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    MAJOR25's Avatar
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    Any Body A Hacker...

    Does anybody know how to hack computers....

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    crash187ct's Avatar
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  3. #3
    outofthebox is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    Does anybody know how to hack computers....
    why would u ask a question like that?

  4. #4
    zimmy's Avatar
    zimmy is offline Anabolic Member
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    omg...great question :P

  5. #5
    MAJOR25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outofthebox
    why would u ask a question like that?

    How do you wanna hear it..?

  6. #6
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    err... depends what it is youre trying to do.

  7. #7
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    People see things on TV and get inspired by them. Lame.

  8. #8
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    What are you trying to do? Are you trying to attack a website, email, personal computer, other?

  9. #9
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    All I need is an IP Address...but that's illegal, so I would never do it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    All I need is an IP Address...but that's illegal, so I would never do it.

    this would be what i was refering to in your lounge thread as "scriptie kiddie".

  11. #11
    MAJOR25's Avatar
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    I just want to know how is done.....If I know how to do it, then I know I can protect my self from it....

  12. #12
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I think its a rather vast subject to be taught to you over a message board. People spend years learning this stuff. If your keen enrol in a network security course at college. That would be a good start.

  13. #13
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    I just want to know how is done.....If I know how to do it, then I know I can protect my self from it....
    Your best bet would to keep your computer behind a firewall or two, and to not run a wireless connection.

    A router, or other physical firewall is a good starting point. Then a software firewall aswell.

    Wireless connections are extreamly easy to break. WEP is a joke, and WPA is pretty simple too. Best to not run wirelessly if you are scared of being hacked, and run your computer directly through ethernet.

    You'd be supprised at how many people don't even secure their wireless network. Or do something silly like name the SSID their last name, or street address.

    If you are running a buisness, then your best bet would be to hire a specialist to secure your server(s) and any sort of remote desktop/VPN connection that would be used.

  14. #14
    Chemical King's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I think its a rather vast subject to be taught to you over a message board. People spend years learning this stuff. If your keen enrol in a network security course at college. That would be a good start.
    yeah i agree. Im doing an IT level 3 technician course as wel as 2000 Server and A+. That would tel you most of what you need to know

  15. #15
    rafael is offline Associate Member
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    hacking refers to manipulation of ones own cvs ( source code) the term youre looking for is probably cracking. lol

  16. #16
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    This is the wrong site to find out about hacking, there are plenty out there, try this one it is not some subversive site thats gonna help you hack nassa, its just harmless basic information about cracking and hacking for the novice and a good way to learn about basic security... I had a quick read myself but this kind of thing is way over my head

  17. #17
    crash187ct's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rafael
    hacking refers to manipulation of ones own cvs ( source code) the term youre looking for is probably cracking. lol

    who cares

  18. #18
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25
    Does anybody know how to hack computers....
    I can answer that with a fairly safe answer.

    I am most certain there are a couple people out here with a skill or two or at least a "script kiddie" or two.

    But that question is about like asking: "Hey does anyone on this forum sell steroids ?" You aren't going to get an answer. Sry.

    As far as how it is done? There are so many variables to that question I cannot even entertain you with a smarta$$ answer.

    I can say this on how its done. Unless you are directly targeted by someone. IE: You personally because you pissed someone off. . .they usually start out with an IP Scan.

    If you are directly targeted and your attacker is skilled and determined. . .just drop all your security because it will be breached. Security usually just deters attackers. If the prize at the end is worth it, hackers have been known to spend months upon months researching and slowly working their way in.

  19. #19
    rafael is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by crash187ct
    who cares
    just bcse u dont..dont mean anything.

  20. #20
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    " All this computer hacking is making me thirsty"
    Homer Simpson

  21. #21
    nooooooobie is offline New Member
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    I know how to hack computers, what do you need to know?

  22. #22
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nooooooobie View Post
    I know how to hack computers, what do you need to know?
    lol...nice 1st post, LE.

  23. #23
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    I went to school for computer security, I just finished my master's degree in computer security and I am currently doing my PHD work in network security. I also work full time in the computer security field.

    There is no simple step by step guide to hack X, Y or Z. What you need to do is learn the technology in and out to the point where you really understand how it works, why it works, and what to do to make it stop working.

    If you are really interested in learning more about hacking, download the the Backtrack Live CD and play around with it. They have many tools on that CD that I use for both computer and network evaluation at work and in the PHD work.

    In terms of what you can do, well it depends on how much money you want to spend. For most home users a hardware firewall, update your software and operating system (along with hardening your OS) and a wireless network running WPA2-TKIP with a long password is plenty for almost everyone. Yes in theory it is possible to crack a wireless network with these settings but in real world testing, I haven't seen it done. BTW, it is also in theory possible to see what you are doing via the radiation of a CRT monitor. Realistically, it doesn't work very well.

    There are various things government sectors do revolving around lead paint to stop signals, and special frequency modulations that are not publicly known and very difficult to figure out via ease-dropping. But a home user does not need any of this to be honest.

    The most important thing I tell every home user that asks me how to improve their security is to run an Antivirus (I personally like NOD32 for home users) and 2 spyware scanners (I personally like adaware and spybot which are both free). Keep them up to date and scan every so often. Most of the problems today do not deal with hacking, but end users carelessly installing applications they think are one thing, but in the background they do another. This gives a "hacker" control of your PC with no real hacking involved. You basically give them access to your computer by installing these applications.

  24. #24
    nooooooobie is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    lol...nice 1st post, LE.
    Yes my 1st post ... anyway i`m the best

  25. #25
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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  26. #26
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    I went to school for computer security, I just finished my master's degree in computer security and I am currently doing my PHD work in network security. I also work full time in the computer security field.

    There is no simple step by step guide to hack X, Y or Z. What you need to do is learn the technology in and out to the point where you really understand how it works, why it works, and what to do to make it stop working.

    If you are really interested in learning more about hacking, download the the Backtrack Live CD and play around with it. They have many tools on that CD that I use for both computer and network evaluation at work and in the PHD work.

    In terms of what you can do, well it depends on how much money you want to spend. For most home users a hardware firewall, update your software and operating system (along with hardening your OS) and a wireless network running WPA2-TKIP with a long password is plenty for almost everyone. Yes in theory it is possible to crack a wireless network with these settings but in real world testing, I haven't seen it done. BTW, it is also in theory possible to see what you are doing via the radiation of a CRT monitor. Realistically, it doesn't work very well.

    There are various things government sectors do revolving around lead paint to stop signals, and special frequency modulations that are not publicly known and very difficult to figure out via ease-dropping. But a home user does not need any of this to be honest.

    The most important thing I tell every home user that asks me how to improve their security is to run an Antivirus (I personally like NOD32 for home users) and 2 spyware scanners (I personally like adaware and spybot which are both free). Keep them up to date and scan every so often. Most of the problems today do not deal with hacking, but end users carelessly installing applications they think are one thing, but in the background they do another. This gives a "hacker" control of your PC with no real hacking involved. You basically give them access to your computer by installing these applications.
    I use to play with trojans. Remember Netbus ? HAHAH that was fun.

  27. #27
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nooooooobie View Post
    I know how to hack computers, what do you need to know?
    I need to know something...why was your first post bumping a thread that's over a year old?

  28. #28
    nooooooobie is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    I need to know something...why was your first post bumping a thread that's over a year old?
    I didn`t looked at the date of the post mate, i just found a thread about hacking and i thought that we can discuss about it in here, you can close the thread now, it`s to old

  29. #29
    duramaxedge's Avatar
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    oh god.. this takes me back.. I remember the old days... hehe..

    Its not that easy anymore.. especially computers running M$... And I guess since I dont program its just as hard with Open Source OS.. There is no manual to get you started.. its more into understanding how IP addresses, programs, admin properties, port scanning, bunches of things ..

    Goodluck though

  30. #30
    nooooooobie is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    lol...nice 1st post, LE.
    hey johny, what are you doin` in " malibu "

  31. #31
    joint is offline Banned
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    p/m me

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I use to play with trojans. Remember Netbus ? HAHAH that was fun.
    Haha yah I tried that back when i was 16 and like on AOL.. i think I just accomplished infecting my own computer.

    I remember all that stupid high school drama stuff, keyloggers, trojans, cracking hotmail accounts, actually pulled that off, than they made the security tougher to crack.

  33. #33
    duramaxedge's Avatar
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    we used to root someones webserver box.. then use it to deface tons of websites.. those were back in the days when you could get 0day exploits.. and have time to play before some network admin new what was going on.. All the fun is gone these days..

  34. #34
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler View Post
    If you are running a buisness, then your best bet would be to hire a specialist to secure your server(s).

    and we charge $200 per hour, and you still don't know if you are safe..

    the reality of the situation is you must determine the risk..

    that is, what would it cost you if the information were to be made public, or stolen by your competition.. and spend accordingly..

    but, no matter how "secure" you think you are, it only takes a small mistake to make you a victim..

    As we say in the banking industry, if i have physical access, there is nothing that can stop me..
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  35. #35
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    You should watch that movie "Hackers" they wear rollerblades and listen to techno music in New York that's what i would do...

  36. #36
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by nooooooobie View Post
    I know how to hack computers, what do you need to know?
    This thread is two years old, he has died of old age !!!

  37. #37
    user_name is offline New Member
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    Actually I think he tried hack into a hotmail account and is now pulling 8-10

  38. #38
    juicedup1111 is offline New Member
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    Exclamation FYI: Eliminate those words from your vocab.

    Do not ever claim to be a hacker or know anything about hacking. I spent time in Jail and now have no career for the past 2 years b/c a previous employer had server outage and assumed it was me. Still no trial, and they have no evidence, thank god.

    The problem is this. The LE, ATT GEN, President, Corporate Execs, everyone on their side, have no idea what the world of technology and infrastructure is so they take the word of anyone. Their Agents are about as qualified as that fat looser thats now a cop eating donuts in your hometown. A prick at my last job blamed me for a server outage, after I already left the company. The Att Gen office ripped in my house, came to my office, and literally tore my business apart. Took 21 computers and servers, and all my projects, financials, you name it.

    Sorry for the long story, but it is a real shity part of my career considering 7yrs school, was earning 168k yr, now bumming off of pops.

    Remember playing with those words, hack, virus, hacker is like saying bomb on a plane if the wrong person hears you.


  39. #39
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    You should watch that movie "Hackers" they wear rollerblades and listen to techno music in New York that's what i would do...

    Hahaha lmao

  40. #40
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedup1111 View Post
    Do not ever claim to be a hacker or know anything about hacking. I spent time in Jail and now have no career for the past 2 years b/c a previous employer had server outage and assumed it was me. Still no trial, and they have no evidence, thank god.

    The problem is this. The LE, ATT GEN, President, Corporate Execs, everyone on their side, have no idea what the world of technology and infrastructure is so they take the word of anyone. Their Agents are about as qualified as that fat looser thats now a cop eating donuts in your hometown. A prick at my last job blamed me for a server outage, after I already left the company. The Att Gen office ripped in my house, came to my office, and literally tore my business apart. Took 21 computers and servers, and all my projects, financials, you name it.

    Sorry for the long story, but it is a real shity part of my career considering 7yrs school, was earning 168k yr, now bumming off of pops.

    Remember playing with those words, hack, virus, hacker is like saying bomb on a plane if the wrong person hears you.

    Thanks for the bump noob

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