that's right... after about eight hours in the library in addition to four hours of class i headed over to the whole foods store to pick up some trib, dhea and fenugreek to get my guys goin again...
got home and took 5g of what i thought was trib right before i went to bed. there was no sleep that night. sat awake, practically trembling, sweating, eyeballs jittering all over the place, anxiety attacks like no other, had no idea what the hell was goin on. figured was just something outta the ordinary.
not one to be easily deterred, i followed suit the next night. same story. yesterday i finally grabbed the bottle and sat down to do a little research. i've been taking 5g of yohimbe before i go to sleep!!!!
long story short, dont be a retard.
and yohimbe sucks... a med board stated it is often given to patients to INDUCE anxiety... wtf