline in sperm counts. You can check the abstracts and search these forums for supporting articles... testosterone was being researched as a male contraceptive before it got tabooed as a scheduled drug.

    Testicular volume doesn't give you a good gauge as to wether you are shut down or not - the only sure way to know is to give up a sample to a fertility clinic. I did after a few weeks "on" and the doc reported zero kids - leading me to conclude: testosterone is an effective contraceptive for me.

    I wouldn't put all your faith in testosterone being an effective contraceptive for you - especially if you haven't had a sperm count done while on. Many here have been surprised with an unplanned pregnancy. And a gallon of T won't stop an STD from crampin' your pimp walk either...

  7. #7
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGswang
    hey guys just wondering is it easier to get a women pregnant while yur on juice or harder? comments please.
    It depends on the level of test used in your cycle . A moderate amount of test will make your horny as hell = more sac time = a baby? But high levels of test can actually drop your sperm count = reduced chance of a baby.

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