Damn that's an ugly ass fish!!
Take dat bak!Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
Fish looks like Butt-Head.....and this blind girl that used to ride on my bus in school.....man, she had the most beautiful eyes! lol
How much protein do you think is in that thing.....lolol
what the hell is it called? i want one.
he is cool can we eat him?
DAMN bro look at the teeth on that fvcker!!!!!!
Yeah that thing could bite the shit outta ya!!!!!!!!!!!
i bet he tastes real good![]()
alot of protein
sabertooth payaraOriginally Posted by Bojangles69
ha Go for itOriginally Posted by gsxxr
that is often called a wolf fish unlike it,s smaller cuosin witch is a true wolf fish.salt water is much more rewarding.but cool fish indeed
salt water doest have Bichirs which is only real fish i likeOriginally Posted by pumpd4lif
yea i was really big intom i have a coupkle oceanic tanks i had all kinda stuff liverockk anemanee,s or however u spell it i had a atlantic octapus which was incredible but my claim to fame is that i bought a shark egg(capsule )and hatched a baby(pup)bamboo shark it was awsome.i cut the egg open myself after so many weeks of its justation peroid so rewarding
wow i was actually goin to do that long ago when i read up on shark egg stuff heard its uber hardOriginally Posted by pumpd4lif
na bro it wasnt that hard really u just have to know what ur looking at more so if u decide to cut the capsule open itsel.they can live almost a month without eating after the egg hatches do to the egg sack attatched to there belly.but the first time the little sucker reacted to the fresh squid i put in there WOW it went bazerk awsome luved it.then one morning around 6:00 am my daughter gets up to go to the bathroom and says daddy its raining in the living room and me half asleep says go to the bathroom and get back in bed not thinkng i got up and the closer i got to the living room were my 4 tanks were i start to here the raining my self and what do u know my 75 gallon tank was half empty on the floor had 9 fish to eals and to black sea horses and they all servived but my reef tank was never the same after that.soo i took everthing down when i moved im not going to set it back up till i get a house
wat happened?Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
i think the shark knocked over one of the live rocks and put a crack in on of the seems it wasnt a really good tank if that had been my oceanic tank it woulda never broke that sucker has 1/4 glas all the way around and solid plexy glass (black)on the back it is also a 75 gallon with the trickle filter and everything it is worth around 1,100 to 1,500$$$$ cant wate to set that up i stole it from my boss he got all drunk when we were at his house and he was trying to show off in front of my wife cause he has alot of $$$ so the meathead said if u got 100$u can have it rite now i guess he thought i didnt have the money or something i pulled it outa of my pocket without hesitatation and backed my van up and loaded it up rite inifront of his drunk ass.my wife and i laughed all the way home SUCKER for a pretty lady hahahaha
omfg i envy You!Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
yea i throw it in his face every chance i get .the funny thing is he turned me on to salt water my first saltwater fish was a zebra morey all it eats is crustations bro crabs cray fish and it is blind as a bat but can feel them suckers as soon as u put them in the water then he grabs them and u can here the crunching sound (vilently)thru the glass awsome eel u can get one for abour 60$.very rewarding as well
yeah i like em alotOriginally Posted by pumpd4lif
i had a couple salts while back but i love my prehistoric Bichiers
yea they are pretty cool i must say i was really into the stone fish and the anglers im getting that itch again see what u did.i used to go into the fish store and drop like 200 $$ every week very addicting.i was in there so much when my tank broke the owner let me store all my corals and fish and anemanee,s in his store.Originally Posted by taiboxa
ha we dont have shit fer stores hereOriginally Posted by pumpd4lif
but 2-3 timrsd a month i get impots from amazons Pricy lil biches
yea u can order stuff online but alot of the dealers dont guarantee they make it there alivwe plus some of the dealers supliers use ****ing dynamite or syonide to catch the fish and i wont by from those people asholes always looking for the easy way out
my guy is goood been usin him for yearsOriginally Posted by pumpd4lif
has some of da coolest lung fish eva!
dynomite lol!
is the purpose of buying these fish just to watch it eat its prey?
Nice, what are you going to put it in? you seem to be filled up now. Looks like you would need like a 500 gallon tank when it is full grown and I have read up on them and they are a very active fish.Originally Posted by taiboxa
That's it I'm getting a tank again, you guys have got me all excited!
bah in captivity they usually dont get over a foot anda half w/o dying =[Originally Posted by goodcents
Originally Posted by taiboxa
I don't know, I think it has more to do with the people that had them putting them into too small of a tank. I see no reason they would not get big in a proper size tank, but it would have to be like 500 gallons or more to keep them. A good example is real black tip saltwater sharks, you would need a tank at least the size of a swimming pool to keep them till full size, but yet people would buy them at like 6" and then they die.![]()
Even little bamboo sharks need at least a 500 gallon tank, but people with 55-75 gallon tanks go out and buy them.
I saw one guy that had a lung fish in a 20 gallon tank, wtf?
Tai, how often do you do water changes? I do it like once or twice a week. I use the old fashion gravel pump, what do you use?
Hey goodcents, you got red bellies? - I used to keep them & might get some again - you got any pics of yours?
No I'm too poor to afford a digital camera right nowOriginally Posted by NotSmall
I will try to burrow a camera, they are pretty cool, but unless they are feeding (which they only do like once a day) they just swim around a little. You should get some, I have 3 about 6" (?) they were about 3-4" when I got them for $20 u.s. each, they had one almost full grown one for $30 u.s. but it was a new tank and didn't want to risk it. I was lucky though and had a tank already up, so I took some water and rock from it and bingo, no new tank die off waiting for it to cycle. I had 4, but they ate one because he was "hangin" with the goldfish
I used to have 6 of 'em that slowly wittled themselves down to 1 - survival of the fittest! They were only about 2" when I got 'em and the last one was about 8" when he died, I wanna get a big tank, like a 6' x 2' x 2' and get a dozen of the lil fuckers!Originally Posted by goodcents
i use nitro max too keep it goin plus massiuve amounts of bio filtration so 1x2weeks or soOriginally Posted by goodcents
like in my 150gal i got.. 400+Gal worth of filtratin 300 bein bio
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