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Well the fact is different patients respond differently *at first*.
Dopamine is not linked to the alertness receptors, dopamine is the "feel good center/relax center"
More importantly adderral fvkcs with Norepinephrine (adrenaline) This is where the the real problems come in.
This is from my head but you can research it to validate my facts.
Adrenaline increase alertness, heart rate, and effects receptors in your muscles. When adrenaline levels rise your muscles relax even as your adrenal glands dump more adrenaline into your bloodstream. Adrenaline also makes you more sensitive to enviromental stimuli thus making it easier to concentrate.
One property ALL amphetamine salts have that you wont learn in a doctors office is sigma cell receptor site growth. A lot of drugs shut down receptors sites when abused. Amphetamines increase sigma receptors by 30%.
So your saying wtf does that mean?
Ill put it this way. Sigma receptors are a rapid advancing area of study for neuropharmacology. Not a lot is known yet. But what is know is this.
More sigma receptors=more response to drug. To add to the problem amphetamine salts like adderral sensitize your adrenal glands irreversibly.
The normal person in the event of a stimuli dumps an extremely small amount of norepinephrine (adrenaline) from thier adrenal glands into their blood supply. With adderral, through sigma receptor growth in the body, your adrenal glands are triggered to release more and more adrenaline over time as receptors increase and the actual glands become more sensitive.
This is the number one factor for addiction besides psychological (doctors say dextroamphetamines *arent physically addictive* which according to the receptor concept is true do to the increased growth BUT this is where shit gets really FVCKED UP.
When you STOP taking the meds this is exactly what happens in your body.
Same as test crash concepts after a cycle, only problem here is theres NO pct to get your dopamine receptor activity back. Dopamine in a major way counters a lot of the psychotic sides affects of adrenaline when both levels are increased and stable. But when dopamine levels crash AND adrenaline after you come off the meds first off you go into a state of depression with supressed dopamine levels, if they fall really low you'll experience severe hallucinations, a shut down of the harmone adrenaline leads to psychotic behavior, confusion, shakes, paranioa, anxiety, etc.
Your dopamine levels slowly rise over time and sometimes they level out again.
BUT if you are on any amphetamine salt for too long dopamine production will come to a permanent suppression.
Your body in an adderal free state is now highly unstable. Because this is the important part to realize. Adrenaline is "triggered" naturally by stimuli, its not a slowly draining outlet like dopamine receptors.
So when your off adderral external stimuli cause your adrenal glands to fire off and overreact to stimuli.
Because levels dont go up and stay up. They shoot up drastically and crash causing spurts of paranioa and anxiety. This is when your off adderral.
I wish i could explain it clearer but from what I know it leaves you off way worse than before you started the adderral. WAY WORSE.
So anyone who doesnt plan on taking adderral for the rest of thier life *STAY THE FVCK AWAY FROM IT*
A lot of people will stay on adderral for MANY MANY years and the side effects you think you'll grow to tolerate get worse too. Longterm exposure to MOST drugs causes side effects to get worse, you dont grow tolerance to the sides, you grow tolerance to high.
The tolerance to the sides is all mental because you learn to live with them.
All im saying is adderral completely rewires your body so when you do come off it you become an anxious, depressed overlyreactive person.
The longer you take it the worse you'll be when you come off. NOt to mention the stress it puts on your heart.
There are imo a lot of presciption meds which are actually worse than some street drugs, and a lot of the reason why thier legal is because thier complex. Look at the chemical structure of street drugs, thier simple, because of this effects are easier to understand, but all these pharmaceuticals are never ending branches of amines to carbons to hydrogen to benzo branches to this and that and they learn about the effects through administration to human guniea pigs.
You know if you give a rat an unlimited supply of adderral he'll eventually start admininstering it to himself (by drinking it from his water)
IT suppresses his appetite and he takes more and more and eats less and after a short amount of time with an unlimited supply he will either starve to death or od.
This is why they end many rat tests after the 4 week mark. Because the scientists arent as stupid as you think. They cant report false facts but they sure as hell can manipulate them. Just some food for thought.