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Thread: The help RuhlFreak55 get laid thread!

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    but see i feel that i'll be annoying her and disrupting her workout if i try to talk to her.....those things invariably take at least 5 minutes
    If you want to talk to her that bad without cutting into her workout (Which in my experience, over 75% women don't mind) catch her as she's leaving the gym. Or better yet, hop next to whatever cardio machine she's on.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    hmmm this sounds good in theory.......damn me......i dunno if i could manage that.....

  3. #123
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDMSilviaSpecR
    If you want to talk to her that bad without cutting into her workout (Which in my experience, over 75% women don't mind) catch her as she's leaving the gym. Or better yet, hop next to whatever cardio machine she's on.
    she was actually liftin today......first time i've ever seen her too

  4. #124
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    meh....but i don't drink.....and i'm not attracted to girls that drink
    First I wanna say that this is EXCELLENT.

    You have something called a *standard AND you have a problem getting laid. That is a very rare mix with men.
    Shows you have self respect and a certain attitude towards you.

    But seriously dude.

    Post your sticking point/s and I'll see if I throw out some gems.
    Be REAL specific.

    Whats YOUR problem?
    What do YOU want?
    What cant YOU do right now that YOU want to do?

    Dont mention anything about the women. They're not the problem. Its ALWAYS YOUR fault. Trust me on this.
    Some guys have the skills to avoid ANY situation with women because they've ****ed up in the past and now no how to deal with it or prevent it from happening in the future. Its that simple.

    Men hold frame and run court, women succumb or comply to the mans frame.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 03-15-2007 at 05:17 PM.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    ok so........i dunno......i can talk to girls fine in situations that are in class or about class or whatever.....even if they're rather attractive......i can speak well and stuff......but when my goal becomes romantically entwined i seem to like freeze and avoid or just can't think of anything to say......

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Out of Control
    Next time you see her or any other chick that you think is bangin, don't overanalyze the situation and go for it. Don't act hard, just be yourself. Cracking a few jokes never hurts, and if you get rejected, theres plenty of other chicks out there. It's like everything else, you can't win them all, but you sure can win alot. And practice does make perfect. You gotta make approaching woman more natural as taking a piss or getting morning wood.

  7. #127
    Join Date
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    Out of Control
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    First I wanna say that this is EXCELLENT.

    You have something called a *standard AND you have a problem getting laid. That is a very rare mix with men.
    Shows you have self respect and a certain attitude towards you.

    But seriously dude.

    Post your sticking point/s and I'll see if I throw out some gems.
    Be REAL specific.

    Whats YOUR problem?
    What do YOU want?
    What cant YOU do right now that YOU want to do?

    Dont mention anything about the women. They're not the problem. Its ALWAYS YOUR fault. Trust me on this.
    Some guys have the skills to avoid ANY situation with women because they've ****ed up in the past and now no how to deal with it or prevent it from happening in the future. Its that simple.

    Men hold frame and run court, women succumb or comply to the mans frame.
    Ok Mr. Hitch....j/k

    I've read some of your posts and you actually know what your talking about.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hey Ruhl cheer up . Man maybe in 20 years you can get the lead part in the remake of "The 40 year old virgin"

  9. #129
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    Hey Ruhl cheer up . Man maybe in 20 years you can get the lead part in the remake of "The 40 year old virgin"
    no no no......we've gotten laid before.....but she gone now

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    no no no......we've gotten laid before.....but she gone now
    Hey trust me on this one, it worked for my friend. He was in prison for 7 years and was a little rusty with the girls.
    First you need to make some friends with some at the bottom of the food chain (girls you wouldn't want to touch). This makes you relax and really be yourself around girls because YOU DONT CARE about gettin laid from them, this is key.

    These girls will most likly want you, you will turn them down, they will want you more and you will get used to this - ego boost, key.

    Then you slowly just use these skills you've aquired over time and move up the ladder still being friends with the girls that got you there. If a girl really never feels jealous about not having you to herself, she wont want you as much - i've learned this from experience.

    As time goes by you will be your funny amusing self around a good looking girl, you wont care about getting laid and she will want you. You will "do her the favor" and you're golden.

    good luck and stop posting on here, you have an obsession with this website. You should be on porn sites looking how to do some cool moves (jk).

  11. #131
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    well apparently i learned a great deal from da porn already......i really have not problems getting girls as friends......but by no means do i have the idea that any of them have ever wanted me......

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    whoring it up
    where'd she go to?

  13. #133
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    i dunno......she couldn't deal with distance..........or something else that i was never informed about......regardless we don't talk about her

  14. #134
    lol i know who ur talking about. You shouldnt meet ppl on the internet

  15. #135
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    shut up chest......everyone knows anyway

  16. #136
    Join Date
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  17. #137
    Join Date
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    what are you pokin about fez?

  18. #138
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i dunno

    I like that icon what are u poking?

  19. #139
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    i'm not that's the problem

  20. #140
    Join Date
    May 2006
    come to canada....???

  21. #141
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    last time i checked i was unwanted there......

  22. #142
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i dont no man

  23. #143


    Come here ruhl...I'll finish my 6 sets for shoulders and watch you do the 44 you have left

  24. #144
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    i dont no man
    what do you mean you don't know? you should be more informed than me on this

  25. #145
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6


    Come here ruhl...I'll finish my 6 sets for shoulders and watch you do the 44 you have left
    you're just jealous chest

  26. #146
    am not. Find someone in your own state

  27. #147
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    they don't jump on me in my own state.......

  28. #148

    I would jump on you.

    Oh wait...

  29. #149
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    ok now that's just disturbing chest.....

  30. #150
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69

    Whats YOUR problem?
    What do YOU want?
    What cant YOU do right now that YOU want to do?
    ok so

    1. I guess my problem has something to do with initiating romantic contact or ever starting relationships for that purpose. Like i said i'm friends...well maybe i should say "friends" with lots of girls but i don't know with the ones i've grown to like what to do and i really have no idea what to do with girls that i want to meet and get to know solely for that purpose....not to sound like an ass.....i'm the good is not the only thing i want out of any relationship.

    2.....I want to find my girl, just like anyone else. But to do that i assume i must meet some that i'm attracted to and i have issues with this. I want to be able to talk to these girls that in my eyes are worthy of worship.

    3.....part of the above two pretty able to talk to these beautiful girls i see everyday and get to know them and find the one that's right for me.

  31. #151
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    ok so........i dunno......i can talk to girls fine in situations that are in class or about class or whatever.....even if they're rather attractive......i can speak well and stuff......but when my goal becomes romantically entwined i seem to like freeze and avoid or just can't think of anything to say......
    Ok you have a problem with something called "escalating" lol.

    You DO know what to say, your just feel expressing affection for a girl/stranger in a sexual way is something thats not natural for you.
    So Im gonna have you try something a little different.

    Maybe you were raised in a family that liked to bust on each other a lot and thats the way they showed affection for each other. (that was my case)
    I never really hugged my parents or verbally conveyed any signs of affection towards them because thats just not how I was raised. We just "knew" we loved each other and that was enough.

    And some guys think its wrong or feel shameful when they want to ask a girl for thier # or w/e because they've been programmed over time to not show affection and to "act like a man".
    Internally or subconsciously thier (maybe your) concept of a "man" is someone who doesnt need to show affection to females, he doesnt need thier affection, because he's "strong" and hes a "MAN", in the event he does show affection to a woman he risks a great rejection.
    And that rejection for some guys would be somewhat = emotionally if thier own mothers one day just stopped loving them.
    Its fvcked up I know, and sounds a bit gay, but a lot of guys get like this.

    Not really sure if this is your issue but Im just throwing some ideas out there.

    What you need to do first I think, is learn how to touch women when you interact with them. You said you can talk to a girl, so anytime you make her laugh give her a brief touch on the shoulder, or on her lower waist. Just TOUCH her briefly and pull away, and normally you wanna have a smile when you do it because it should be at the peak or spikes of the interaction. (ie: anytime she laughs or gets mad at you)

    Turn up the heat on them a few degrees. The whole concept to initiate sexual feelings is to put some pressure on them than release it. Its all push/pull.

    Like she says something dumb, say "ok you've just lost speaking privelages for the next 5 mins".
    Get her MAD in a playful way. Never say "i was just kidding" and never smile when you do this shit, it releases the ALL the tension. Get her to hit you on the arm and any time she touches you say "stop touchin me, your getting charged 5 bucks if you do it again".

    This is when they touch you more than be like "DAMN, you must be rich!!!"
    "Your owe me a new house, car, w/e by now"

    You need to learn how to make fun of girls in a playful noninsulting way, girls pick up on this instantly as flirting and it turns them on because your driving them into an emotional state. Stay away from logical questions unless you can bust on thier answers and keep them emotional.

    But the most important part, and Im trying to keep this simple for you. Is you want the girls to show off to you, we call it "demonstrating higher value".
    (a few guys on this board know exactly what im talking about lol)

    W/e you do, DO NOT telegraph sexual interest untill you have her isolated and your shirts are off, this is a rule I follow. Girls WANT sex, but the second they consciously become aware a guys trying to get in their pants they spring thier "bitch shield" or "antislut defense", and unless your REAL smooth youll get blown out.

    So the question is when and how do you escalate or create a time bridge so you can meet them somewhere?

    Its simple. You NEED to first make the girl work for you. If you get her # and you were pushy about it she will flake when you call her.
    You have to set a "i am the prize" frame with her.
    You have to drive her to persue you.

    And the way you do this with hot chiks is by first not responding to thier looks and letting them know or believe their looks have no value to you by simply ignoring them and not being sexual. (this shits for the 10s though, if your working with like 7's or 8's sometimes they need more validation) You have to get them to tell you things about thier *personality, GOOD things. Like "i like to work out and Im a member of such and such and i blah blah blah".

    At this point you can even further implement the whole push/pull idea.

    Say "OMG, you like to work out!! I could never hangout with you, we have wayyy too many things in common" (after you establish more than one commonalities though, not just one thing or itll be wierd, say it on like the 3rd thing thats resonates with what you do for fun or w/e)
    "We'd never get along because we're too alike, but we can def be (and this is the word the will **** with thier head like nothing else) *FRIENDS*.

    When you tell a hot girl, she can be your friend, after this process, after shes proven her self to you and demonstrated value to you, she feels like she won you over but than you blow her away with the "we can be friends" line.

    This is like hot girl crack. Im serious. It ****S with thier heads in a sick way, will have some doing some CRAZY shit.

    But its all a structure you must set first. You have to be cocky and funny with her, bust on her, do some playful nonsexual touching, get her to prove herself to you. Ask her what she does besides shop or put on makeup all day.

    She needs to feel validated for WHO SHE IS so you can fvck her, not WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE. This is IMPORTANT to realize.

    Now at this point, you've set the frame where you've *allowed a hot girl to be your *friend. And the rest is essentially timing. When shes all emotional and lau***ng than mad than lau***ng than mad, than you switch the frame to get her to validate herself to you and you reward her (by saying omg we have so much in common) she cant help but feel attraction for you. WORDS will mean shit at this point.

    Like when you say "lets be friends".
    This is when you escalate, and its SO MUCH easier for you at this point.
    Tell her, DONT ASK, to write her # or email down and *maybe (always say maybe) you will give her a call, and to really seal the deal say "but dont get any ideas"

    Practice this routine and this method. The word FRIENDS will drive her to do anything to **** you when you hang out. Keep the frame under YOUR control though, dont give in or let her take control by turning into a wussy and saying shit like "i really wanted to be more than friends but i didnt know how to tell you" or anything verbal that goes against the grain of where your headed. You can continue some casual humor and busting on her. At some point she will come on to you. Or at least once you master doing this.

    Say "omg, what are we doing?" but keep doing it.(when she touches you, making out w/e)
    "We were just suppose to be friends" but KEEP doing it.
    "OMG my pants are off, this is soo weird, whats going on here?!!"
    "OMG my dicks in your mouth, I own you bitch" lol (you prob could actually get away with that one at that point)

    It will turn her on more because you've systematically created a complete world of chaos in her head from the second you've met her. Girls wont tell you they like this. They derive all thier sexual pleasure by throwing up a wall of resistance and having a man overcome it. Thats why they'd never admit this shit works because sex never happens on a LOGICAL LEVEL. So logically they will never be able to really explain how to fvck them.

    What your doing is your making her not put up the wall at first and than you step over its barrier while it still recedes in the ground (at the point she starts validating herself to you) You dont remove the wall, you just create a frame where she can't put the wall up in the first place.

    So remember, bust on them, touch them nonsexually, just be talkative, get themselves to validate to you. Establish commonalities verbally than say "we have too much in common, i could never date a girl like you cause we'd fight too much.. but *ILL LET* you be my friend".

    Get her contact info.

    Its best when you meet with her on day 2 to not do it at a fvckn coffe shop but some where you can isolate her and get her alone. Ask her if she wants to study at your house.
    Ask her if shes ever seen a certain movie and tell her you need a *friend* to see it with.
    Something I do now.
    Call her up and be like "im gonna pick you up on fri at 8, are you free?"

    If she asks why say "its a surprise, i take all my friends there but I CANT tell you."
    Ideally she complies. Pick her up and take her to the beach, park, outside somewhere dark and somewhat romantic.

    When she says "whats the surprise?"
    Say "there was none, OMG i cant believe you believed me!!! ahaha!!"

    But deep down she knows the deal. And it will happen if you just get her alone. Trust me. It may take some practice but this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to women.
    Remember MIXED SIGNALS. You get her turned on by the c/f humor and genuinely establishing commonalities. Make her win you over. Subtract points from her when she does something wrong. You can say it verbally too like "you just lost 5 points for that" Make your words say one thing but the undercurrence convey a hint of something else.

    This is how the game is played. Just try it out, practice the concepts. And dont get attached to the first girl you fvck on it.

    Good luck

    ~ Bo

  32. #152
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    bojangles man, your a pimp!. haha but wow i never noticed all that stuff worked. like i use that material and i didint even no i was doing it. Ruhl listen to this guy. hes plain genious.

    but dont use the "OMG my dicks in your mouth, I own you bitch" line hahaha, at least not yet.

  33. #153
    lol bo ive used that before...def the most effective.

    When a girl is clearly interested in you and you say something about "being friends" to will drive them MAD lol..

  34. #154
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Great post.. bo, thanks for the detail bro and taking time to post..

    I think u should make a sticky how to get laid or how to get girls

  35. #155
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    good stuff....i will go over this in detail later on after gym time and i have a few questions for then too

  36. #156
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ruhl its friday. how bout you don't spend all night whoring in the lounge and go out and do some trolling for whores...That definately would increase your chances

  37. #157
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    shave your beard ruhl, that will help.

  38. #158
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yeah Ruhl listen to SNRF..hell way your talking it couldnt hurt anything

  39. #159
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    consider shaving your beard a change for the better. a transition into banging endless chicks haha

  40. #160
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    check page 3 i think.....people that think i'm a virgin

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