I normally read Stephen King or War books and would like to try something else. I was really looking for a motivational book or something more uplifting. I prefer non-friction if possible which just seems to make it better for me. Thanks
I normally read Stephen King or War books and would like to try something else. I was really looking for a motivational book or something more uplifting. I prefer non-friction if possible which just seems to make it better for me. Thanks
i like mystery.
look into jeffery deaver if you'd like. i love his books. a couple good reads are "the devils teardrop" "the 12th card" there are others, hell i own like 10.
sorry....don't do the non fiction thing
Or maybe you could just point me in the direction of one of your really good reads. I am not a big reader and there are 1000's of books out there to pick from.Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
Thanks in advance all
well i'm one for a good fantasy book......i do like stephen king too though......the sword of truth series by oh shit why can't i remember his name......Terry Goodkind....i can't believe i had to look that up....anyway...that series is friggin awesome grips you as much if not more than harry potter....more grown up too......800 pages or so per book and i can read a new one in like 2 weeks
Geoff Thompson - Watch my back. A book about life as a doorman. Its non fiction. Excellent read.
David Gemmel - Any of the Druss books. Fiction. Heroic fantasy about a mad axe wielding hard bloke.
my favorite author is micheal chrichton so i like all his books.im reading stephen kings the dark tower series right now
Yup Terry Goodkind is good reading. I'm reading Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series right now and it's got me hooked. If you want a good non fiction book pick up "Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life" by John Lee Anderson. It starts of a little slow during his childhood but it's a great biography.
Russel Banks - Rule of the bone, fiction. Brilliant book about a troubled young mans strange life journey.
Tim Willocks - Green River Rising. Fiction. Jail house thriller.
Andy Mcnab - Bravo Two Zero - Non fiction. True SAS war story. Amazing bravery.
Straight Axle Swap????..Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
You still can't beat the Harry Potter series for entertainment. I have friends that don't read often and they got hooked once I talked them in to reading book 1.
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kyosaki. Not non fiction but it is very "motivational."
The WOT series by Jordan is amazing! Everyone who I've ever talked to who looked into the series turned into a huge fan, it's killer!!!Originally Posted by Streaker
I hope Goodkind is just as good, that's my next series to tackle, it was recommended to me by...you guessed it, WOT fans![]()
Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
There is, till this day, no book more "motivating" that ive read before.
If you want to just expand your mind a little bit, Sperm Wars - Robin Baker is the way to go.
/\/\ no offense i hate that guy
I'm enjoying the WOT series a lot. I'm almost finished with the 5th book and I already have purchased all the books.Originally Posted by Terinox
wwII buff here.....this is what i like to read up on.....THE FLAG OF OUR FATHERS was a great read, its out in the movies now, me and the wife are going see it this week end. i dont read fiction
hunter s thompson - fear and loathing in las vegas ( best book ever written)
charles bukowski - factotum / post office
john fante - the bandini quartet
jack kerouac - on the road
lewis carrol - alice in wonderland
richard adams - watership down
gene brewer - k-pax trilogy
g m ford - anything by him
j d salinger - catcher in the rye
bret easto ellis - american psycho
rob grant - incompetence ( funniest book ever written )
my daughter just had to write a paper on AMERICAN PSYCO shes says...and shes right behind me........good book if you like sick,sadistic violent pornography....and theres no meaning to the whole book...............heck, i might have to read itOriginally Posted by donniebrasco
i take it you havent seen the film with christian bale, watch it. if you like it the books even better.
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
I read playboy hahaha
so it looks like i should start the wheel of time series.....i need a new good book myself
When it comes to non fiction
"E=mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation" by David Bodanis is very good, Its good even if your not that into science because it is so well written. I started reading it one evening and could not put it down until I had finished.
Then there is always sci fi offcourse
Read chasm city by alastair reynolds. Its one of the best books ever written. Its a thriller/mystery story in a sci fi environment. Very good, exciting and thrilling.
Dean Koontz are always entertaining to read. I realy liked icebound. Not his regular alien meets ghost meets blond dude with a uzi fetisch kind of thing but a real good thriller. time traveling nazi's might sound cheesy but "lightning" is quite entertaining. Wintermoon and strangers is also good.
Hannibal by Thomas Harris is worth reading. MUCH better than the movie.
Alistair MacLean is ALWAYS entertaining. Santorini and goodbye california is great for those with a nuclear weapons fetischBut when eight bells toll is the best book I have read by him(granted I havent read many). Fear is the key is also very entertaining.
If you like brittish wierd out monte phyton style humor you must read hitchikers guide to the galaxy. Without a doubt the funniest book written.
The royal assasin triology by Robin Hobb is great fantasy that isnt to spaced out. No omnipotent mages in dark robes that blow up armies with the blink of a eye. Its a very dark story of how a small boy is raised into becoming a assasin for the royal court. Defenetly the best fantasy I have ever read.
You HAVE to read the foundation triology by Isaac Asimov, it just is mandatory reading. The best classic sci fi ever.
Arc Light by Eric Harry is a nice read about fictional war betwen a russia breaking apart and america started by a accidental nuclear launch.
Thats what I can think of for the moment.
Special Air service. UK special forces. There like a BETTER version of Delta.Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
I'd be careful about referring to Bravo Two Zero as non-fiction, read Soldier Five by Mike Coburn another member of that mission who has written a book.Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
DSM im a die hard Stephen King fan but other worthy reads is the entire "Hannibal Lector" trilogy (Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal) by Thomas Harris. Superb stuff.
Dean Koontz and James Herbert are good alternatives to King.
Alex Garland isn't bad, The Beach was actually a very good read as was Trainspotting by Irvine Welsch (all the books mentioned so far are better than their movie counterparts but isn't that always the way?), the Sin City books by Frank Miller are good if you like graphic novels
Big Trouble by Dave Barry
The Hobbit by Tolkein
Perfume, the Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind (seriously man, NOT girly in any way)
One flew over the cuckoos nest by Ken Keset
Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess (this book was so far ahead for its time)
Watership Down and Shardick by Richard Adams
Split Second by David Baldacci (sorta a espinage cat and mouse kinda story)
That is a few recomendations DSM...hope you find something you can get your teeth into.
Originally Posted by johan
I've only read one Asimov story, Johan, and it was about this life form that existed in space that could "phase" through surfaces, in this case on board a space station. That ring any bells? It was years ago now.
AND if we're talking war stories, Chris Ryan is pretty good!!
My mate has tried getting me into the WOT series but I was currently finishing off the last book in the Dark Tower series at the time, incidently which is the GREATEST COLLECTION OF BOOKS ever written. Seriously.Originally Posted by Terinox
cant say it do. There is plenty of things by Asimov I havent gotten around reading yetOriginally Posted by Flagg
I would like to own everything written by asimov, clark(anyone that hasnt read 2001 hanst been raised properly), heinlein and Pohl(the heechee series by pohl is just utterly amazing).
But right now Im trying to collect all books by alastair reynolds and Im getting my eyes open for Ian Banks.
I like the left behind series if you don't mind the christian undertones. Or my fav book is hideaway by koontz. They made a horrible movie out of it...but the book was GREAT. Also... vampire chronicles by anne rice are addictive.
Non fiction...Your best life now by joel Osteen (again if you don't mind christian undertones)
Non fiction:
Tiger Force - can't remember the name of the two authors. They were to writers from the Toledo blade. They won the pulitzer prize for research for this book. Book about Vietnam, great book.
Black Hawk Down - 10x better than the movie
"The Rule of Four" -I'm really bad at remembering authors, great book though.
sidney sheldon - (the stars shine down), nothing stopped this girl from become the donald trump of our time... this girl went to hell and back, and still became a real estate icon.. a nice page turner!!!
david baldacci - (the winner), this women fell into a lottery scam for $500 million and didnt even know it, but with all the twist and turn, this was a real page turner!!!!
pick up a copy of "state of Denial, Bush at war part 3" by bob woodward. the first 2 books in this series actually came out more pro-bush then bush bashing. this one isnt bashing...its first hand accounts of everythinng that went wrong in iraq. from mismanagment, to mistrust among bush confidants(laura bush hates rummy). my personal favorite part is when bush turns to one of his generals and jokingly says "hey you wanna do iran?"
No offense to any SAS fans, but nobody's better than Delta or DEVGRU. SAS are complete pros, no doubt, and they get 100% respect. However, Delta and DEVGRU are all-pros.
Anyhow, I only read non-fiction. Here's my recommendations:
Rogue Warrior - Richard Marcinko
Bravo Two Zero - Andy McNab
Soldier Five - Mike Coburn
Killing Zone - Harry McCallion
The Warrior Elite - Dick Couch
The Finishing School - Dick Couch
Down Range - Dick Couch
Black Hawk Down - Mark Bowden
The Battle of Mogadishu - Matt Eversmann & Dan Schilling
Masters of Chaos - Linda Robinson
Generation Kill - Evan Wright
One Bullet Away - Nathaniel Fick
No True Glory - Bing West
Roughneck Nine One - Frank Antenori & Hans Halberstadt
Thanks all for the replies i been looking into a few mentioned.
Originally Posted by CSAR
Definitely hollerin at those books. I love non fiction military. If thats your style, you should check out the autobiography of Gen H Norman Shwartzkopf
Anything by Harlan Coben or Lisa Gardner.
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