Ok peeps here it is. This is the only place I can tell this story, cause none of you know the guilty parties. Im a guy and I have to brag about my fortunate expreience Saturday night.
Ive been banging this girl off and on for a few weeks. Shes a good friend of mine and we have an agreement that noone must know. I do meet alot of her friends when we are out at clubs. I became friends with her best friend, and started talking almost every night. This past weekend friend 1 decided to tell her best friend, the one i like, that shes banging me here and tehre. I figured she was doing it to ruin what I had going with her friend. This past saturday we all went out to watch a band. I spoke up to her about saying something. I was pissed. We had an agreement. I proceeded to tell her off in a nice way, well the one I like decides to speak up for her friend and get pissed at me. It totally ruined my night and theres. After feeling bad for a while, I decided to just play the nice guy and forget it all. I appologized to both of them and they were happy that I did. Before we left we started talking. They both asked me if I have ever been with 2 girls at once? Im like ahhh no but ive seen it done. Its been like a life long dream I told him. they told me this was my lucky night. Now im like ahhh wtf, 2 minutes ago we hated eachother, and now were all gonna go ****. Im like this kicks ass im thinkin to myself. We all went back to her friends house, and she was nice enough to let us 3 use her bathroom tub. This things huge, air jets and all. Long story short. We all got naked, hopped in the tub and did everything possible I do believe. That was before it headed into the living room. Believe me when I tell you theres nothing sexier anywhere than watching two girls all over eachother. You could just feel how into eachother they were. I got to experience something that most guys dont get too. I never ever thaught it would ever happen to me, so I was shocked. I had to tell you all this, its the man in me wanting to brag. Heres a pic I took for them.