I've been disapointed with many of my own pics and I'm looking for something good with holloween coming up. Something other then the staples like, nightmare on elm, holloween, shining, or the omen. What do you think bros?
I've been disapointed with many of my own pics and I'm looking for something good with holloween coming up. Something other then the staples like, nightmare on elm, holloween, shining, or the omen. What do you think bros?
Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Never heard of that one.
Originally Posted by Schmidty
Event Horizon
The Thing
Those are the ones I can think of that I thought were excellent
American Psycho...Not a classic yet, but soon.
event horizon was sweet!
I just watched the Wax House, and it was good. I hear that the Saw movies were pretty good too.
Although not scary, I really love these movies:
Dracula 2000 was really good. A nice story of dracula, not protrayed in other movies.
UnderWorld 1 + 2
Van Helsing (the movie, and the anime cartoon)
The Haunting
The Fog (the new one)
I've always wanted to watch that but never have been able to find a copy. It's supposed to be one of the worst movies ever made. If you've seen the movie "Ed Wood" starring Johnny Depp, you'll recognize the movie title.Originally Posted by Schmidty
I like scary movies that I dont laugh at.
Last scary movie i saw that I really liked was "Hide and Seek" its a psychological masterpiece. Dont know why I got some of the ratings it did but if anyone saw it feel free to comment.
I like zombie movies too, "28 days later" was good. "Day of the Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead" are both classics if you havent seen them.
You wont laugh at them, trust me.
please tell me you are joking!Originally Posted by cfiler
Originally Posted by Flagg
seen them all good movies .. but man the Exorcist to this DAY creeps me out I try and stay away from watching it ... I will not sleep very well ( becasue every light is on in the house )
I like it alot. Sure it's a B movie, but I like thrillers that deal with the military.Originally Posted by justinandrews7
rosemarys baby
the driller killer
toolbox murders is supposed to be good.
dont listen to clifer's suggestions they are so not scary.
although i agree with the dracula 2000 story. cool way of dealing with the story.
Sorry Donnie, but Driller Killer is the WORST movie of any genre ever, closely follwed by Bio Dome which I suppose could be a horror in its own right down to being so goddamn ****ing awful. I never knew who Paulie Shore was after that movie and i despise him now.
Last edited by Flagg; 10-26-2006 at 06:21 PM.
The ring
THe exorcism of emily rose (just creeps you the **** out)
IT! That movie scared the shit out of me and now I hate clowns!
yeah IT! is real good. Penywise is scary. I like "the wicker man" old version too.
the new wicker man was the worst film i have ever seen.
uhh ino i agree with all zombie movies devils rejects is good till u see it 200 times.. il think and return...
old boy
Saw 3 is coming out 2marrow
The Hills Have Eyes
The Devils Rejects
The Decent
Well, I don't like slasher films, I prefer creepy movies... everyone has their favorites and here are mine...
The Omen
Damien - Omen II
House on haunted hill (the 1999 remake)
The Shining
Jacobs Ladder
yeah cubes good, havent seen cube 2+3
i saw a commercial for horror movies that they were gonna show in theatre's this season that didn't make it to theatre's because of ratings or something. But i can't for the life of me remember the link :\
These are some of the links I frequent. Maybe they'll help you.
Also Candyman was pretty freaking scary!
13 Ghosts
The Descent, Puppetmaster, Alien, Aliens, Saw III comes out today, probably gonna see that.
Pet Semetary!
Alien! How could I forget that one!
In it's way, Alien was pretty creepy... as was The Thing!
anyone seens rob zombies first movie? i forgot the name but i heard it was suppose to be real good.
House of 1,000 corpses.Originally Posted by Bojangles69
I suppose House of 1000 Corpses is a horror but the sequel, Devils Rejects is more just ultra violence, a lil like NBK. Noth Zombie films are brilliant by the way.
saw2,the ring,gothika,final destination series,ghost ship,halloween series,the others,silence of the lambs,the grudge,the skeleton key,what lies beneath,urban legend,silent hill is supposed to kick ass too but didnt see it yet..
The thing by John Carpenter. That is without doubt the best horror movie ever made.
Prince of darkness also by Carpenter is quite good aswell.
In the mouth of madness (yeah I am a BIG carpenter fan) is very disturbing. Acctualy most of carpenters old movies are very good. I think Hallowen is one of his worse movies. They are creepy because they feel insane. They get into your head in a way no other movies does.
Event horizon.
The Ring.
Dark Waters(japanese original).
I acctualy liked exorcist the begining. I never liked the original exorcist, nothing scary about it.
A man with good taste as I have always know. Leave it to the sci fi fans to pic out the best moviesOriginally Posted by Red Ketchup
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