Is it possible to do both??
Im thinking about going to school to lean a Trade work in Construction Field.
The thing is i want to work in something that will not fried me up and so i can pursuit Bodybuilding and Still Compete in the future... I think these kinda work would go againts making gains and to be againts Bodybuilding in general...
My Choices are:
-Carpenter 26.11$ Hour rate-You work Outside,Buildind wood structure,Even in the winter.
-Electrician 27.41$ Hour rate-You mostly work inside,No heavy lifting,You drill holes tru wood and pass wire trought them.
-Painter 24.27$ Hour Rate-You Work inside everytime,NO Heavy working,you paint gypse walls and thats about it.
-Plumber 27.41$ Hour Rate-You work Outside and Inside,Heavy lifting Pipes and install/cut piping tru different environnement.
Thats what i think about it.
We all know that if you work like a madman you will not be able to workout afterwards,you feel tired dand just want to go to sleep...
Anyone working on these fields?