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Thread: getting LASIK

  1. #1
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    getting LASIK

    getting it done this thursday. costing me $4200, Dr. Della Russo in Manhattan. My eyes are terrible so if he can fix me he can fix everyone. My contact lens perscription is -8.25. I cant wait to have it done but i cant work out for 3-4 weeks after......time for a little vacation. Ill let you guys know how it goes.

  2. #2
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    Yea keep me informed....i really want to do this.....i hate having to hide my pretty blue eyes behind my glasses alot of times.......and contacts are a royal pain as well.....

  3. #3
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    holy crap 4200? its like 1500 tops here

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    I'm considering doing it. I'm sick of contacts. But my insurance covers most of it.

  5. #5
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    id pay 10k, i really dont care im not taking any chances with my eyes lol. im going with the best.

  6. #6
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I thought about it, and will eventually have to get it done. I'm thinking about going with the bladeless lazik. Not sure though, maybe it'll go with the blade...

  7. #7
    zimmy's Avatar
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    have to say ... think about what you are doing...yes it is 99.9% successful... but guess what... i'm a 1% here. I'm legally blind out of my right eye because the doctors care less about how good of a candidate you are and more about how much you are giving them then you know.

  8. #8
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    my buddy had it done by dello russo-- eyes came out good but he has the WORST bedside manner.. I mine done 2.5 yrs ago & for someone who had bad eyesight, its the best thing ever...problably one of the best things I 've ever done. I paid 3600 & I was watching TV that nite....was 20-20 the next day!! truly amazing. 3 weeks seems like a long time BIGLOUIE

  9. #9
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    3 weeks is the "suggestion" in the pamphlet they give you. probably just to cover their asses, ill take the suggestion tho. like i said its my eyes im not meesing around.

    zimmy- right now i am legally blind without my contacts so it makes no difference to me.

    cfiler- i dont think any reputable doctor uses a blade anymore.... its either PRK(older laser) or the newer custom vue, custom cornea, wave front type laser where they map out your eye. The PRK isnt a downgrade in service, its used for people with thin cornea's.

  10. #10
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    3 weeks is the "suggestion" in the pamphlet they give you. probably just to cover their asses, ill take the suggestion tho. like i said its my eyes im not meesing around.

    zimmy- right now i am legally blind without my contacts so it makes no difference to me.

    cfiler- i dont think any reputable doctor uses a blade anymore.... its either PRK(older laser) or the newer custom vue, custom cornea, wave front type laser where they map out your eye. The PRK isnt a downgrade in service, its used for people with thin cornea's.

    lol then it makes no difference... see I was 20/40 w/o my glasses before...and the greedy doctors never thought to say "you already have good vision, it's probably not worth the risk for you" or "you have severely dry eyes and you don't react very well to people touching your eyes, so you're not a candidate.." No instead they say...yah we can get you to 20/20 probably. Assholes.

  11. #11
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    holy crap 4200? its like 1500 tops here

    lol i'm in texas too... and i went the cheap route and paid round 1200 an eye... i paid for it in the long run... Man eye center (best in houston) charges way more than that an eye. You get what you pay for.

  12. #12
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Beleive me bigluoie it's worth every penny, my friends had their eyes done from him and they see perfect now. When it comes to something as important as your eyes you want the best doctor around doing it and he is it, he has done more surgery's than anyone and i wouldn't go to anyone else. Many people have had many complications by trying to save money when getting lasik. I will be getting mine done also from Dr Della Russo. Who is doing it, the father or the son? Good luck you got the best guy for it.

  13. #13
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    i beleive i signed up for the father, but i hear from people who have had it done that they are both involved in the process.

  14. #14
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Is it more expensive depending on your current eye prescription? Mine is only -2.25 so maybe that'd be good

  15. #15
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    svt- i dunno, never really got into that. i wouldnt think so though, the procedure is pretty much the same.

  16. #16
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    cfiler- i dont think any reputable doctor uses a blade anymore.... its either PRK(older laser) or the newer custom vue, custom cornea, wave front type laser where they map out your eye. The PRK isnt a downgrade in service, its used for people with thin cornea's.
    Hmm... there is a lazer eye clinic in my city, and they do offer the PRK, this blade lasik, and some new bladeless one they are doing aswell. I should look into getting it done out of province, because this seems pretty outdated now.

    Maybe I'll look into PRK?

  17. #17
    KrooC's Avatar
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    does anyone know if the bladless weakens your eyes? say if u got poked in the eye...

  18. #18
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    best money you will ever spend!2 thumbs up

  19. #19
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrooC
    does anyone know if the bladless weakens your eyes? say if u got poked in the eye...

    no it doesnt. eye heals back to normal.

    cfiler- yea look into either the PRK or the more expensive custom cornea(every doctor calls this something different some saw wave front, intralase it think those are copyrighted names for the same basic procedure....)

  20. #20
    TEST 1000 is offline Junior Member
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    any body know before you do lasik do you have to not wear your contacts for a certain amount of time? I have -4.25 and -4.50 with Stigmatism do they correct that.

    Sorry for the hi-jack biglouie

  21. #21
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TEST 1000
    any body know before you do lasik do you have to not wear your contacts for a certain amount of time? I have -4.25 and -4.50 with Stigmatism do they correct that.

    Sorry for the hi-jack biglouie

    its cool. they can correct stigmatism. and i cant wear my contacts for 5 days(since this past saturday ive been wearing the glasses) prior to surgery. contacts warp your eye shape.....

  22. #22
    TEST 1000 is offline Junior Member
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    gotcha thanks man.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    no it doesnt. eye heals back to normal.
    Sorry bro but that is not true at all

    The lasik flap NEVER heals completely... the perimimeter does heal and scar nicely, but the rest of the flap will never heal (you would go blind if it did!) it is held in place by capilary suction and of course the scaring of the perimiter.

    So eye integrity is forever compromised. Now to be fair, most blows to your eyes that would be hard enough to detach the flap would probably blind you anyways... most.

    I am part of that famous 1% failed or complications statistic...

    I am a victim of a greedy lasik doctor... I was not a good candidate but he went ahead and did me anyways... I spent years of nightmarish pain and discomfort after my operation so trust me, I did a LOT of research and hit all the support groups ( helped me a lot post surgery). I know a thing or two about failed operations.

    To this day I have chronic dry eyes, poor vision at dusk or on cloudy days and low contrast vision and halos around lights at night (and those are nothing compared to what I went thru post-op...)

    By the way, remember that 20/20 vision ONLY means you can read 2/3's of the 20/20 line... nothing more. If you have double vision out of one eye and see the 20/20 line twice or ghosted you're still considered a SUCCESS.

    Both of those images are 20/20 vision and considered a success... the image on the right is close to how I saw out of my left eye post op... my right one was a bit better and I was constantly in pain and had atrociously dry eyes.

    Not trying to discourage anyone out of lasik, in the long run and with a lot of help I am now "ok", but never EVER dismiss the risk with the bull$hit 99% success rate statistics... First of all they are not true, and even if they were, 1% failure out of millions of procedures a year is still a very high number.

    Do your homework, research a lot, choose the best doctor, get a second opinion and make an informed decision... you only have 2 eye, and "worse case scenario" is not "oh well, I may still need glasses"... it's far far far worse.

  24. #24
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Sorry bro but that is not true at all

    The lasik flap NEVER heals completely... the perimimeter does heal and scar nicely, but the rest of the flap will never heal (you would go blind if it did!) it is held in place by capilary suction and of course the scaring of the perimiter.

    So eye integrity is forever compromised. Now to be fair, most blows to your eyes that would be hard enough to detach the flap would probably blind you anyways... most.

    I am part of that famous 1% failed or complications statistic...

    I am a victim of a greedy lasik doctor... I was not a good candidate but he went ahead and did me anyways... I spent years of nightmarish pain and discomfort after my operation so trust me, I did a LOT of research and hit all the support groups ( helped me a lot post surgery). I know a thing or two about failed operations.

    To this day I have chronic dry eyes, poor vision at dusk or on cloudy days and low contrast vision and halos around lights at night (and those are nothing compared to what I went thru post-op...)

    By the way, remember that 20/20 vision ONLY means you can read 2/3's of the 20/20 line... nothing more. If you have double vision out of one eye and see the 20/20 line twice or ghosted you're still considered a SUCCESS.

    Both of those images are 20/20 vision and considered a success... the image on the right is close to how I saw out of my left eye post op... my right one was a bit better and I was constantly in pain and had atrociously dry eyes.

    Not trying to discourage anyone out of lasik, in the long run and with a lot of help I am now "ok", but never EVER dismiss the risk with the bull$hit 99% success rate statistics... First of all they are not true, and even if they were, 1% failure out of millions of procedures a year is still a very high number.

    Do your homework, research a lot, choose the best doctor, get a second opinion and make an informed decision... you only have 2 eye, and "worse case scenario" is not "oh well, I may still need glasses"... it's far far far worse.
    damn i am glad i didnt have any complications

  25. #25
    TEST 1000 is offline Junior Member
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    DOC. Sust can you were contacts again if your lasik went wrong?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TEST 1000
    DOC. Sust can you were contacts again if your lasik went wrong?

    Thats because 1 - the cornea is no longer perfectly spherical so you'd need special custom made hard lenses

    and 2 there isn't a contact on the planet that will fix problems like ghosting, halos, double vision, dry eyes...


  27. #27
    KrooC's Avatar
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    so for a proffesional fighter lasik would be out of the question? u said anyblow would blind u anyway... how is that if part of ur eye has been removed...

    ok so what did the doctors tell u guys after the surgery.. stay away from what if anything?

    just curious

  28. #28
    Triple X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrooC
    so for a proffesional fighter lasik would be out of the question? u said anyblow would blind u anyway... how is that if part of ur eye has been removed...

    ok so what did the doctors tell u guys after the surgery.. stay away from what if anything?

    just curious

    I have a good friend that is a pro boxer and he had Lasik. He has never had any problem with being smashed in the head by other Heavyweights.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    My contact lens perscription is -8.25.
    jesus, you are blind!

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