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Thread: Got a new job as a male escort/ honey trapper

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    whats andriol?
    Oral-Testosterone. Works even better than regular test(for libido), the halv-live is 2 hours.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Oral-Testosterone. Works even better than regular test(for libido), the halv-live is 2 hours.
    hmm interesting

    i got a 3 sum tonight with an irish couple
    have no idea what they look like

    cialis on stand bye

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    whoring it up

  4. #124
    Join Date
    May 2005

    "never on a Sunday..."

    Your career seems to be off to an auspicious start!
    So far it seems you've only had to boink HOT girls while their husbands watched and HOT female prostitutes (any discounts "to the trade" as it were?)

    My knowledge of male prostitutes (We gays call them "hustlers", by-the-by.) is that, by far, the biggest market for young, muscular sex-industry workers is UGLY OLD GAY MEN. It is NOT hot, sexy, young women (which makes me wonder if this whole thread is just a little bit of hetero fantasy fullfillment.)

    Hot, sexy gals can get GREAT sex (AND drinks, AND dinner, AND theatre tickets, AND... just about ANYTHING!) from any ol' hot guy with a pulse... FOR FREE, And they don't even have to act grateful for it.!

    The people who have to buy sex usually do so because they have no other option. Don't fool yourself, and us, into thinking its all about getting paid to swain around with hot females. I'm not passing a moral judgement on your choices. I personally think prostitution should be legalized. Only a small percentage of the population can get good sex because of their looks/body. There should be options for those who are older/less attractive, but let's not glamourize it into something it's not.

    "People who marry (or fvck) for money... earn every penny of it!"


  5. #125
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oh... A little trick (no pun intended) a sex-industry worker/friend of mine passed along on how he keeps it up with a really raunchy client:

    "Concentrate on your own body/muscles/pecs/ass."

    Don't know if it works for straight "hustlers" too, but as a bodybuilder you've got to be at least a little bit turned on by your own body.

    Good luck.


  6. #126
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    cheers dude

    yeah i have to say i'm really enjoying it so far and raking in the cash too

    the immoral part applies mainly to the honey trapping which i am doing again next week

    that i kinda feel guilty for - but i am getting paid £600 for one date with her - and extra if i spend the next day with her - so i wont feel guilty for too long

    she is not bad lookin considering she is 40

    she's blonde, busty - lastr time i saw her she was wearing short skirt and knee high boots , etc

    could be worse
    Bro what I would do is take their $600 and tell her that you have some valuable information that you will sell her for $400. $400 would save her ass, may sure you guys shake hands like a business meeting and not a date and walk away with a cool $1000 and no one gets in trouble.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    A guy who will have sex with ANY random girl doesnt have a lot of self-respect to begin. And yes it lowers your respect for people who have REAL jobs and are using thier brains to support thier family.
    Porn in a way is organized prostitution. And a doctor will always be a more respected member of society than a porn star.
    But regardless of how much respect society gives you, i plan on getting married one day and the last thing i would want my wife to know is i use to get paid to have sex with women. In essence everyones different, and im not saying im BETTER than him because of his profession. Im just saying human beings in general have a higher purpose in life than humping each other for money.
    The woman you married might be a former stripper that you will never know about. There are so many doctors and lawyers out there that had to do that to pay their way thru college and med school, you will never know. Bro if you dont have anything good to say then dont say anything, let the man live his life and you live yours, to each his own.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Bro what I would do is take their $600 and tell her that you have some valuable information that you will sell her for $400. $400 would save her ass, may sure you guys shake hands like a business meeting and not a date and walk away with a cool $1000 and no one gets in trouble.

    its £600 not $600

    i couldnt do that cos they wouldnt hire me for the next girl

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    Your career seems to be off to an auspicious start!
    So far it seems you've only had to boink HOT girls while their husbands watched and HOT female prostitutes (any discounts "to the trade" as it were?)

    My knowledge of male prostitutes (We gays call them "hustlers", by-the-by.) is that, by far, the biggest market for young, muscular sex-industry workers is UGLY OLD GAY MEN. It is NOT hot, sexy, young women (which makes me wonder if this whole thread is just a little bit of hetero fantasy fullfillment.)

    Hot, sexy gals can get GREAT sex (AND drinks, AND dinner, AND theatre tickets, AND... just about ANYTHING!) from any ol' hot guy with a pulse... FOR FREE, And they don't even have to act grateful for it.!

    The people who have to buy sex usually do so because they have no other option. Don't fool yourself, and us, into thinking its all about getting paid to swain around with hot females. I'm not passing a moral judgement on your choices. I personally think prostitution should be legalized. Only a small percentage of the population can get good sex because of their looks/body. There should be options for those who are older/less attractive, but let's not glamourize it into something it's not.

    "People who marry (or fvck) for money... earn every penny of it!"

    i have only been doin this a few weeks and so far there have been 3 clients

    one ugly girl
    one 40 year old of average attractiveness (the girl i'm honey trapping)
    and one female escort (attractive)

    thats all there has been - i have not embelished on the truth in anyway

    if you really want i will get pics of me and the female escort together to prove that that is her in the pics i posted earlier in this thread

    i did actually post a link to my escort profile on here but realised it had my phone no. and email ad so took it down

    and yes i get a lot of gay guys ringing me up and no i dont do any of them - it says on my profile that i only escort women so i'm not sure why they even bother

    i have nothing to hide

    there is not a queue if gorgeous women at my door willing to pay me for sex - and i never said that was the case

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Bru you don't have to prove your self to anyone. I don't necessarily agree with what your doing but if they don't like it they don't have to read this thread. Just be safe.

  11. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    well i have been an escort for a few weeks now and thought it was a bout time i told people about it

    only had one client as such (she was ugly and wanted a shag which made me £250 richer) but some other interesting things have happened to me as a result of my profile on this male escort site (and no i'm not telling you the site )

    first off a female escort from the same sight rang me up and said one of her clients wants to see her with another man - and she had chosen me

    so i am going round tomorrow to shag her while he watches and i get paid £50 for the priveldege (i wouldve done it for free cos the bird in question is pretty fine)

    also a private detective rang me up and asked if i would like to get involved in honey trapping

    basically this bloke suspects his wife of cheating and wants a divorce but wants prove of her cheating

    this is where i come in

    i went round hers pretending to be a plumber - sprouted some bullshit about her pipes and pumps then asked her out - took me 40 minutes to get her number and i got £150

    i then go on a date with her next week and a photogropher snaps us together and bingo theres your proof

    i have also been told i am allowed to shag her if need be

    fringe/ minge benefits

    will keep u updated if people are interested

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Do you have another job too, or do you plan on making a living of hooking, at the moment?

    Imo Its a nice extra job to pay for things such as steroids and GH, as long as most of the girls are atleast,"somewhat" attractive...

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    G-force your the man.Lot`s of repect for you.I think your agency is in kingston London...or thats your hood.

    Good luck.....An screw these punks on here.We all sell Ourselves to capitalism in some form.Why not get paid?

    PS. I may require your services for my GF,LOL.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    G-force your the man.Lot`s of repect for you.I think your agency is in kingston London...or thats your hood.

    Good luck.....An screw these punks on here.We all sell Ourselves to capitalism in some form.Why not get paid?

    PS. I may require your services for my GF,LOL.
    And just to add to that, show me one guy on here who has got a fvck without it costing anything. Dinner, drinks etc. All women are whores in that respect that is for sure

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    And just to add to that, show me one guy on here who has got a fvck without it costing anything. Dinner, drinks etc. All women are whores in that respect that is for sure


    The bottom line is it`s your life,I have respect for people that do what they want to do.

  16. #136
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    cheers goose and kale

    death45 - u think its bullshit - care to put your money where your mouth is

    or are you just using that mouth to make your self feel better

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