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Thread: L.A. police must love too beat black people

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    L.A. police must love too beat black people

    This is bullshit. I was just watching the news, and they showed this video of Inglewood police officers beating a 16 yr old black kid. WTF is this shit? It pisses me off to see this shit. These racist motherfuckers. I wish i could of been there i would fucking love to beat all of there asses. Man this really pisses me off.

    Anybody else see this bullshit? Ok i just had to get this off my chest.
    Thanks for listening.

    Peace out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    yea, I saw it at the gym, but I didn't hear the story. I was wondering about it too. I'm all for a little police brutality when it's necessary, but DEFINITELY NOT if it's racially motivated, which it appeared to be.

  3. #3
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    JJ. The boy and his father got pulled over for driving under susp. They said the boy started talking shit. Anyway, i didn't get the full story, but i did see them really slam his fucking face on the trunk of the police car pretty damn hard.(after he was already handcuffed, the kid wasn't even fighting them) Then one other police officer punched him right after that. From what i understand they had already beat him up pretty good before he was hand cuffed.

    1 police officer was susp with pay, pending investigation.

    I will get the full story for you later.


  4. #4
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    Apr 2002
    Jp, i too am for some police brutality. But these motherfuckers did it because the boy was black. Inglewood police officers don't have the best of reps anyway. All this does is prove it.

  5. #5
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    Brooklyn N.Y
    im sure it wasn't for no reason ...... the news might've made it look like it was for no reason....But trust me police officers especially now a days wouldn't just do that for no reason.....there paid to protect society......they probably made more of a big deal because the kid was the media would care if a white kid got beat up for no reason...they wouldn't even put it on the news....makes me sick the media is corrupted......

  6. #6
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    In the field, hunting for poonany
    I'm not saying it wasn't racially motivated would be a different story if the media flocked to white people getting beat by police. If they did the media would have no story, they take advantage of the "racial" issues. Don't get me wrong, Im not saying this wasn't legit or that it is ok to be beating people of ANY race. But what I am saying is they exploit anything dealing with black people.


  7. #7
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    Originally posted by Commander_Bash
    im sure it wasn't for no reason ...... the news might've made it look like it was for no reason....But trust me police officers especially now a days wouldn't just do that for no reason.....there paid to protect society......they probably made more of a big deal because the kid was the media would care if a white kid got beat up for no reason...they wouldn't even put it on the news....makes me sick the media is corrupted......
    Yeah man, sure sure. It's the media. Man get your glasses fixed, because your ass is blind. All these pigs were white. The dude was cuffed. They still fucked him up. Explain this to me, must be the media

  8. #8
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    Los Angeles
    Commander, your post makes you sound like a the President SHOULD be the greatest man in the country, like people in the public eye SHOULD be role models for our kids. etc etc etc....

    If this were a perfect world your arguement would hold water, however in THIS world your statements are flimsy at best. People are people. People make mistakes, they can have bad days, they can be corrupted. Cops, Judges, politicians, bank tellers, postmen, firemen, doctors, cleaning ladies, priests...It doesnt matter what screening process you go thru.

    A police officer has a job to do...after the kid was handcuffed the violence should stop. A little ruff handling wouldnt be uncalled for, but the violence "SHOULD" stop.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2001
    Makes you wonder if the reported acts of police brutality coincide with the area the arrests are happening. Sure if the ratio of arrests by race is (example) 75% black - 25% white [leaving out other races to save space] there are gonna be way more reports filed by blacks. I know several cops and hear the shit they go thru its easy to get caught up and take out something that happened earlier on a smart mouth kid. The race card gets pulled way to quick in america. Its became too easy.

    btw I'm not biased I hate everyone equally. =)

  10. #10
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    Apr 2002
    Ok lets for one minute say it's not about race, These cops are still fucking in the wrong for what they did. White, black, green, red, they are still in the wrong. The shit was video taped did any of you get a chance to see it?

  11. #11
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    Jan 2002
    i saw a little bit today mornin , made me sick to the stomach , i thought there was a black cop also standing there ? on the right ? i wonder what ronnie coleman's comments would be ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    KILL WHITEY!!!!!!!!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    On a beach in California
    Haven't seen the report but doesn't surprise me at all. Like Mike said Inglewood and from personal experience, Torrance cops don't have good reps. The L.A. Rampart cops were a gang with badges; they sold hard drugs, ran prostitutes, bookie operations etc. The L.A. police used to be an example to other police departments, for good reasons, now their known only for bad ones. I feel for this kid who got beat up. Peace.

  14. #14
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    There was a black cop standing there as well, but I guess no matter how outraged he might have been he likely wouldn't want to crumble the blue wall of silence.

    I watched the tape as well, regardless of what the kid said their actions were unwarranted and outta line IMO. Even if the kid took a swing, they should have subdued him cuffed him and put him in the vehicle...that's it!! He was only 16 for christs sake and looked to be all of 160-170lbs! Instead, after he was cuffed and subdued, they slammed his head on the hood of the police cruiser and then 5-10 seconds later a cop smacked him in his chops as he lay there bent over with his hands behind his back. Nothing that kid could have said to the cops would warrant that action.

    I will say that I have all the respect in the world for police officers, they put their lives on the line every day for very little pay. But like in every other profession, their are some bad apples...and those bad apples can influence those surrounding them. I'm sure an investigation will ensue.

  15. #15
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    The media is hyping this shit up more now then they were lastnight. This news lady made sure she emphasized 16 yr old BLACK man (im thinking man) was yada yada yada by a WHITE police officer.

  16. #16
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    Jun 2002
    Use of Force Probed in Videotaped Arrest


    July 8, 2002

    Law enforcement authorities have launched an investigation into whether police used excessive force when arresting a 16-year-old boy at an Inglewood gasoline station. The incident was captured on videotape.

    The footage, taped about 5 p.m. Saturday, shows the African American teenager being picked up by a white Inglewood officer and slammed onto the trunk of a police squad car.

    Surrounded by about five Inglewood officers and Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, the teen-ager then appeared to be punched in the head by the same officer. "The guy was out of it. It's pretty clear he's totally subdued," said Mitchell Crooks, an amateur photographer who videotaped the incident from a nearby hotel.

    "He [the police officer] picked him up like a rag doll and then slammed him to the car ... then he clocked him."

    Filming the incident, Crooks said, made him feel like he was watching "the next Rodney King," a reference to the 1991 videotaped police beating that was broadcast across the nation and sparked public outrage.

    The teenager, whose identity was not released, was taken to a hospital and treated for injuries before being taken into police custody, authorities said.

    Police booked the youth on suspicion of assaulting a police officer, and he was later released. The nature of the teenager's injuries was unclear.

    Both Inglewood police and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said they would investigate the incident.

    "A thorough investigation into the use of force by sheriff's deputies will be conducted, which is routine any time force is used by department personnel," said Sgt. Rick Myers, a Sheriff's Department spokesman.

    The incident occurred Saturday when sheriff's deputies pulled over a car whose driver was wanted for driving with a suspended license.

    The driver was at a gas station on West Century Boulevard just inside Inglewood. Several Inglewood police then arrived at the scene, and an altercation ensued with the 16-year-old boy, who was a passenger in the vehicle.

    Crooks said he was sitting in his hotel room across the street when he heard a woman screaming that police were beating a man.

    Grabbing his video camera, Crooks said, he rushed to the hotel balcony and started filming. The footage appears to show the officer lifting the boy by the collar and pants and throwing him face first onto the trunk of a police car.

    Pinned against the vehicle, the teenager turn his head toward the officer, who then appears to strike him in the head with a closed fist. The same officer appears to grasp him around the neck before other officers intervene. At that point the boy is escorted to a police car.

    In the video, the teenager and the officer appeared to have suffered injuries. Blood appeared to be dripping down the boy's face, and the officer appeared to have a wound above his left ear.

    It is not clear what happened in the moments before the footage was taken.

  17. #17
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    Apr 2002
    the cops shouldn't have puched him and slammmed him on the car, but that's where I end agreeing with most of you.

    If the kid would've shut his mouth then they wouldn't have beat his ass and he was the one breaking the law. There is a shortage of police officers in So Cal cuz of all the complaints being filed. The cops are more worried about law suits then doing there job.

    The problem now is that this kid got a lawyer and now he's going to get a shit load of money which will just show other criminals that it's ok to commit crime cuz all you have to do is piss off a cop the wrong way and you'll be rich.

    I'm glad he got his ass beat, maybe now he'll stop breaking the law and others will take heed. Also, nobody knows what happened before the tape started so stop thinking this kid is a fucking angel.

    Police brutality is wrong, but what I see in this situation wasn't anything horrific.

  18. #18
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    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by Vegas Kid
    the cops shouldn't have puched him and slammmed him on the car, but that's where I end agreeing with most of you.

    If the kid would've shut his mouth then they wouldn't have beat his ass and he was the one breaking the law. There is a shortage of police officers in So Cal cuz of all the complaints being filed. The cops are more worried about law suits then doing there job.

    The problem now is that this kid got a lawyer and now he's going to get a shit load of money which will just show other criminals that it's ok to commit crime cuz all you have to do is piss off a cop the wrong way and you'll be rich.

    I'm glad he got his ass beat, maybe now he'll stop breaking the law and others will take heed. Also, nobody knows what happened before the tape started so stop thinking this kid is a fucking angel.

    Police brutality is wrong, but what I see in this situation wasn't anything horrific.
    The kid is no fucking angel.. that obvious. From what i understand the kid didn't break any laws, he was riding bitch. He was just being a little mouthy fuck.

  19. #19
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    Apr 2002
    Diesel you make a damn good point. I been thinking about this since i first heard about it. And you are right. We do not know what happend prior to the taping. Anything could of happend. I have started to think differently about this since i first posted this thread. I know how pissed one can get when put into a situation. I can also see how the officer could have went off. Im not sure what to think. I guess if you can't handle your anger you should not be a pig, because your anger could get you into alot of trouble. That is all.

    Peace Out

    Peace out

  20. #20
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    Nov 2001
    Right now they seem to be telling just one side of the story and making it out to be a race issue.

    From the news this morning, they were saying the cops asked the kid to sit in the car while they questioned the father. Since he hadn't done anything...yet, they just left him there uncuffed. He (the 16 yr old) started cussing and swearing at the cops and when one (the one you see punching him) tried to calm the kid down, he struck the cop and caused a cut to his face/head. That's what you don't see.

    Of course the first thing people pull is the typical "Racism Card". Never mind that almost anyone would have reacted the same way as the cop under the cicumstances, Black, White, whatever. Is it right? Probably not. But is it Racism? I doubt it.

  21. #21
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    If that's true then i don't blame that pig for poppin the kid like that. Even though it's not right, im sure i would of have done the same thing if not worse. The timing of that video does not help the police out at all.

  22. #22
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    I heard on my local news that the tape only showed half of the incident...From what they stated, the youth assulted one of the officers while/during them handcuffing them. Yes, tempers flared, what we saw on tape was definitely wrong, but you have to understand that what you saw on the tape is what the person taping wanted you to see...meaning I highly doubt that was the entire incident.

  23. #23
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    Someone made an interesting point about there being a black cop on scene. I don't think it was racially motivated. I think that the cops and the boy may have had an altercation (which some news agencies have reported) prior to the tape being recorded and the officers slammed the kid on the hood harm no foul. What was stepping across theline was the punch. Even if the suspect talked smack he didn't deserve to be smacked. My sisters acop so she's heard it all oncethe suspects are cuffed. They've even spit on her but she says that'sno reason to nail someone. Youjust make sure the cuffs are nice and snug so they have purple hands!!!

  24. #24
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    The land of stars
    I hav eno idea how many of you here are from LA. I hav elived in this city all my life. Inglewood is no Beverly Hills. Those cops put up with a lot of shit down there. There geting shot at for helping society. I am not saying that the beating was justified. However, do we know what this kid did prior to the beating? Did the cops know he was a little punk banger? We don't know shit except for what the video shows.

    So BigMike don't sit there talking all this shit that just becasue the kid was balck was the reason the cops beat his ass. How the fuck do we know what he said. A lot of people have been beat down before. This kid ghot lucky becasue of some dumbass sitting in a pay by the hour hotel room in Inglewood, decided to shot his stolen camcorder.

    The LA cops have to put up witrh a lot of shit. Ever since that punk taped the Rodney King beating the LA force has taken a lot of shit. They are so under mmatched in the streets around here. Did you knmow that in one of the worst areas of LA (Newton Divison) that at sometimes there are only 7 crusiers on the street. If anyone here knows about the Newtojn Divison (AKA "Shooten Newton") you will know that 7 cops cars is not nearly enough to patrol those streets.

    I have quit a few friends on the force in LA.They have stated so many times that they are way out manned. Sometimes they get a little ahead of themselvces and do somethignstupid like beat a kid. But I guarantee you that most of those kids in that area are not you honor roll students. It sad that it happend to the kid, however, it's good in away becasue it shows the community that the cops are not going to take their shit any more.

    Vegas, once again my boy I am going to agree with you. These punks think they can run around shooting innocent people. Fuck em', the kid is lucky he didn't get shot. He got off easy this time.

    If you want to argue about this more BigMike then go ahead. Becasue I am all for it. I think it's beast if you sit back and weigh all the cirtcumstances. And not the fact that the kid was balck and the cops were white. All your doing is jumping on the bandwagon of all the other people who waste their time complaining about shit they have no right to complain about. Put on a uniform or go out and rob banks. Then coma back and tell us what you think of the beating.

    I am sorry for going off, but listening to this bullshit pisses me off. Big Mike, if you are not from LA then please don't talk shit about a town you have no right to talk about.

  25. #25
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    Originally posted by Butch
    I hav eno idea how many of you here are from LA. I hav elived in this city all my life. Inglewood is no Beverly Hills. Those cops put up with a lot of shit down there. There geting shot at for helping society. I am not saying that the beating was justified. However, do we know what this kid did prior to the beating? Did the cops know he was a little punk banger? We don't know shit except for what the video shows.

    So BigMike don't sit there talking all this shit that just becasue the kid was balck was the reason the cops beat his ass. How the fuck do we know what he said. A lot of people have been beat down before. This kid ghot lucky becasue of some dumbass sitting in a pay by the hour hotel room in Inglewood, decided to shot his stolen camcorder.

    The LA cops have to put up witrh a lot of shit. Ever since that punk taped the Rodney King beating the LA force has taken a lot of shit. They are so under mmatched in the streets around here. Did you knmow that in one of the worst areas of LA (Newton Divison) that at sometimes there are only 7 crusiers on the street. If anyone here knows about the Newtojn Divison (AKA "Shooten Newton") you will know that 7 cops cars is not nearly enough to patrol those streets.

    I have quit a few friends on the force in LA.They have stated so many times that they are way out manned. Sometimes they get a little ahead of themselvces and do somethignstupid like beat a kid. But I guarantee you that most of those kids in that area are not you honor roll students. It sad that it happend to the kid, however, it's good in away becasue it shows the community that the cops are not going to take their shit any more.

    Vegas, once again my boy I am going to agree with you. These punks think they can run around shooting innocent people. Fuck em', the kid is lucky he didn't get shot. He got off easy this time.

    If you want to argue about this more BigMike then go ahead. Becasue I am all for it. I think it's beast if you sit back and weigh all the cirtcumstances. And not the fact that the kid was balck and the cops were white. All your doing is jumping on the bandwagon of all the other people who waste their time complaining about shit they have no right to complain about. Put on a uniform or go out and rob banks. Then coma back and tell us what you think of the beating.

    I am sorry for going off, but listening to this bullshit pisses me off. Big Mike, if you are not from LA then please don't talk shit about a town you have no right to talk about.

    For one im not from L.A, And i think half the word knows about Inglewoods reputation. I have friends from Cali, and i have heard the same shit from them. Especially about L.A.

    Im not going to get into a war with you man. But i do think you need to put on your glasses and read some. I have learned more about this whole ordeal, and i have changed my opinion about the whole thing.

    Was it racial motivated.. no i don't think so. At first that is what it appeared to be, this was before any of the small details were revealed. Like i said at first i only caught half of it. I was sitting by my computer so i was like fuckit. Im gonna start a thread.

    Im sure the cop was pretty pissed off. But he's a cop, and his job is to KEEP HIS KEWL as well as protect the public yada yada yada. Did he do this? Fuck no. So imo the cop deserves whatever he gets. Just like the thought that boy deserved what he got.

    You make it out like L.A is the only fucking place on earth where cops have it rough. Get real man. These guys have choices so don't preach to me about how they have it rough. I do respect the law, and appreciate what they do. Not all cops are good cops.

    IMO your opinion is a biost one. You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Im not jumping on any bandwagon.
    Last edited by BigMike J; 07-09-2002 at 11:33 AM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I saw that video about 30 minutes ago, What a brave man beating on a 16 year old boy in handcofs. I heard the policeman got suspended, i hope they fire him. Also hope there wont be any riots.

  27. #27
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    After reading true the posts (i didnt at first) it seems like the kid diserved it.

  28. #28
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    Originally posted by Butch

    Vegas, once again my boy I am going to agree with you. These punks think they can run around shooting innocent people. Fuck em', the kid is lucky he didn't get shot. He got off easy this time.

    I'm glad to see you do!

    So what, the kid got his ass beat, bid deal, he probably deserved it! How many times have you seen people (black or white) beat up homeless people and tourists? What about them? Why is it when a cop punches a little shit everybody is boo hoo-ing over his sorry ass. But if a gang rapes and kills somebody they just say oh well, just another victim. I bet if that kid had killed somebody with his car (he had a suspended liscense) everybody wouldn't think a little punch was so bad.

    And stop comparing this to Rodney King. Rodney was beaten, really really bad! This kid was punched once after he hit an officer. You guys need to stop feeling sorry for the criminals and start praising those that try and protect us or the criminals are going to be the ones taking all of OUR rights away. I hope that fucker sits in jail for assult on a cop and becomes somebody's bitch.

  29. #29
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    The land of stars
    Originally posted by Vegas Kid

    I'm glad to see you do!

    So what, the kid got his ass beat, bid deal, he probably deserved it! How many times have you seen people (black or white) beat up homeless people and tourists? What about them? Why is it when a cop punches a little shit everybody is boo hoo-ing over his sorry ass. But if a gang rapes and kills somebody they just say oh well, just another victim. I bet if that kid had killed somebody with his car (he had a suspended liscense) everybody wouldn't think a little punch was so bad.

    And stop comparing this to Rodney King. Rodney was beaten, really really bad! This kid was punched once after he hit an officer. You guys need to stop feeling sorry for the criminals and start praising those that try and protect us or the criminals are going to be the ones taking all of OUR rights away. I hope that fucker sits in jail for assult on a cop and becomes somebody's bitch.
    Once again Vegas you are right!!!!

    And BigMike, I don't think I ever said that LA was the only rough place. Shit, there are only a select few towns here that are bad. It's just those fucking cities make it bad for the rest. I'm glad the kid got hit. These little shits are running around like they are King Kong. I was the same way when I was a kid. Unitl I learned that the law does not give a shit who you are or where you are from. That shit snapped me out of the "rebelious" stage quick. If the cops would of beaten me like that my dad would of said thank you to the cops. Maybe this kid will think twice about doing something stupid Vegas said.

    And I am not starting a war here. You stressed your opinion, and I am doing the same.

  30. #30
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    Originally posted by Butch

    If the cops would of beaten me like that my dad would of said thank you to the cops.
    I would have rather had the cops woop my ass then my mom slap the eyes out of my head. The father should have told his son to shut the fuck up when cursing at the police. How was this kid raised? No respect.

  31. #31
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    ON, Canada

    Police Brutality

    I think a lot of people have a slight misconception as to the definition of "Police Brutality". Although I did not see this video, the fact that this kid was assaulted after the cuffs were on and he had been taken into custody would suggest that the situation did get somewhat out of hand. BUT! What most people do not understand is that a cop hitting a seemingly helpless victim MAY not be exactly what the media has made it all out to be. I hate to drudge up the past, but I'm inclined to bring up the Rodney King incident of a few years ago. True, to the average spectator Mr. Kings incident did look particularly violent, and It didn't help that the media had put their own personalized spin on things, but there is a fine line as far as doing ones job properly and brutality are concerned. I know I'm going to get chewed on this one, but for the most part, the officers involved in the Rodney King Incident were following procedure. Before kicking my ass on this let me explain. There is a certain level of compliance that must be met by the suspect during an arrest. In this case, Mr. King did not. I know that it seemed quite brutal as far as their method of arrest, and the fact that he was severely outnumbered, but the fact remains the majority of the officer followed procedure to the letter. When you are told not to move by an officer, and given instruction/orders as to your next series of movement. You damn well had better follow them. It did not come out until later that Mr. King was Cracked out at the time of the arrest, but let me assure you that a trained police officer, or anyone with a little experience dealing with this for that matter will be able to recognize those symptoms. It was apparent that these officers did and regardless as to whether any person not directly involved in this situation would like to realize or admit, the officer automatically goes into a heightened situation of awareness. there are certain levels in which a police officer will respond to a particular situation. Once Mr. King was given a command and refused to comply with it, the officers involved were well within their rights to physically intervene. I'll give you the gist of it. During certain situations, police officers are authorized to use different methods and tactics at their disposal based on the situation encountered. In this case, the situation encountered started as passive resistance. At this point the officer is only authorized to use what it called Tactical Communications (ex. Barking orders) from this point if the Tactical Communications prove ineffective, the officer has the option to classify the situation into the next level which is known as Active Resistance. In which case the Officer may use Empty hand Techniques and/or Soft Impact Weapon. Mr. King clearly displayed both passive and active resistance during the initial stages of the incident and therefore the officers were working well within their rights. The next stage to consider would be assaultive. At which point Mr. King made several attempts to grab at and cling on to police officers. An act of desperation, maybe. Was it meant to be assaultive, probably not, but in either case his actions clearly fit the profile. At which point officers were authorized by law to use Aerosol Spray and failing that, Hard Impact weapon. At this point Compliance was finally met and the arrest was made. Regardless of whether or not an individual is in handcuffs, if all factors are not met, then the situation is still just that. A situation!

    This may sound like complete garbage to someone whom is not a professional in the field of law enforcement, and regardless of everyone’s opinion every police officer must go through the same level of training. And as hard as it may be for some to believe this Use of Force Response Option works for ALL situations. Not all Situations require force, but in this case I outlined the areas which were present in the situation and handed them to you. The use of force response can go further either way with the officer always having the option of disengaging a situation if it calls for it. (danger to themselves or civilian presence), or on the other end of the spectrum used of Deadly force, which oddly enough also is used when a danger to themselves or civilian presence is the situation.

    What does this all have to do with the incident shown recently on the news? As I said, I did not see the incident, but for those who have I hope that this will help clarify your opinion as to the different levels of force that a police officer is authorized to use. Regardless of what the media has made of it, the situation MOST of the time is not in fact race related.

    Anyone out their disagree with me?

  32. #32
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    The land of stars
    BIg Red, thanx for the post. I to thought the cops were within reason of the Rodney situation. I was not aware of the technical name sof the steps cops take in a situation of this matter.

    As someone stated above, we only saw what was taped. We did not see what led up to the incident.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Inglewood.. always up to no good..

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    the kid was like 130 lbs. the cop looked like 230 lbs. i mean he picked the kid completly off of his feet like a duffel bag. i dont have much sympathy for these police because ive seen police commit felonys first hand many times.

  35. #35
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    South Louisiana
    The cop claimed that the kid grabbed his nuts when the kids hands were handcuffed behind his back, and if you take a look at the cops face right before he punched him you will see that the cop actually makes an "ouch my nuts" face! I know i would punch anyone grabbing my nuts!

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