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  1. #1
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Angry ALMOST LOST MY JOB! Online Dating SUCKS Part II

    For those of you who didnt read my first thread 'Online Dating sucks' a recap of events is given at the bottom of this post

    So last night i m minding my own business doing my work having lots of fun with the hot waitresses ( ) and my manager comes to me and asks me "did you call some chick fat and ugly?" I froze at ONCE. I knew exactly who it was and i kinda saw this revenge. I denied it. He siad that despite her being fat and ugly you dont have to be vocal about these things. I said i dint say it to her face. He let me carry on with my work. But i knew this was far from over.

    At the end of the night the owner and manager are talking to me in prviate about this (nothing good ever comes out of this) and they told that they were accosted by a group of girls including her claiming that i had called her 'fat ang ugly. The friends told the manager and owner the whole story as it appears below. They even told them that i said that to her ONLINE and NOT in the club. So yes they are complaining about something that DIDNT happen at work.

    Long story short the managers somehow explained that my private life is somehow entwined in the job because i am in a 'high profile position' and that i might get my knee caps blown off. They basically want me to apologize to her for treating her so badly... one way or the other. They have given me a week to apologize to her and repeatedly do it if i have to.

    The recap of the story is below.
    This is a part story/part rant/part me being a bonafide asshole (and for this i hope you guys dont hate me)

    met this girl on an online service type thing. ANyway her and i have been talking for about 3 weeks and shes seen pics of me and i have seen pics of her. In her pics she looks pretty, she doesnt look fat obese or whatever. In fact she was hot by some standards. She was a nice person, smart, intelligent and bascially everything one would look for IN a woman.

    ANYWAY, i met her at the club i work at about 2 weeks ago and when she said hi to me while i was walking around, i took one good look at all 200 lbs (ok 185lbs) of her and gave hera dirty look and walekd away. I was in complete disbelief at what i saw. How could someone look so different (ugier, fatter) than her pics??

    She just messged me calling me rude for ignoring her like that. I told her that i was completely shocked and distraught at the way i was deceived by her pictures. I also told her to lose weight.

    Thereafter she blocked me.

    YEs i know i was too mean and ther is nothing i can do.

    im sorry for being such a terrible human being
    Last edited by stunner5000pt; 10-14-2006 at 01:59 PM.

  2. #2
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    So she came to your work.....and complained? Even though it didn't happen at work? I'm confused.

  3. #3
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    So she came to your work.....and complained? Even though it didn't happen at work? I'm confused.
    yes tahts exactly what happened.

  4. #4
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    WTF? Man thats pretty juvenile

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Is the bar you meet her at the same place you work at?

  6. #6
    big L 17's Avatar
    big L 17 is offline Female Member
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    thats messed up

  7. #7
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Is the bar you meet her at the same place you work at?

    the same place

  8. #8
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by salmon1
    Dude u shouldnt have met her at the same place u worked.. Are you a bouncer or what

    problem was she knew me from the picture i sent her almost immediately

  9. #9
    PrairieDawg's Avatar
    PrairieDawg is offline Senior Member
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    sounds like your boss is on a power trip telling you what to do with your personal life. you're a bus boy not a damn manager. how important is your image? if it were me I'd tell him to screw himself and go work somewhere else.

  10. #10
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    That sucks. I don't see why your boss can't understand that your personal life, and professional life are different.

    They shouldn't make you do anything. It's totally messed up.

  11. #11
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieDawg
    sounds like your boss is on a power trip telling you what to do with your personal life. how much could a bar really pay a bus boy? if it were me I'd tell him to screw himself and go work somewhere else.

  12. #12
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    in that case i need to go job hunting

    even if i was fired i could sue for wrongful termination, right?

    but there is a technical issue involved in taht i am damaging the image of the club by showing taht i am a mean person?

  13. #13
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    i am 21....

    maturity level of a 15 year old

  14. #14
    RA's Avatar
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    If it didnt happen at work I would tell them to eat a dick and fvck off

  15. #15
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    u did what u had to

  16. #16
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    i wouldnt go so far as to telling them to **** off theyve been nice to me

    also i think the owner has a soft spot for her because he is himself MORBIDLY obese. i would estimate he weighs about 400 lbs + at 5' 8".

    he's a typical rich guy too... typically an asshle but nice when he needs to be it

  17. #17
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    suppose i were to make the apology.. keep in mind it is a forced apology right? so it wouldnt count. it's going to be fake in any case. i was considering today what t o type so as to make it sound as 'real' as possible.

    i wonder if i could find another job. a job which paid just as good as this one.

    i really dont know

  18. #18
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lesson # 1:


    That being said, NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, NEVER EVER invite some girl you haven't known for a while to your:

    A: Work
    B: Home
    C: Friend/Relative Homes

    You are asking for trouble. Keep in mind, hot or not, some chicks are just flat out psycho. Until you have determined that they are 100% sane, and you won't have any problems, never invite them to any place where they can find you in the future or put you in situations like your in now.


  19. #19
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    some of you will tell me taht i should have clued because all of her pics are from teh face up only

    i also took it on assumption that the camera does make some people look fatter than they are... and that has applied to some situations

    but not this time
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ALMOST LOST MY JOB! Online Dating Part II-dsc00931.jpg   ALMOST LOST MY JOB! Online Dating Part II-ma-me-mic-ma.jpg  

  20. #20
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    uhhhh i dont know what u were lookin at but i can tell shes fat just from those pics...look at that round face

  21. #21
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    uhhhh i dont know what u were lookin at but i can tell shes fat just from those pics...look at that round face
    yes clearly im an idiot

  22. #22
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    That's a big bitch!

  23. #23
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    She looks like a nutter!

  24. #24
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    the next time i have a bitch im going to run ehr pics by you guys coz i m just an idiot apparently

  25. #25
    dan991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stunner5000pt
    the next time i have a bitch im going to run ehr pics by you guys coz i m just an idiot apparently
    It's all good man. Fat girls give good BJ's cause they ain't got nothin' else going for them. You should just got a BJ then told her she was fat... atleast this way you get something out of losing your job or whatever...

  26. #26
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    I'd fuk it It's at the max though, 185lbs. (goodcents on way to e-mail this chick) It's just a fuk, turn down the lights and pound it out.

  27. #27
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    she looks MUCH WORSE in person

    IN FACT she looked awful WITH the lights turned down

    eyesore to say the LEAST

  28. #28
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    You probably could of fuked her and her friend better do it on the floor though, the bed cant take it

  29. #29
    dan991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stunner5000pt

    she looks MUCH WORSE in person

    IN FACT she looked awful WITH the lights turned down

    eyesore to say the LEAST

    Why you gettin' mad at us? We aren't the ones trying to fvck the fat chick....

  30. #30
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvisinturn1
    It's all good man. Fat girls give good BJ's cause they ain't got nothin' else going for them. You should just got a BJ then told her she was fat... atleast this way you get something out of losing your job or whatever...

    Preach brother damn young ens' always turning down
    p u s s y Fat chics always give good head Many a night when I had a stiffy I would have hit that

  31. #31
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I'd fuk it It's at the max though, 185lbs. (goodcents on way to e-mail this chick) It's just a fuk, turn down the lights and pound it out.

    LMAO that a boy ......

  32. #32
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    guys this thread was not supposed to be FUNNY LOL

    ok ok here's the letter of apology i am trying t ocome up with .. if you guys will help me

    Dear Woman

    My behaviour towards you was rude and shameful. I never thought I was capable of hurting somebody’s feelings in such a dishonorable manner until I hurt your feelings. Shortly after, I asked myself if I had lost my humanity and my love for human life. Lately, I have left less like a human and more of a demon. I have been doing some soul searching as of late because I have been feeling terrible inside of what I did to you. I have been scared to admit that I need to change but I am willing to change.
    I write to you for forgiveness so that I may regain what is left of my humanity. In the media, people behave the way I did all the time and brush off their demonic behaviour like dust. I see the repercussions of treating others in such a similar manner. I hope to learn from this that I should consider the feelings of others more before I act impulsively and behave in such a rude manner. I like to believe I am not in this world to hurt people’s feelings. I would find more pleasure in life to help and complement people on their talents and uniqueness.
    I write to apologize to you so that I may redeem myself and let you know that you are not what I described you to be. Only a monster would describe a person in such a rude manner. I hope that you can forgive me so that I may become a little more human and a lot less of a monster. I am sorry.

  33. #33
    dan991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stunner5000pt
    guys this thread was not supposed to be FUNNY LOL

    ok ok here's the letter of apology i am trying t ocome up with .. if you guys will help me
    Dear Women

    How about "Hey Fatass" instead

    Anyways how about something ALOT more simpler like:


    Dear Fat Bitch, (use her real name)

    I would like to apologise for my actions. I was rude, demeaning, and unthoughtful. Please accept my most sincere apologies.


    The guy who wanted to bone the fat chick.

    <the end>
    Last edited by dan991; 10-14-2006 at 03:26 PM.

  34. #34
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvisinturn1
    Dear Women

    How about "Hey Fatass" instead

    Anyways how about something ALOT more simpler like:


    Dear Fat Bitch, (use her real name)

    I would like to apologise for my actions. I was rude, demeaning, and unthoughtful. Please accept my most sincere apologies.


    The guy who wanted to bone the fat chick.

    <the end>

  35. #35
    doittoit's Avatar
    doittoit is offline Associate Member
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    hahahahhaha, this is some funny shit! but seriously just give her the bone lol

  36. #36
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doittoit
    hahahahhaha, this is some funny shit! but seriously just give her the bone lol

    Why do you have an avatar with a guy smoking?

  37. #37
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    And if the apology don't work man.... just buy her some gift certificates to McDonald's or something. I don't know if I'd go back and try to hit it though. At 185 lbs. (big bitch) she's gotta wash her shit atleast 5 times a day just to keep it from smelling funky. Chances are she don't, so before you get her naked, bring a dog with you and have him sniff "around." If the dog drops it's ears, tucks it's tail, and takes off... well...

    Just get her the gift certificates or something nice. Keep in mind you already know she likes food, so no reason to experiment with other gifts...

  38. #38
    dan991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Why do you have an avatar with a guy smoking?
    That's the guy from Beverly Hills 90210 silly

  39. #39
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvisinturn1
    And if the apology don't work man.... just buy her some gift certificates to McDonald's or something. I don't know if I'd go back and try to hit it though. At 185 lbs. (big bitch) she's gotta wash her shit atleast 5 times a day just to keep it from smelling funky. Chances are she don't, so before you get her naked, bring a dog with you and have him sniff "around." If the dog drops it's ears, tucks it's tail, and takes off... well...

    Just get her the gift certificates or something nice. Keep in mind you already know she likes food, so no reason to experiment with other gifts...

  40. #40
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvisinturn1
    That's the guy from Beverly Hills 90210 silly
    luke perry? why show him smoking though? Why not 3 hot chics kissing?

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