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Thread: new tattoo design / avatar

  1. #1

    new tattoo design / avatar

    i remember i posted a couple weeks about my new tattoo idea. well i made a avatar according to the idea.. its going to be layed out the same as my current tattoo

    2 lines with a picture in the middle.

    current tat on right shoulder. this may be the one for my left.

    i got acne after that tattoo cause i didnt use proper wash for about a month.. just used soap.. but i finally got that under control.. its always cloudy here so i gotta wait to work on the tan again...

    any 1 tried a spray tan.. makes u nice and brown and lasts a good month or somthing.. cost like 40$ and its sprayed on ?

    incase u didnt know, thats my only the strong survive tat with a cross

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Damn that looks like a shoulder of a 15 year old boy =)

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    nice tat mink

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    why do you want heartless bastard on you?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
    Damn that looks like a shoulder of a 15 year old boy =)
    hehe... im 5 foot 7

    last time i measured my arms were well over 15 inch.. which i was surprised.. i measured 16 inch.. but it was a shitty tape so ima say bout 15.. which i guess is ok, pretty happy since i shapeing them nicely past few months.. funny my right shoulder is bigger with less definition..


    14% bf or so

    ima getting down to 12%...

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    why do you want heartless bastard on you?
    dont really understand myself.. but i think i need it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    another jailhouse tat huh ?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    another jailhouse tat huh ?
    mmm maybe

  9. #9
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    dont really understand myself.. but i think i need it.
    I would really think about it then. Is that something you want to show everyone? I couldn't imagine many girls getting a good first impression.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I would really think about it then. Is that something you want to show everyone? I couldn't imagine many girls getting a good first impression.
    i dont think i would wear a singlet / show people.. but at times it would make me feel better

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i dont think i would wear a singlet / show people.. but at times it would make me feel better
    you don't wear no sleeves or tank tops in the summer? I couldn't imagine getting a girl home and taking off my shirt and having I'm an a-hole on my shoulder. How does a tattoo make you feel better? Just make sure you 110% about it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    would you really something negative like that no you forever? I know I wouldn't. If you decide or have kids in the future would you want them to see it? Would you want your child to have it on them? if you answer no to those 2 questions I really wouldn't get it

  13. #13
    yeh its really complicated.. 1 i dont think i would want people to see it most of the time. 2 i prolly wouldnt want kids to have it 3 no i dont wear tanktop / no sleeve. i always wear a t shirt.. without fail.. somtimes i wear a tanktop if i walk or jog but never out to a social place

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    to be honest this tat you want is terrible, if its the one in your av thats just my opinion.
    get something better

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    First I wasnt gonna post cuz I was like well if he wants it he can get it. But I assume you posted to get some feedback so I will give mine. I think its absolutely terrible and something you will regret. And ya it definitely looks jailhouse like the one you currently have, it just doesnt look prefessional and just isnt appealing to have something on your body that just looks like you got a buddy to do.

    Anyways its just my opinion and I dont know you for shit so its hard to say if you should actually get it or not. But from my standpoint it looks horrid.

  16. #16
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    Most negative feelings pass but that would be permanent and if it is negative and if/when the feeling passes would you want to look at it everyday and be reminded of it? I am getting one lasered off and I thank god its in colors that are easily broken down and will barely scare. dont get that tattoo

  17. #17
    yeh i did post for feedback.. the tattoo place owner was world champ 2 years.. the guy who did the tat was totally shit house.. and i need to get the cross smoothed up but its bad because i was ment to get the middle filled and decided not to. so i do gotta go back and get the edges sharpend up. guy is in hells angels gang i should have known.. good feedback. err it is in my display pic and the layout would be the same as my current tattoo.. ur right it dosnt look that professionally done but the reputation of the store was huge.. i aint disapointed.. but i agree its not that well done.
    words perfect cross is not sharp.. bad quality picture

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    yeh i did post for feedback.. the tattoo place owner was world champ 2 years.. the guy who did the tat was totally shit house.. and i need to get the cross smoothed up but its bad because i was ment to get the middle filled and decided not to. so i do gotta go back and get the edges sharpend up. guy is in hells angels gang i should have known.. good feedback. err it is in my display pic and the layout would be the same as my current tattoo.. ur right it dosnt look that professionally done but the reputation of the store was huge.. i aint disapointed.. but i agree its not that well done.
    words perfect cross is not sharp.. bad quality picture
    Ya bro I mean its just my opinion, doesnt have to mean shit to you cuz you dont even know me. But I do like you and never had any probs with you on the site so I wanted to give you my honest opinion and make sure you think about it first thats all. I just have a feeling you may regret it later. I mean are you really a heartless bastard? And when you have kids and they ask you what it means what do you say?

    Those are just the kinda things that go through my head bro.

    But ya you can definitely get that other one touched up to look sick, I would even add some shading around it, that would be really nice. I got shading done around mine and it looks so much better, when I went in I never planned to get shading but the artist shows me what it would look like and wow it makes it stand out much more. Should think about it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    dont do it!!! C'mon man "Fearless Bastard"??? it has white trash written all over it,hahahahaa. That looks like something some redneck dickhead would sport at the flea market!!!

  20. #20
    alot of good advice.. i definetly plan to get my tattoo redone they told me to go back and see them after a month, but to be honest it was a shit job and u can imagen i didnt really want to go back there. its only 2 months old so ill get it done within the next 6 months. also any ideas on a simular meaning tattoo but more discreet and classy as ****ed as that sounds im sure i can get a tattoo that means the same which is respectable and maybe somewhat nice for others aswell as myself

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    dont do it!!! C'mon man "Fearless Bastard"??? it has white trash written all over it,hahahahaa. That looks like something some redneck dickhead would sport at the flea market!!!
    its actually heartless

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    dont do it!!! C'mon man "Fearless Bastard"??? it has white trash written all over it,hahahahaa. That looks like something some redneck dickhead would sport at the flea market!!!
    Dead on with the image i got in my head
    U kill me stacked!
    Last edited by Hackamaniac; 10-13-2006 at 12:16 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Bro if your going to get something permanent, get something positive. Something that reminds you of the negative, yes, but more about your journey away from it and to better things.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    There is no way this kid is 18

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    There is no way this kid is 18
    GTFO mean anything to u?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    GTFO mean anything to u?
    Is it an acronym often used by internet-savy juveniles?

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    Is it an acronym often used by internet-savy juveniles?
    geekkktalk oblouzlyyyyyy engjish?>!

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I would really think about it then. Is that something you want to show everyone? I couldn't imagine many girls getting a good first impression.
    Seriously Bro,

    Imagine this...

    you're dating this smoking hot chick and you finally meet her parents and they see that retarded tat on your arm.

    If daddy dont approve, Mink gets no poon.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    Seriously Bro,

    Imagine this...

    you're dating this smoking hot chick and you finally meet her parents and they see that retarded tat on your arm.

    If daddy dont approve, Mink gets no poon.
    when u think of it that way. i must get a GED and a suit.. and go to lawschool?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    You don't have a GED?

    I'd get that before you get a tat.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    You don't have a GED?

    I'd get that before you get a tat.
    Seriously what are you waiting for? Get off the Internet and learn something. Getting a GED should be your priority

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Seriously what are you waiting for? Get off the Internet and learn something. Getting a GED should be your priority
    i left last year of school.. im going back in 07.. dont tell me what to do.. i actually make money so its not asif im sitting at home all day doing nothing.. what i do and waht i dont have is non of ur buisness. i felt i didnt need to finish and i was wrong. talk asif u know me and know what im doing.
    im trying to learn a 3rd language and continue learning the business. i just have alot of spare time... at night.. which is day for usa

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i left last year of school.. im going back in 07.. dont tell me what to do.. i actually make money so its not asif im sitting at home all day doing nothing.. what i do and waht i dont have is non of ur buisness. i felt i didnt need to finish and i was wrong. talk asif u know me and know what im doing.
    im trying to learn a 3rd language and continue learning the business. i just have alot of spare time... at night.. which is day for usa
    look at you all defensive all of sudden. Who cares if you make money. A GED test takes a few hours. There is no excuse. The only legitimate excuse is that the test isn't to next month. You will be better off its for your own good. If you spent half the time trying to learn German as you spend on AR you would be good by now. Its about getting your priorities in the right order. I'm not trying to give you a hard time but trust me from someone who is a little older

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    look at you all defensive all of sudden. Who cares if you make money. A GED test takes a few hours. There is no excuse. The only legitimate excuse is that the test isn't to next month. You will be better off its for your own good. If you spent half the time trying to learn German as you spend on AR you would be good by now. Its about getting your priorities in the right order. I'm not trying to give you a hard time but trust me from someone who is a little older
    im not exactly sure if GED is what im thinking off.. i have to finish 1 more year of school.. not do some test. thought GED. means u completed highschool? i have 1 more year left... but i might do 2 more years instead. i can live and get arround with my german.. but im going to france in 2 weeks.. so no more german.. im either going back to school till june.. or do 15 hours of french a week for 4 weeks..i know i have to get my priorities right.. but right now i cant make all my decisions myself, really dont see the problem with how much time i spend on AR.. realisticly i would spend 3 hours a day.. rather check out AR in my spare time then computer games. its like the anti drug. got opportunity to get a intern in USA.. but they dont start to may/june. and i will be studying at the same time if i take it.. security mangement for a financial trust or more into stock broking. i dont need to go back to school but i want to.. being in switzerland has made my spelling, grammar and english in general extremely poor and makes me look not very intelligent which is true but not to the extent i look from this.

    any way on topic: any 1 want to help me brainstorm a new design.. simular meaning.. somthing more happy and nice to look at.. respectable if possible

  35. #35
    by the way u are 100% right, im totally defensive, because i am where i am because i let my mum make choices for me when i was a little younger. do u think i would be in a non english speaking country if i could financially do somthing constructive on my own in my home country? need to get my highschool comparison certificate 1 way or another. just not very practical while im in switzerland. would prefer to do it in USA.. since its not as meaningful having certificate from here as compared to USA, want to go to usa asap and get started.. but visa only last 12 months initially from when its granted so i gotta wait till closer before interns and study starts before i apply. what i want to do is another year or 2 at school and studying maybe at a undergraduate college or somthing not just this test. but i might actually be ready for it, never know|

    so just so u know, im not a bum and i do have goals and motovation, but my priorities are to go to america and finish my education.. not learn german and forget it once i have leave within the next few months.. but i could be in french part of switzerland till may/june so i will be doing intensive lessons since french is the most spoken language on the planet.. thanks for the advice and help but so its clear i do have a goal and not just waiting to figure it out or be handed anything.
    Last edited by Foskamink; 10-14-2006 at 08:36 AM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Sounds good bro. A GED does mean something different in the USA. Its just a test you take and its a equivalent of a High School Diploma. But its not looked at as good. So doing what you are saying is better then a GED.
    I'm surprised someone would give an internship to someone with out a degree. Good luck with everything. You sound like you have more of a head on your shoulders then you is lead to believe by most of your post.

  37. #37
    That's a lame ass tatoo that just screams I'm ignorant. I'd just laugh if I saw that on some skinny kid.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH

    tattoo design

    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    any way on topic: any 1 want to help me brainstorm a new design.. simular meaning.. somthing more happy and nice to look at.. respectable if possible

    just messin with you bro.
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  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    That's a lame ass tatoo that just screams I'm ignorant. I'd just laugh if I saw that on some skinny kid.
    im not really skinny.. and im not a kid.. in comparison to any 1 whos done aas sure im skinny.. but how many years do u have on me? age ? years of working out? cycles?

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I'm surprised someone would give an internship to someone with out a degree. Good luck with everything. You sound like you have more of a head on your shoulders then you is lead to believe by most of your post.
    im just going kinda crazy in europe.. its in the water is wear

    but the intern is from a business partner/friend of my mothers, but i doubt it would be possible to get 1 by application and without a favour/help.

    thanks and i will do well.. by end of year ill be posting all in french
    Last edited by Foskamink; 10-14-2006 at 10:23 AM.

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