Recently over the past few months I have fallen under continuous harrasment from those who I believe are the Church of Scientology. I believe this is the result of things I said on here in times past. They have used several different forms of harrasment including messing with the electric of several places I attend to freqeuntly including my church, tailing me, ruining CD and audio equipment. Although I believe being exposed to electricity may have aided my recovery from coming off the many different drugs I was on, it has also been the cause of numerous hospital trips and was a large reason I came on here months back and made a big fool out of my self thinking I was some sort of prophet. It scares me having an addictive personality that I am constantly being exposed to this. They refuse to leave me alone. I renounce anything the Church of Scientology may think they have to do with me. I will continue to come on here and do my best to expose this if they do not stop.
Please stop