Its election time in sweden. 11 days to election and the right wing alliance of parties seemed like they would have a good shot at taking the victory since they have had a small lead in just about every poll taken for the last months.
But this weekend it was convinielty(for the leftists) discovered that one of the leaders of folkpartiet(could be translated as peoples party but it is not a commie party, they are right wing and good) youth section had gotten into the social democrats(biggest party in sweden) internal computers through the login info of one of the higher ups in the social democrats. Alot of people has been sacked or resigned now in folkpartiet and they have lost alot in the polls.
So here is what bugs me.
First of all how the **** can that **** be so stupid as to sneak into the social democrats computers from a computer at folkpartiets headquarters?? I mean WTF. Does he realise its election time and his little stupid ****ing misstakes can be disastrous? He can sneak all he wants but for christ sake dont get cought.
Second WHY do people care? I mean why on earth would anyone changer there vote because of that? It doesnt at all change what the party stands for and strives for. If people changes votes because of silly things like that they are not ****ing mature enough to vote. It brings politics down to a popularity contest(which I guess it realy is).
Third I want the right wing alliance in charge god damn it. I have nothing against the social democrats but they have to suck serious green and commie party dick to stay in charge. That means we are dismantling our nuclear power and other stupid stunts like that. They are putting the future energy supply of sweden at risk. I dont want 4 more years of the unholy social democrat, commie and green alliance to have a say in swedish politics. God I wish the greens would just go away and stay away. Stupid stupid stupid![]()