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Thread: Advice On Army!

  1. #81
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    i have a 21 year old daughter who is about to graduate college.......i would send her to canada before id let her get drafted.....over this middle east bull corn anyway.......but if you want to join up...i will support you and all the troops serving in all ways possible

  2. #82
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Bro, big difference between doing a mile as fast as you can and running 15 or more.

  3. #83
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Bro, big difference between doing a mile as fast as you can and running 15 or more.
    yeah, i can run a mile as fast as i can, i kant RUN 15!

  4. #84
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    dont just join because of your DUI thing, make sure you have some other reasons. if i had to choose between 6months in jail or 3 more years in the army i would choose jail in a heartbeat.
    hahahha thats funny bro!

  5. #85
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    Bro, big difference between doing a mile as fast as you can and running 15 or more.
    you're right, but I was just showing that I am in pretty good cardiovascular shape. Just because I'm big does not mean I'm slow. Naturally I have the body of a distance runner so 15 miles shouldn't be a problem for me assuming you're not RUNNING the whole way.

    The closet thing I can think of is the Na Pali Coast's 11-Mile Kalalau Trail in Hawaii. It's a pretty tough hike with some very dangerous parts and I did it a few years ago when I wasn't in as good a shape as I am now in a couple hours. I takes most people 10 hours+ to complete it

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    you're right, but I was just showing that I am in pretty good cardiovascular shape. Just because I'm big does not mean I'm slow. Naturally I have the body of a distance runner so 15 miles shouldn't be a problem for me assuming you're not RUNNING the whole way.

    The closet thing I can think of is the Na Pali Coast's 11-Mile Kalalau Trail in Hawaii. It's a pretty tough hike with some very dangerous parts and I did it a few years ago when I wasn't in as good a shape as I am now in a couple hours. I takes most people 10 hours+ to complete it
    You will not have to run more than a couple miles in a row when you first join. You work up to that level. You'll find AF basic is easy as pie. The para rescue training is what will be a chalenge.

  7. #87
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yesevil
    You will not have to run more than a couple miles in a row when you first join. You work up to that level. You'll find AF basic is easy as pie. The para rescue training is what will be a chalenge.
    I was in the AF and went through their basic training and my AFSC (MOS) assigned me to a special cross unit with the Army and I had to then go through Army basic and then jump school at Ft Benning Georgia. I was assigned overseas in Japan and did all kinds of TDY all over the place. Even though I was AF I was always around the Army and somewhat the Navy. We were classified special assignment. In war zones/conlicts we were always the first in to clear LZ's and start logistics. My DD214 says both AF and Army. My service records say both branches of service. My base privileges allow me into both the PX and BX. Basic training for both the AF and Army were so similar that they were almost the same. But that is viewed in hindsight, when you are going through it there is basically no difference.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    I was in the AF and went through their basic training and my AFSC (MOS) assigned me to a special cross unit with the Army and I had to then go through Army basic and then jump school at Ft Benning Georgia. I was assigned overseas in Japan and did all kinds of TDY all over the place. Even though I was AF I was always around the Army and somewhat the Navy. We were classified special assignment. In war zones/conlicts we were always the first in to clear LZ's and start logistics. My DD214 says both AF and Army. My service records say both branches of service. My base privileges allow me into both the PX and BX. Basic training for both the AF and Army were so similar that they were almost the same. But that is viewed in hindsight, when you are going through it there is basically no difference.
    Good info

  9. #89
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    I was gonna say, AF basic was pretty easy PHYSICALLY, but I woudn't say it was easy as pie by any means. Fvck waking up at 3:30 every morning.

  10. #90
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yesevil
    Good info
    What I will say about my military experience, even through all of the injuries and surgeries, is that I will always -- forever -- consider myself a military man. You will find no other brotherhood in the world, in your life, like you'll get from the military. It is special. There is a special bond and kinship. I would like my kids to go through it, I just don't want them getting f**ked up.
    If that's what you want to do, go do it. If your head and attitude is right you will excell.

  11. #91
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yesevil
    That is how they do it in the army. I think he did say that's the service he is going into. I wasn't trying to diss you though I just don't want this guy to get discouraged. You must be Marine or Navy, right? I can tell because you called it a mess hall. We call it a Chow Hall. LOL. The little things huh? Anyway, hope you didn't take my comment personaly. I went in at 5'8" 210 and I didn't have too much trouble. But that's just me. I'd think a 6 foot plus guy would be better off. If you haven't gone through the training how can you tell this guy to reconsider though? Or tell him he's gonna wind up slinging hash in the chow hall? Attached to SF doesn't = in SF.
    SF doesnt = Spec Ops

  12. #92
    Snrf's Avatar
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    I appreciate what you're saying bro, if I hadn't failed my security clearance when I was 19 I would be in the British army right now. I wanted to be an ammunition technician and do bomb disposal, I passed the aptitude test for that job, had the qualifications, I got my run time down to 5 miles in 30ish mins, I grew up in the army, my dad and stepdad were both SF and its all I ever wanted to be...then cuz I had spent more than 5 years abroad I couldn't get the security clearance to do the job I wanted...shitty..though they did offer me the job of a truckdriver!

    so I understand what you're saying bro, If its what you wanna do then do it, but don't do it just to get out of a petty little DUI.

    and plenty of delta blokes are big mofos too, running isn't so important to the US spec-ops guys as it is here in the UK. Though our SBS are usually pretty big nowadays too...SAS do too much running to get huge usually

  13. #93
    hardloser's Avatar
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    hey i am currently in and all i can say is go in the air force or navy. the army sucks and all i have been saying is i cant wait to get out. now there are some posotives. if you do decide to go sf and make it through selection the q and the job training you will be a sgt when you get done before you go to your team. yes you can sign up for it make sure to read the contract first. as far as intel if you get the right intel job you can write your own ticket whe you get out. i just got back from iraq and i pulled a few gaurd shifts not many and they did suck. as far as getting stuck on kp if you dont go sf well lets hope everyone likes you that way you dont get it. its all about polotics and who likes you that determines how fast you make rank along with your points. there is no doubt that a majority will step on and stab you in the back looking out for only themselves. few and far between still exemplify the time honored meaning of being a soldier. which is not only making the sacrifices necessary for the life and job but also taking care of other soldiers because we are a family and stick together. that doesnt happen much anymore. as far as special ivestigation agent dont let your recriuter bullshit you on that that is a second enlistment option not available to anyone the first time. if you have any questions at all feel free to im me or email me if i have it available. if your serious about doing this ill give you the best advice and guidance i can. from the recruiter to signing the contract. the biggest things i can say is dont settle for something other than what you want and dont let them sell you another job. they want you because they need bodies and numbers so get what you want outta them. also if you dont contact me and enlist as soon as you can get you regulations field manuals and technical manuals as these will give you the knowledge so you dont get ****ed by everyone which they love to do to new people.

  14. #94
    Yesevil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    SF doesnt = Spec Ops
    Special Forces are Spec Ops. What group are you talking about? They all fall under Special Operations Command.

  15. #95
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    wow, lots of good info here. anybody know anything about JAG for any of the services?

  16. #96
    Yesevil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    wow, lots of good info here. anybody know anything about JAG for any of the services?
    All the Enlisted guys that I know that worked in JAG loved it. They said it's always something different and you get out of your AIT with some kind of paralegal certification. I'm talking about army JAG.

  17. #97
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yesevil
    All the Enlisted guys that I know that worked in JAG loved it. They said it's always something different and you get out of your AIT with some kind of paralegal certification. I'm talking about army JAG.
    yeah, im in law school now so i don't really need a paralegal cert. wanted to know more about the lawyers doin jag and if its worth it for 5 years.

  18. #98
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    Well, I am glad to hear you are going AF. When I was 19 or 20 I joined the Army, but it was either that or the AF. I wanted to go spec ops with the AF, but decided to go into the Army because it was more of a hardcore organization. What a fcking mistake that was.

    Good luck. Whether you go combat control or pararescue, it's gonna be a tough road to get there. If something happens and you don't make it through, at least you're in the AF and the chicks are MUCH nicer than what you'll find in the Army.

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