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Thread: bing fat make me fill this way
09-12-2006, 07:08 PM #1
bing fat make me fill this way
I dont want to come of as a pussy but i weighed 250 lbs two years ago when i got married im around 6'5" 6'6" and i work out i lot mostly doing 5 sets of 5 i wonted to be a power lifter but i dont really youse gear its all ugl gear here i get scammed a lot i never really got that big bench but any why sins ive been married my weight has went up to 330 lbs and i fill like shit am tiered all the time im never happy any more and i thank its affecting my marriage and my sex life I hate my life the only time im happy is win im hi i eat a lot of pain pills and i cant seem to lose weight ive been on a 1500 cal diet for six weeks ive lost 10 lbs do you thank its stress because i work in a steel plant now ten hours a day five days a week and its a 110 in there all the time i work my ass off and im not losing weight im getting stronger i like that but i dont want to be a fat ass any more my eyes are even a darker shade of blue its ****ing killing me this web site has been my only relief here lately because ive shout out every one and i dont know what to do.
09-12-2006, 07:15 PM #2
well start by not feeling sorry for urself u got urself into this now time to get urself out bro.there is no better plan to gain muscle or lose fat then a proper diet so u really dont need gear if u want to lose weight fast.i recomend u start eating chicken about 4 to six ounces every 3 hoursdedicate urself and do this for six weeks throw in maybe 1/2 cup rice every other meal.if u can do this for just six weeks bro i bet u the weight will fall of u.just try it u will suprise and keep ur head up STOP FEELING SRY FOR URSELF.dedication dedication.............more rite ......more dedication. i have confidents in u.dont be that guy who talks about it be about it show urself that u can acomplish the goal set in front of u dont say i know i can just go for it full tilt U CAN DO IT
09-12-2006, 07:28 PM #3
Originally Posted by big staley
first off drop the pain pills if your not in pain.
that shits gonna push you further into depression, stress you out even more, and make you eat to balance yourself out.
you know why people eat?
is the simplest thing in the world.
they eat because of the feeling they think will follow the food.
key word here is "think"
but if your over indulging in food, you WILL know it, and you WILL always feel like *SHIT* afterwards.
id be willing to say your job is fvcking a lot of shit up.
10 hours in the steel plant, than to work out after thats a bitch. but we ALL live busy lives, a lot of us drag ourselves into the gym, but you grow to love it.
it becomes your pain pills, it becomes your cheescake, it becomes your sex, it becomes a new MUCH better way to cope (well omit the sex actually)
i suggest you get out of the lounge and go read around the diet and exercise forum. that ALWAYS gets me motivated when im feeling down.
go read about proper dieting, the more the thoughts stay in your head and that becomes your inner reality, the more your mind will fight to manipulate your enviroment and make it part of your outer reality. ie: think about losing weight enough, eventually your mind will manifest it as an action, which will soon turn into a behavoir, then a lifestyle. thats how it works bud, now go fvckn lift and stop eating!!!!!!!
Dropping your calories too much can easily put your body into starvation mode and cause you to gain weight. Check the diet section to get a good outline of how to eat correctly. Make small goals , 1-2 pounds a week. You need to make your goals small and attainable.
Write down what you eat, a lot of time you don’t even realize how bad you are eating till you see it.
09-12-2006, 08:56 PM #5
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dude when i was 270 i took ephedra and i went down to 210 in about 3 months (eatting DAMN GOOD and lifting 2x a day no gear)
09-12-2006, 10:03 PM #6
Originally Posted by Beefyman
09-12-2006, 10:59 PM #7
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Originally Posted by audis4
09-13-2006, 12:17 AM #8
Originally Posted by Beefyman
I would definately not recomend that, and belive you could have obtained that weight loss naturally in not alot longer time frame.
09-13-2006, 04:02 AM #9
Check these little things out . , : ; "" - and use them in your posts
09-13-2006, 02:44 PM #10
i used to be 360 a year or so ago... i'm 240 now....I did the rediculously low dieting ... go to the diet your weight 1500 isn't anywhere NEAR enough. Also...quit the pitty party... you know what ya need to right and work out. Read around this forum and they 'll tell you just how to do it.
09-13-2006, 02:49 PM #11
09-13-2006, 03:30 PM #12
Originally Posted by taiboxa
09-13-2006, 03:40 PM #13
Originally Posted by big staley
Are you related to GSXXR in any way? Maybe you had the same English teacher.
just kidding, bro.
Hang in there. I used to feel like crap also when I had extra weight on, but once turned my diet and bodybuilding into a lifestyle, I felt like a new man.
Give yourself 2-3 months of strict dieting and lifting. Healthy food doesn;t have to be tasteless food. Start by cutting out processed sugars, increasing meal frequency, and cutting portion sizes. Exercise is key. 5 sets of 5 is great for strength, but if it were me, I would focus on cardio before I tried to pack on muscle.
Once you start seeing results, it'll get easier and easier to shift your lifestyle and self destructive behavior to a healthier and happier one.Last edited by MAXIMA5; 09-13-2006 at 03:57 PM.
09-13-2006, 05:06 PM #14
Originally Posted by bor
exactly wht i was thinking.
09-13-2006, 05:37 PM #15
Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
Just walk at a brisk pace. What I mean by that is like Manhattan people walk on the street. Like you are in a hurry to get some where.
Target Heart Rate = (220-your age) x .70
Actually want to go 65-70% of your Max heart rate which is 220-your age.
Good luck.
09-13-2006, 06:57 PM #16
You got our attention....tell us what you're gonna do about your problem and then keep us updated...we'll help you through it bro
09-14-2006, 04:56 AM #17
Your right i am just feeling sorry for my self thats what i needed is to here it thanks i do have a freekin bag of red line vpx i scored at the Arnold classic this year the one serving sample packs of liquid and the tabs i thank im going to try it.
09-14-2006, 06:48 AM #18
Originally Posted by 63190
The only draw back to PM cardio is insomnia.
I like to hit cardio hours before I need to be at work in the morning, walking, jogging, or my favorite - Riding my bike with my MP3 player.
You'll feel great all day, be less likely to cheat on your diet since you just put in so much work, and you're body will be gearing down when it's sleep/recovery time.
I'd throw in some weight training in there 2-3 times a week. Maybe even take a day off of cardio for weights.
09-15-2006, 01:04 AM #19
The Redline VPX will definitely help your unwanted cravings. Good luck bro.
09-15-2006, 05:52 PM #20
Try using machines to do circuit trainging. Two sets of 20 reps with 30 second rests between sets.
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