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Thread: Relationships gone wrong.
Relationships gone wrong.
Anyone recently gotten out of a relationship that maybe you didn’t want to ? I just did and man it $#%# sucks. I would rather go through almost any kind of physical pain then the emotional pain. I am trying to deal with it right now on my own and its going ok. The one and only person that I could normally run to with this is no longer there. Little over 3 years of my life and now she is gone. We still talk but maybe once a week. She just needed “time for herself”, she says. She is 23 (I know still a little young I guess) but I was 110% in love with this girl. We are friends and able to do anything we want with anyone but I can still feel the attraction when we do hang out. Honestly, I don’t even want to be with anyone else at this point but I know I can’t let her know that. Just playing the game I guess and hating it every minute of it. This is just one of the down times (thinking about it too much) so excuse the venting, thanks.
08-29-2006, 11:56 AM #2
I recently went through the same thing. Been dating a girl for about 4 years (she's 23 too) and she said basically the same thing, "time for herself." I recommend metting some nice moms at the gym. It helps with the recovery.
08-29-2006, 12:00 PM #3
Bro...know exactly what you're going thru. My ex-fiance and I split after 4 yrs in April...2 months before we were supposed to get married. I moved out and was under the impression that we were working things out for the next week or so, only to have her up and tell me one day when I called she was seeing someone else, never to call her again. What's worse, a guy I've known 10 yrs....not that we hung tight anymore, but still - total disrespect.
So all of a sudden I lost my home, I have a daughter who is almost 5, so her whole life she has known my ex and her family as a stepmom and grandparents...and she still asks questions about them and misses them etc...and it makes it really tough on me at times. Her family lived next door and we were all very close - unfortunately all the things that were good now that I have had time to sit back and look...had nothing to do with the relationship between me and her. It wasn't devastating that it happened, but HOW it happened.
Anyway bro, I thought I would literally kill myself because I didnt feel like waking up and thinking about the same sh!t everyday all day...and everyone tells u it gets better and u wonder how. Believe me it does, just how long it takes depends on the person. Keep your head up bro.
08-29-2006, 12:16 PM #4
You both probably need time apart - that means not contacting each other.
Your never going to be able to get over her if she is always around.
I don't take breaks from relationships - i either work on them or separate for good. - no contact at all
08-29-2006, 12:20 PM #5
Originally Posted by DSM4Life
Just keep your head up man. If it's meant to be, she will come back to you. If she doesn't, then she's not worth it, and you'll find somebody better. At least that's what people keep telling me....
08-29-2006, 12:23 PM #6
Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
You'll move on when YOU are ready.
thanks for comments guys. feels little better talking with people who have been through it. most people don't have a clue what I am going through. I want to just never cal her again and push her away which would be easy but this is the first X that I would want to stay friends with. she is that good of a person in my eyes. that is where I think I am having the problem.
08-29-2006, 12:25 PM #8
Originally Posted by DSM4Life
If you need to talk to someone bro, feel free to shoot me a PM.
that's what makes it hurt so bad . I would have killed for this girl and now she is out partying with some guy that just wants to get in her pants. eveytime I think about it I get a knot in my stomach.
ezcuse typing errors I'm on a cell phone writing these post.
08-29-2006, 12:33 PM #10
Originally Posted by DSM4Life
08-29-2006, 12:35 PM #11
What can i say i know my shit
08-29-2006, 12:40 PM #12
Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
08-29-2006, 12:41 PM #13
Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
Do you want to remember the past or live in it? - one of my lines
08-29-2006, 12:42 PM #14
Originally Posted by DSM4Life
08-29-2006, 12:50 PM #15
cut off contact, it is too hard, if it is meant to be,she will find you, you cn not make her comeback or make this work, walk away from it for awhile, give it time. if you force it, you willonly push her furthur away.
the emotional pain sucks, i would trade it for physical pain any day. it take everything outof you. i wish you the best, what you need is time to heal and time for things to work themselves out
08-29-2006, 12:52 PM #16
its a disease.. oneitis
learn to rid yourself of it and you'll enrich your life like you never thought was possible..
than scan down to section 15 of the following guide and read in its entirety
when it comes to *EFFECTIVE*, out of all the bullshit friends use to tell me , the above ALWAYS worked and had the best results, despite what misconceived BS people wanted to immerse themselves in and dump onto me.
much luck btw
it is what you think it is
08-29-2006, 01:00 PM #17
Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
Anyway shoot me a PM if you need someone to talk to, Im usually around.
08-29-2006, 01:23 PM #18
relationships are over'rated
get fish
08-29-2006, 01:34 PM #19
wtf is up with women, do they just have to stab you hard when they leave? (oh wait they do, I was talking to my buddy about this and we figured it out. They act like bitchez so that way you get mad and they can say" he was such a dick, etc.") Not flaming women but they don't act right, that's why flame all you want, but I try to not do business with women as vendors. I'm a pig I guess, but if they want respect, they should cut out the games and act right in business w/o getting pissed every time you bring up a "concern" or you don't "jump for joy" when they try to sell you something you can get cheaper from another supplier.
Sorry, kind of went off the subject, but feel better now
thanks for all kind words and pm. I didn't know so many people on here have been through this and plus some in other cases.
it just makes it hard because we where perfect. we never fought we loved each others families . I use to even hang out with her dad doing sporty full of girls on her side.. it just kind of snuck up and bit me when I totally didn't expect it. I have never in my life ever let someone in likei let her and she gives it up for what! partying! this just slowly turns the love that I had for her into anger.
I guess time will only tell. she caled me yesterday to talk about a new job and I was going to call her tomorrow but I am done calling her. I will wait for her move as painfull was it might be.
thanks again guys
08-29-2006, 01:43 PM #21
Another view point, when I was younger and had all the chics I wanted, I treated some of them like shit because I did'nt give a fuk about them. Women can always get dick, where as we have to always have game. My solution, import every hot chick from every damn country in the world and let the American women get a taste of their own medicine. Dick would be at a premium
08-29-2006, 01:46 PM #22
Originally Posted by goodcents
08-29-2006, 02:03 PM #23
Well...I'll post my two cents...since I'm coming from her point of view.
I broke it off with my ex of 15 heard right...15...and I'm only 31. When she says she needs time for herself...this means...I want to figure out what I want. In all aspects of life. She wants to know who she is now. At this age...things are still so complicated. At 23 your still trying to figure out where your future is an individual without a codependent relationship in the way. "Time for herself" also means....I want to meet new people...not necessarily for sex; but to enjoy the company of soooo many different individuals that will contribute to help her evolve into a mature woman.
I know it hurts hun...but; for me...I'm also hurting knowing the person who loves me the most is upset, sad, and hurting because of my actions. But, if I hadn't done this...I'd be hating myself, and terribly unhappy.
This does not mean I don't love him...just as I'm sure she still loves you...but there's more to a relationship than love. Once she knows HERSELF...than she'll know what she wants in life; with or without you. Be happy she's doing this now...and not 15 years later like me.
If in the have moved on...and she decides she has made a mistake...than that is something she will have to deal with personally.
Just because the person is the relationship breaker; doesn't mean they aren't hurting inside as me. Just because she seems like she's having the time of her life....where is she when she wakes up in the morning by herself.....wondering. Things aren't always what they seem!
Big hugs...chin up and know your not alone hun!
PinkieSomeone's Little Pumpkie
08-29-2006, 02:11 PM #24
Or another way to look at it is the way my friend put it one time "if she's not fuking you, she fuking someone else" I said no, she is just busy with alot of things right now. You know what, she was fuking alot of other guys
Women can play this bs because they are in "demand" take away the demand and they aren't shit
08-29-2006, 02:12 PM #25
Originally Posted by Pinkvelvet
Moral here - its easier believe it or not when you split in a manner in which you both do love each other or have strong feelings...versus bending over backwards for the one you love, and they not love you back.
08-29-2006, 02:22 PM #26
I dated someone for close to 8 years 16-24, we were engaged and all Hoopla...
I wasn't happy - was doing what was expected of me and not what i wanted to do. He called it and said that he knew when I was established and done school i would be gone. In that instant i knew he was right.
Relationships end.. Sometimes the person not feeling it anymore doesn't even realize how wrong the whole thing went - especially if there isn’t any hate between the two.
08-29-2006, 02:24 PM #27
Originally Posted by Mizfit
08-29-2006, 02:25 PM #28
Originally Posted by taiboxa
You'll have to let R & r know
08-29-2006, 02:27 PM #29
Originally Posted by Mizfit
08-29-2006, 02:30 PM #30
Originally Posted by taiboxa
08-29-2006, 02:32 PM #31
Originally Posted by Mizfit
08-29-2006, 02:34 PM #32
Originally Posted by taiboxa
08-29-2006, 02:36 PM #33
Originally Posted by Mizfit
08-29-2006, 02:48 PM #34
Love sucks.
It's an emotion that shouldn't exist cause when it's taken away from someone, it changes them.
Not for the better.
08-29-2006, 03:04 PM #35
Originally Posted by Mizfit
since you are about the only female that responds
08-29-2006, 03:51 PM #36
guess noone read my links..
"Romance writers of old are responsible for all the pain you’ve ever felt over lost love, remember monogamy and commitment, even the word “love” are a 100th as old as man, while sex and short pair bonds are timeless. No one ever killed themselves over losing a sex partner until someone decided co-dependant relationships were some mystical bond that must hurt when severed then told and wrote about it."
what else??
oh yeh.
these are simple words i live by.
Love is beautiful, and beauty always must die, because if not, it would never have been beautiful to begin.
A lot of people dont understand the dynamics of love that make it beautiful, are the same dynamics that self destruct love itself.
08-29-2006, 05:00 PM #37
Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
Well i am at home now and not typing on a cell phone which makes this a lot better for me to type and you to read. Again thank you everyone for the kind words.
You right Flagg, it has changed me a little. I don't know yet for the better or worse we will have to just wait and see.
At least i can use all this anger in the gym now
08-29-2006, 05:20 PM #39
We have to make smart choices.
Love actually does work - if it's the right fit.
08-29-2006, 05:40 PM #40
Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
I fuked her over, 6 mo. before when she kept "calling" breaks and during one of these breaks, I fuked the baddest 18 yr old bitch from the gym and when she called my mom trying to track me down she learned I was seeing another girl
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