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Thread: Help

  1. #1
    boots555's Avatar
    boots555 is offline Member
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    Dec 2005
    Looks like a large hand


    Recently over the past few months I have fallen under continuous harrasment from those who I believe are the Church of Scientology. I believe this is the result of things I said on here in times past. They have used several different forms of harrasment including messing with the electric of several places I attend to freqeuntly including my church, tailing me, ruining CD and audio equipment. Although I believe being exposed to electricity may have aided my recovery from coming off the many different drugs I was on, it has also been the cause of numerous hospital trips and was a large reason I came on here months back and made a big fool out of my self thinking I was some sort of prophet. It scares me having an addictive personality that I am constantly being exposed to this. They refuse to leave me alone. I renounce anything the Church of Scientology may think they have to do with me. I will continue to come on here and do my best to expose this if they do not stop.

    Please stop

  2. #2
    zodiac666's Avatar
    zodiac666 is offline Senior Member
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    not following ya man, remember to pass the bong

    hope everything works out for you

  3. #3
    boots555's Avatar
    boots555 is offline Member
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    Looks like a large hand
    I some how have ended up in to the hand of some really powerful people. I dont know what to do

  4. #4
    boots555's Avatar
    boots555 is offline Member
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    Looks like a large hand
    I am going to continue to come on here on till they stop.

  5. #5
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    Dude, wtf are you on

    Thats some Tom Cruise sh!t there, you need some of my Xanax?

  6. #6
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    Ok u know ur involved in a cult - that ain't power. - it's brain wshing.

  7. #7
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Bro make your self clear on your point or i will lock this thread.

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