Whats the worst or most annoying aspect of your job?
Whats the worst or most annoying aspect of your job?
at this point nothing i left my job and in the process of opening my own company![]()
id have to say wearing coveralls in the sun all day when its 30 above
Having to work with idiots who claim to be "ex SAS" or "they used to be a minder for the Kray brothers" and other similar bullshit.
the fact that someone who works half as much as i do gets paid the same as me and if i get as lazy as him i will be hassled over it while he goes on scot free.
the fact that people are not observant and will not listen to what theyre told despite that it is easier for them doing it my way and their way ruins things that are useful
the fact that dumb people are promoted over me because they kiss ass and not because of work ethic
the fact that the managers cannot resolve conflicts and resort to 'shut up or get out' policies
the fact that women who are slow at their job are promoted over the faster women.
the fact that when someone doesnt do their job their job is transferred to me and i am not rewarded for picking up the slack
the fact that certain work wont get done by certain people unless you constantly hassle them
the lack of responsibility and efficieny
the lack of common sense
the constant bickering and bad rumours spread around usually relating to one isolated incident
having to work with people who tell me that i shouldnt work out my lower body because it has no 'benefits'
constantly given advice about diet and nutrition by people who consider frosties to be part of healthy breakfast and think that peanuts are made out of wheat
being asked to work harder just because i 'work out'. Listen buddy, i lift heavy in only one place, and that's the gym, i will not hurt myself lifting soem extra boxes because the woman over there doesnt want to touch the boxes because she is 'too delicate'.
other than that, i love my job![]()
Last edited by stunner5000pt; 09-17-2006 at 07:54 PM.
me knowing more than my managers
All the research it take to trade securities. I don't mind it much anymore but I could do without it if I could still make my percentages just by analyzing a few indicators.
Sitting in traffic and spilling my load allover cars and the street while people are looking at me like i'm nuts.
how comeOriginally Posted by anthony220
Long hours.
Listening to people that tell me they know what they're doing with exercise and nutrition, yet they're morbidly obese and still will be 6 months from if they're not even more fat by then. The same people who spend $100+ a week on chips, pop, smokes, beer etc. but swear that they can't afford a trainer.
I also can't stand ignorant people who tell me i'm wrong about the advice I provide. I had a women tell me that she only eats chicken and fish because she was avoiding beef due to it's high carb content because she was on a low carb diet. I've heard plenty more like that as well.
I work in a steel mill owned by the rail rd every thing about it sucks hot dirty tone of lifting you know drag your balls home in your lunch box kind of shit.![]()
Last edited by big staley; 09-17-2006 at 09:21 PM.
The unrealistic quotas we have to meet every night...Having my commission affected by our reps cancelling which is no fault of my own when I've fulfilled my end of the job...All of the rude prospects I speak to...The shitty music thats played throughout the entire building at all times....Everytime IT interupts my work to do something to my computer....thats it for now...
It takes a lot of DD to constantly make money and not take a loss when day and swing trading.Originally Posted by QQQ
Looking at charts
SEC filings (10QSB, 10KSB, From 4's, ect)
Press relesses (old and new)
Indicators for trends (MFI, OBV, ADX, MACD, RSI, ACCUM/DIST), just to name a few.
And much more...
It takes me hours and hours to find a handful of stocks to play in a particular day or week.
Last edited by anthony220; 09-17-2006 at 10:57 PM.
im use to it now...but working in the florida humidity.
Not having one
beef and carbs ROFLOriginally Posted by Ejuicer
For me.ppl being dickheads just cuz theyre in a bad mood..ya im a cashier![]()
having to go 5 times a week!![]()
The customers who need to die.....the stupid boss who thinks he's doing things the best way and when I suggest things he refuses them because he's close minded....
What I do love about it though, is that my co-worker is damn kool with me, I always imagine having a chain saw and sawing people in half or getting a knife and gutting them.......or rounding them up in a field and burn them alive.........while I grab and M4 and shoot some while theyre burning.....
ANd that makes me smile through out the day,......and makes the customers so happy....that Im SO HAPPY to see them ROFL![]()
Ill agree on the customers need to die part
having so much stuff blocked from the internet! :P
the part hat sux worst about my job is the fact that it's seasonal and work is pretty much drying up now and i'm totally broke.
Watching a complete loser working the same job as me and probably makes as much as me.
Has no college and in fact does not even have a HS Diploma and i sit here with a degree. It has definately changed my opinion on my workplace, i am shocked they continue to allow him to **** up..last week he lost a Blackberry. wtf?
***No source checks!!!***
Originally Posted by QQQ
I dont have a job ........ thats probably the worst part.
Idiots that pick up rank - especially LtCol's...
Getting there and going home - can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and a half with traffic
the pay. had to have two jobs most of my career to make a good living.
im a network administrator at fsu, i have a tech support team that their job is to deal with the users...i hate it when i leave the office, everyone knows im the admin so i get blasted in the hallways with all kinds of retarded computer questions...needless to say, i dont come out of my office very often from the time i get here until i leave, excluding lunch and leaving the building to jus go walk around for a damn sanity check
the thing i hate number 2...my office isnt bad inside or the size...but i've got no windows to the outside world, i've only got one door to the outside and no windows due to security purposes...the only other door leads to a server room...it just gets gloomy in here after a while and i go nutz
Everything sucks about my job.
I hate dipshits who try talking hard like they've seen it all, who pound it into your head that you have to train, train, train, then lose their head over a small room and contents fire and look absolutely ridiculous on the fire ground. I also hate Captains who tell you everything your doing wrong, but their asses are late to work every single shift, then when they get there they hide out in their office all day and cant chill with the rest of the guys. They have to put on this act like they're so ****ing superior to everybody. Most of them are good guys, but there is this one ****face on 3rd shift here I'd like to kick the shit out of.
Originally Posted by captain5214
oh yeah, that too
go to proxyrater.com to get around itOriginally Posted by zimmy
Originally Posted by Mizfit
...sorry to heard that,...i live @ 9 mints. from my office....
BTW ....Mizfit you looks so awesome...."love you " super girl...!!!![]()
LPR ...dermatology.
knowing the job that i put 5 years into is a dead-end job and having to look else where.
id say the worst part of my job is aving to clean the spunk off the girls after each face load best part would be getting to watch some of the hottest porn stars getting there brains poked out in rea life
Ty..Originally Posted by LatinoPR
If i don't leave work at 5pm i might as well wait till 6 - traffic is horrible..
i did that today.. and damnit i was supposed togo to a Leaf game in an executive box, but i got stuck at work![]()
absolutly nothing!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the best job ever
unappreciative, bloodsucking trash in our society who don't work but live free of charge (thanks to us) and bitch and complain about everything. Ohh did I mention its never they're fault, never (its everyone else!).
not having one.
im broke!!!!
I sell cracks to dikes on the street.
Dealing with healthcare auditors.
i dont work enough hrs tp pay my rent.other then that i love it
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