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Thread: 7 days in the hospital kidney failure

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by ebjack
    The lab at the hospital where I work, can test chemicals. They have tested IV solutions for errors (and found them) and pain medication concentrations for which a Doctor was "let go"...(very little morphine in the solution).

    or it can be sent out to a mass Spectrometry lab

    well maybe they can then, but no one has EVER contacted me ragarding any issue such as this. I ran a very small operation and have never had an unsatisified customer, no one has ever came to me with any issue such as this.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Firstly you need to calm down, secondly this guy (for personal reasons) will probably not be on this board for some time and possibly never. Send him a pm if you want but dont expect a reply anytime soon.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Perhaps V died???

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bodypaul
    Perhaps V died???
    doubt it

    Last time he was logged in though was "Last Activity: 11-29-2006 10:58 AM "

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  6. #46

    well i just read this guys post, It all makes sense to me now, "mr disfunkshun" as he was known at another board i am at have a very clear "vendetta" against me, its the same guy, same story he told us when he scammed at DBB and it's the same spelling as he uses ........ ................. .................. in all of his writings, oh well, you guys can believe this guy all you want, if you want the full story on this moron visit domesticbodybuilding com and im sure you can learn all about his lying ass

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    sorry but i dont know who you are and havent a clue as to what is goin on here,only what V has written??im at a loss.......................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Doesnt sound like a made up story to me.

  9. #49
    Well guys in case you don't believ me here is a screenshot from the mod forum at DBB that drrman got me showing that Mr Disfunkshun told us the same bullshit i got busted story in AUGUST....yes, i guess he played it over again here for you guys.

    He was called out in scamming and was then banned from there, i guess thats why he had this "vendetta" against me.

    Take a look at the screen shot, notice how he puts ......................... in between all of his sentences just as here.

    no compare to this

    Notice he even titles it the same "wtf just happened"

    Guy is COMPLTELY FULL OF SHIT and clearly had it out for me and DBB
    Last edited by liquidpct; 01-20-2007 at 11:43 AM.

  10. #50
    you guys believe he is full of this not? funny he tells this board the same bullshit story he told our board 2 months earlier

    I'll dig up some more posts if you guys like

    A lot of good bros fell for this lying cracker at DBB also, many thought he was a "good bro" and helped them a lot posting many links and info posts, but in the end he tried scamming and was nothing but a ****ing lier! I'll bring more screen shots if you like

    Notice it says "banned" in his screenshot
    Last edited by liquidpct; 01-20-2007 at 11:50 AM.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0

  12. #52
    COINCIDENCE ?? i think not.

    he titled the posts the exact same thing "WTF....just happened"

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    If someone were spreading lies about your business and your repuatation im pretty sure you would give a **** yourself

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by liquidpct
    If someone were spreading lies about your business and your repuatation im pretty sure you would give a **** yourself
    Yeah I would, but you said you're not running the site anymore and he's gone either way now.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Polska
    Yeah I would, but you said you're not running the site anymore and he's gone either way now.

    You are right, but I also think you guys need to know what kind of bullshitter and lier this guy was here also. He did the same disappearing act at DBB but tried scamming on his way out of there also.

    I'd be willing to bet he got someone here for some money also

  16. #56
    Wow I would take at least a year off, probably forever.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    Quote Originally Posted by liquidpct
    If someone were spreading lies about your business and your repuatation im pretty sure you would give a **** yourself

    Not if I no longer had the business, and all I was doing was bitching at a bunch of people who don't give a fvck and who don't know where V is

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    Wow I would take at least a year off, probably forever.

    Im sure he's back under another name at some other board or possibly here. He tried rejoining DBB with a few different names but we could always point him out and ban him again.

    Im anxious to know what guys here he got for some money, i guess thats his trick, feed everyone these bullshit stories when he owes them money and of course they don't want any contact with him as he is supposedly in "trouble" so he walks away with all his shit for free

    here is another screenshot of part of his rediculous story, it seems this guy has a very good imagination and is quite a good bullshitter
    Last edited by liquidpct; 01-20-2007 at 01:40 PM.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I've often thought that an Anabolic Steroid board would be a great premise for a daytime soap-opera.


  20. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Damn, for a second there I thought V was back
    me too

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    I believe the last we heard from V was he was having legal problems and was gonna be incarcerated for a while so I am sure he won't be back here for quite some time if ever

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Exactly who are you ? And why are you making such a big deal. I have never heard of liquid PCT and I doubt anybody else here has either. In other words

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in before the lock!!

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Kinda makes you wonder, who all on here lies about shit though?? It makes me wonder anyway, and lying about weight and size is one thing but lies like this are alittle overboard

  25. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    I believe the last we heard from V was he was having legal problems and was gonna be incarcerated for a while so I am sure he won't be back here for quite some time if ever
    You guys really believed his bullshit story didn't you......

    read my posts and look at the damn screenshots, he did the same disappearing act at another board 2 months eariler, SAME exact title to the posts and same bullshit story. He told us he was going away and wouldn't be back, then he came here and did the same shit.

    He got fronts from sources at DBB, owed people money then he gives them this BS story and of course they aren't going to press to get their money, they just forget about the issue and push him to a distance as they are afraid of the LE he is supposedly in trouble with.

    Dude is ****ing crazy i tell ya

  26. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Exactly who are you ? And why are you making such a big deal. I have never heard of liquid PCT and I doubt anybody else here has either. In other words
    don't care then don't click on the link...
    Last edited by liquidpct; 01-20-2007 at 09:25 PM.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    well, i dont' believe he owed anyone here any money, so not sure what the point of all this is.

    Liquidpct, we never heard of you before today. Don't know if what you say is true or not, but since you don't sale on here, i guess it really doesn't matter does it???

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    LiquidPCT the only way to clear your name is to send us all free samples of your products...hmm..enough to run a cycle lets say?

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