me and my girl are going bad lately.. i just trying to hold this together.. talked a few days, shes really worried and scared and unhappy.. we had sex a month ago first time.. she afraid of getting pregnat..shes unhappy.. been fighting with her perants past 2 weeks.. i havnt been there for her since we did it.. not on purpose but its my fault.. we are both miserable and im trying to patch things up but shes just content on being sad and lonely and everytime i see her i know she still likes me and wants me but is afraid of her insecurities and every time im about to leave her she crys even tho she says she dosnt think she can do this anymore..
its her birthday saturday.. i need to get her a great presant... i talked to her mum and they are just giving her money to go shoppin.. so i dont think ill have a problem with gettin same presant.. i was thinkin underwear but ima leaving that aside... i was thinking some nice perfume to match mine.. jeanpaul-gaultier is what i got and theres a female version which i think will be nice.. i was planning on getting her some sort of necklace or pendant she can put on a bracelet to remind her of me.. maybe a nice suttle heart.. also both out familys went to finland together like 3 months ago.. i was planning on getting a photo of me and her in a frame.. hopefully thats a good idea but id apreciate input..
we arnt split up offically but we are close and i know its not what she wants and shes hurt inside..
also what should i make of msn like this on her msn.
ive hurt myself because ive hurt you.
we may be so far apart, but i know that youll always stay inside my heart.
i thought that the first one was a good sign..
but the second one could be either good or bad..
what do yall think