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Thread: Johans time to rant

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Johans time to rant

    Its election time in sweden. 11 days to election and the right wing alliance of parties seemed like they would have a good shot at taking the victory since they have had a small lead in just about every poll taken for the last months.

    But this weekend it was convinielty(for the leftists) discovered that one of the leaders of folkpartiet(could be translated as peoples party but it is not a commie party, they are right wing and good) youth section had gotten into the social democrats(biggest party in sweden) internal computers through the login info of one of the higher ups in the social democrats. Alot of people has been sacked or resigned now in folkpartiet and they have lost alot in the polls.

    So here is what bugs me.

    First of all how the **** can that **** be so stupid as to sneak into the social democrats computers from a computer at folkpartiets headquarters?? I mean WTF. Does he realise its election time and his little stupid ****ing misstakes can be disastrous? He can sneak all he wants but for christ sake dont get cought.

    Second WHY do people care? I mean why on earth would anyone changer there vote because of that? It doesnt at all change what the party stands for and strives for. If people changes votes because of silly things like that they are not ****ing mature enough to vote. It brings politics down to a popularity contest(which I guess it realy is).

    Third I want the right wing alliance in charge god damn it. I have nothing against the social democrats but they have to suck serious green and commie party dick to stay in charge. That means we are dismantling our nuclear power and other stupid stunts like that. They are putting the future energy supply of sweden at risk. I dont want 4 more years of the unholy social democrat, commie and green alliance to have a say in swedish politics. God I wish the greens would just go away and stay away. Stupid stupid stupid

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    You sound angry, you should hug a tree!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101

    You sound angry, you should hug a tree!
    gimme a chainsaw muther****er and Il split some greens

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haha, too bad trees don't have uranium in them...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    lol well I love the environment and I would call myself a environmentalist if it wasnt for the fact that the fanatics have stained that term.

    I guess I belong to what one of the founders of greenpeace(that later quit it and is disgusted by there current state)calls himself. A sensible environmentalist.

    Now cant everyone on this forum that is religious please pray for the right wing parties to win the swedish election

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    A sensible environmentalist

    For all intents and purposes, isn't that an oxymoron?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    For all intents and purposes, isn't that an oxymoron?

    Not if you define it as a person that strives to improve the environment by supporting scientificly solid concepts and not basing your oppinions on uneducated prejudice and scaremongering rhetoric

    But I agree the word environmentalist has gotten a bad reputation in the same ways as the word feminist. Both are basicly good things that have gotten twisted and ****ed up by ****s and fanatics

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Not if you define it as a person that strives to improve the environment by supporting scientificly solid concepts and not basing your oppinions on uneducated prejudice and scaremongering rhetoric

    But I agree the word environmentalist has gotten a bad reputation in the same ways as the word feminist. Both are basicly good things that have gotten twisted and ****ed up by ****s and fanatics
    I'm a firm believer in conservation, however, there is a fine line between pragmatism and delusion.

    Our societies are all about the here and now, and with such a finite life span for human beings, why SHOULD anyone care about resource depletion? Very unlikely that a planet that has been around for billions of years is going to be erased with ~300 years of modern civilization.

    Everyone will be scratching their heads as to why the earth is a barren wasteland SOME day, but that day isn't going to come in our lifetime.

    If it does, civilization will find a way to sustain itself. The human spirit knows no limit when faced with life/death.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    There is exactly an ex Greenpeace guy who is of sweedish decent who calls himself the "Skeptical Environmentalist".

    He is great, can't remember his name though....

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    I'm a firm believer in conservation, however, there is a fine line between pragmatism and delusion.

    Our societies are all about the here and now, and with such a finite life span for human beings, why SHOULD anyone care about resource depletion? Very unlikely that a planet that has been around for billions of years is going to be erased with ~300 years of modern civilization.
    That depends on what resource your talking about. I dont think we will ever have to worry about depleting things like iron, zink, uranium and other metalls because there are just insane ammounts of them in the earth crust and we constantly learn how to get it from new places and so on.

    But the ammounts of fossile fuels present are very limited and we should worry ALOT about depleting them because within our lifetime(assuming your not to old ) we are going to run out of cheap oil and possibly gas aswell. They wont be depleted but the supply will fall very short of the demand and the prices will be so high that they will be rendered useless as a fuel.

    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    If it does, civilization will find a way to sustain itself. The human spirit knows no limit when faced with life/death.
    We have a couple of million years of nuclear fuel to depend on. Without a doubt we will crack fusion long before that and there is no chanse we will ever run out of fuel for fusion The only energy crisis we are facing is the crisis of learning to live on non fossile energy sources. There is no shortage of possible energy sources, just a shortage of political and economic will to expand the viable alternatives.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    If it's LIke the US

    It doesn't really matter who wins: Left= fast road to socialism and Right= slower road to socialism. Here in the US, I think that both parties are pretty damned pathetic. sadly, I'm integrally involved with the political process. Disgusting...all of it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    Hey at least RALPH NADER doesnt try to run for a political office in sweden.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    It doesn't really matter who wins: Left= fast road to socialism and Right= slower road to socialism. Here in the US, I think that both parties are pretty damned pathetic. sadly, I'm integrally involved with the political process. Disgusting...all of it.
    Well I am not opposed to a bit of socialism. We have it good in swede, not perfect. But its better than most other countries and socialist have been running my country for the majority of the last 80 years(right wing parties have only beaten the left wing block twice).

    But our right wing is probably more socialist than your left wing parties over there

    What I oppose is the social democrats cooperation with the left party and the green party. The social democrats on there own have a solid party and a solid plan. The lefts and greens are a bunch of idiots that have no place in politics or in the goverment. But the social democrats never gain a majority on there own so they have to cooperate with the left and greens to stay in power. If it wasnt for that I could very well se myself voting for the social democrats.

    The lefts and greens gets about 5% of votes each. But because the social democrats needs there cooperation they get a MUCH bigger influence then the few votes warrants. They effect key politics like energy politics ect. Its quite annoying. Our energy prices right now for instance is so high that major companies are leaving sweden. That along with the sky high taxes and we are a very hostile country towards big buisness. They simply have a hard time competing if they stay in sweden.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    R these guns registered?!
    It is a typical geek rant

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