i think tiger is on something ... hes getting swole lately what do you think
i think tiger is on something ... hes getting swole lately what do you think
He's been the same size for awhile..He just looks that way compared to fat and skinny golfers...He is in the best shape probably on tour with maybe a few exceptions...
lmfao you think he is juiceing?
I don't think so..
Originally Posted by bigron62
Wow .. its called eating a lifting weights and a clean diet..
Originally Posted by bigron62
you call that swoll? sh_t man, i was bigger than that years before i started juicing
he goes to the gym i go to sometimes, hes def a good size
Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
For a golfer
i didnt mean swole like a bodybuilder but he has gotten much bigger lately ..it just seems strange that all of a sudden he is getting big and is very dominant and confident again ...
Last edited by bigron62; 08-27-2006 at 07:43 PM.
He didn't get bigger all of a sudden..He's been this size for years now..
He has the money for one hellova trainer
ya I heard he can throw up 3 plates on bench, not bad for a golfer
Hes a pansy.
according to that bitch shannon daugherty in mallrats, "a good size" means small.Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
Tiger is not on steroids, PERIOD. However he is probably the best athlete at what he does, maybe in the history of sports, hard to say at this point, but at the end of career I think his legacy will be unparallel to anyones...
i heard something crazy like that too, he is a true athleteOriginally Posted by MeanMachine2000
I heard he can bench 300..Im guessing with that chest he cant.
I heard 350 but have no idea really..
I see a boney arm. He is filling out about half of that shirt sleeve.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
I heard he cant bench the bar and cries at night for no reason.
His wife is hot as hell and he's the best golfer or will be soon...So I doubt he cries about anything but probably rolls around in his money when feeling depressed...
lol thats funny shitOriginally Posted by Skullsmasher
I saw him at a PGA event. He is a stick. Remember, the camera adds 10 lbs.
If he can put up 300 then I can put up a cool 1000
Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
naw, im still natty, but thanks for the considerationOriginally Posted by bigron62
"My father would pretty much beat me unmercifully until I would listen and pick up a golf club. He always had that crazy look in his eyes"
---Tiger Woods
I think he just benches the bar with a 10lb on each side.
Beat him into millions then LOL...I wish my father would have done thatOriginally Posted by Skullsmasher
I know that we aren't really talking about this... but is anyone else sick of Tiger just winning everything. I think he's won like four tounaments in a row, that's a good carreer for some golfers. I hate how the pga championship was over by the eighth hole.
But anyway I think he is in pretty good shape for what he does. I hate looking at some of these fat, fat golfers out there that make people not respect golf.
it is sickening and don't know if they still allow it but i saw some of the fat bastads flicking their fvkin cigarrettes down on the grass to hit a shot then pick er back up and puff away....don't remember seeing it lately but i could have sworn i seen john daly do it....Originally Posted by bigpapabuff
tiger looks exactly the same every week...he is a model of consistency....of course i started a thread asking about pga and tiger getting tested for gear just out of sympathy for the other atheletes/sports that have to succomb to the tests and tiger stands out more than any in his game
No offence Roidattack but when he won his first Masters (8 years ago), I read a report that his max bench was 350; I don't know if that's true or not but he's obviosly not a hypertrophy guy. He's much larger than he used to and if golf has genetic freaks, he IS the freak. Funny this question came up as I was watching the PGA a few weeks back and thought "damn, I think he's juicing!" Hell, why not if it helps and whatever he's doing is working.Originally Posted by roidattack
He has singlehandedly increased the average professional golf drive hugely and it's not the equipment! When he hit the tour, the average card player was hitting 270 or so off the tee. Now, barring a few finesse golfers, they can all hit that off the deck with a three wood.
If you follow golf, it's hard not to admit that Tiger is the most rediculous golfer in history. They would have burned him for witchcraft for what he can do with a golf ball when people still believed in witches!![]()
Who cares golf is plain stupid, just like soccer, basketball,football and all ballgames...what the hell would motivate someone to run after a ball ?? I mean if it were money, pizza, a woman, Id understand...but its a fvcking ball, we should replaces these balls with money, pizza or women......balls just dont make sense
Come on Iron. What could be better on a beautiful day that spending an afternoon playing a competitive game of concentration and technical brute force on a HUGE, beautifully manicured "yard" with some friends. Hell, my yard is 1/5 acre and I love hanging out there.Originally Posted by IronFreakX
Plus, if you suck and walk the course in stead of ride, it's an awesome, fun low impact calorie burner. Since I suck, I typically walk close to eleven miles during a round (pedometer and gps to prove my zig-zag pattern). Embarassing to look at my walking path: it's not straight but it gives me a better view of the whole course.
or imagine, a game, you have a bag of $100K, running with it, or a huge chicago pizza, or maybe amy lee ok? and you run around with one of the 3 or 2 if its a big game! and whoeever wins gets to take the cash, eat the pizza or fvck amy lee??? but a ball ?? cmon dude, why the hell would I wanna run away with a ball, they want a ball hell they can keep it.Originally Posted by Grappler13
The only good thing about golf courses, is that we used to sneak into this course, drink, smoke and have sex, then they started getting security guards with dogs and all that crap...boooooo![]()
Plus there isnt enough violence in golf.....any actually......maybe the golfer slapping his stik boy (the dude that gives him the stiks) for giving him the wrong one...haha.....ok Im kidding, Im sleep deprevied but seriously...golf is gay.
To each his own. I'm hijacking this thread for the following question: What makes a sport a sport and a game a game? Is golf a sport or a game? Bowling? Baseball? BBing?Originally Posted by IronFreakX
Simple, golf is a game.
Sport: an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
Game:an amusement or pastime: children's games.
I know it says golf in the sport defition, but cmon compare boxing to golf...whats really more of a sport???
i cant see anything about that picture.
its a normal forarm.
When he pulls a Happy Gilmore and throws a club at a fan and then kills an Alligator, then we'll know he's juicing.
'Originally Posted by bigron62
WTF i got bigger then that with out prot or anything like that he is little
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