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Thread: What is scientology? 48 hours

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    a prerequisite for every scientific formula is the phrase "at constant pressure and tempature" so if the pressure is too high or low or the temp is too high or low this equation does not happen.
    True. It was from my mind not a chem book but evenso they do have a science for different pressures and temp for each and every chemical reaction known.

    Thats why that is a science. For certain temp and pressures specific reactions ALWAYS occur. Chemistry is an abosolute science, so is physics. They are built on a foundation of facts. A+B=C

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    True. It was from my mind not a chem book but evenso they do have a science for different pressures and temp for each and every chemical reaction known.

    Thats why that is a science. For certain temp and pressures specific reactions ALWAYS occur. Chemistry is an abosolute science, so is physics. They are built on a foundation of facts. A+B=C

    i hear ya, i just felt like being a douchy pundent. lol. tuedays suck.

  3. #83
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    The religion that madonna is in is Kaballah with is a Jewish based religion with mysticism and faries involved.

    I was at Santa Monica beach 2 weeks ago and there were lots of scientolgists who had set up tables and were offering "free blood pressure examinations."
    Here's an interesting link

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Thats why that is a science. For certain temp and pressures specific reactions ALWAYS occur. Chemistry is an abosolute science, so is physics. They are built on a foundation of facts. A+B=C
    Well I am not disputing that it does happen and that it will always happen. Remember I am studying physics. I dont doubt that the rock will fall down to earth when I drop it from my hand.

    But it is a assumption that if it happens now it will always happen given the same circumstances. There is no getting around that assumption. It is on that assumption we build all of science. We assume the universe are following certain rules that does not change.

    That is why scientific theories are theories and not truth. No scientific theory can be proven to be 100% correct. This is a philosophical issue and not a issue with science. You can not prove the universe follows rules, you can just show it looks like the universe does.

    Thats why its not putting down evolution by stating it is just a theory. Saying that is acctualy saying that evolution is solid enough to be a accepted model of how life develops. Its just that the creationists are to stupid to understand that

  5. #85
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    I hate tom cruise and scientology

  6. #86
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    It's funny that everyone has such an oppinion about something they seem to know little about. So, it begs the questions:

    what is scientology? What do they value? How does this compare to other, more traditional religions or philosophies? How does it differ? How does this religion deal with death, anxiety, modern-life, politics, consumerism?

    Sometimes questions are better than answers.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I hate tom cruise and scientology
    Your just jealous

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Your just jealous
    nope money don't mean shit to me hun

    I have no respect for him.. and i do think scientology when taken to the extreme is like brainwashing

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    nope money don't mean shit to me hun

    I have no respect for him.. and i do think scientology when taken to the extreme is like brainwashing
    Extreme or no, it's still brainwashing

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    nope money don't mean shit to me hun

    I have no respect for him.. and i do think scientology when taken to the extreme is like brainwashing
    indeed, he is a fruitcake like no other..

  11. #91
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    "Among these advanced teachings, one episode revealed to those who reach OT level III has been much remarked upon: the story of Xenu and his Galactic Confederacy. Xenu (sometimes Xemu) is introduced as an alien ruler of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living. The alien souls continue to do this today, causing a variety of physical ill-effects in modern-day humans. Hubbard called these clustered spirits "Body Thetans," and the advanced levels place considerable emphasis on isolating them and neutralizing their ill effects"

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    "Among these advanced teachings, one episode revealed to those who reach OT level III has been much remarked upon: the story of Xenu and his Galactic Confederacy. Xenu (sometimes Xemu) is introduced as an alien ruler of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living. The alien souls continue to do this today, causing a variety of physical ill-effects in modern-day humans. Hubbard called these clustered spirits "Body Thetans," and the advanced levels place considerable emphasis on isolating them and neutralizing their ill effects"
    That always makes me laugh. Anyone who believes this crap is insane, plain and simple.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    "Among these advanced teachings, one episode revealed to those who reach OT level III has been much remarked upon: the story of Xenu and his Galactic Confederacy. Xenu (sometimes Xemu) is introduced as an alien ruler of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living. The alien souls continue to do this today, causing a variety of physical ill-effects in modern-day humans. Hubbard called these clustered spirits "Body Thetans," and the advanced levels place considerable emphasis on isolating them and neutralizing their ill effects"
    Wtf, does Tom Cruise even know what he believes in or do they keep him brainwashed in their "celebrity centers" just so they can say "Tom Cruise is into scientology"

    No person in their right mind can honestly believe this....

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    That always makes me laugh. Anyone who believes this crap is insane, plain and simple.
    its funny, they said it happened 75 millions ago but it looked like a 1960's airplane?

  15. #95
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    wikipedia has a good summary on Scientology

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    Sure, give it your best shot, I'll refute it.
    God cannot be an absolute good as his actions must have a negative impact upon something. We may not immediately perceive the negative element, but I can prove that not only is God not an absolute good, but I can also prove that he is responsible for the problems we have now and in the past.

    In the example of God being all good, there is no evidence to support an “absolute good”. In order for something to be “right”, there must be an opposite, yet equally weighted “wrong”. Nothing, not even a god, can be a form of “absolute good”, due to the fact that his existence alone must have a negative effect on even molecular particles.

    God has sin in his heart. Bear in mind that if christianity is right, then by that perspective, everything in existence, the world, humanity, concepts, ideals, math, science, these things came from him. There is nothing that could not exist because as a Christian would say, God is responsible for the existence of everything. Therefore, by that statement alone, God is responsible for the existence of sin. In order to have a correct design of what sin is, God must have experienced sin himself. Therefore he cannot be without Sin.

    Do not attempt to say that Satan or Lucifer or the snake in the garden was responsible, as this is not possible. They were created by God. They cannot grow beyond what God allows them to.

    1. Barring the laws of physics, God created all things. Therefore no energy could be destroyed, nor could any matter be turned to energy. The Heisenburg principle would be defunct in this situation.

    2. Assuming that the animals did not require meat to survive in the Garden of Eden, and that plants have no perception of existence, then we can assume that plants did not feel pain when their fruit was plucked or their leaves eaten. (if the plants in question could not perceive their own destruction, then they would not be able to define what was happening as a negative event.)

    3. Assuming that the “snake” was created by God, (At no point does the bible identify the snake as Satan. In fact Satan does not appear in the Bible until the New Testament. Until that point, he is referred to as the Devil. Yet, Revelations makes a distinction between Satan and the Devil.), we also have to assume that God gave that creature all of its attributes and personality structure. It is, after all, defined as “the most cunning of all creatures in the garden”. This would immediately suggest a deceptive nature, a nature that could not have developed through mere circumstance. The reason for this is that in order for something to be defined as good or evil, we must have a common frame of reference to use as an example. The same thing occurs when we attempt to translate languages that we do not natively speak. We must have a common frame of reference to identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and so forth. Without this frame of reference, how would we know that something is good or evil? Therefore, the available source of this “cunning” would have been God. Again, even God would have to have a source of information to draw from in order to design the animals and the humans and that same source would have provided the basis for emotional and mental structuring in the humans and animals that inhabited the garden.

    4. Assuming that the snake “naturally” developed this sense of cunning, we still face its tool for bringing the fall of man. The tree in the garden. God himself is stated as creating that tree and even identifies it as being a danger to Adam and Eve. This is the first instance of God’s inability to be an absolute good. He created something that posed a threat. He identifies that threat, therefore He must have prior knowledge of this threat and the danger it posed.

    5. The remainder of time following the events that led to Adam and Eve being ejected from the garden until this point of my writing, they are all a direct result of God creating the tree and the snake that resided in the garden. In order for an absolute good to exist, it must have no negative effects on existence, either directly or indirectly. Millions have died over the centuries, many killed by those who follow this God. For God to be an absolute good, these things could not have happened. Interestingly, an absolute good would also invalidate the concept of free will as free will would give rise to an inevitable negative event. To clarify, if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, we must still determine if it was a good thing. If we have to ask, then we must acknowledge the possibility that it may not have been a good thing. If the tree fell over of its own accord, then we could surmise that it was good thing. The tree wanted to do this. However, the likelihood that a tree would commit suicide and we would see it as a good thing is very, very low.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    Extreme or no, it's still brainwashing
    I'm being nice

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    God cannot be an absolute good as his actions must have a negative impact upon something. We may not immediately perceive the negative element, but I can prove that not only is God not an absolute good, but I can also prove that he is responsible for the problems we have now and in the past.

    In the example of God being all good, there is no evidence to support an “absolute good”. In order for something to be “right”, there must be an opposite, yet equally weighted “wrong”. Nothing, not even a god, can be a form of “absolute good”, due to the fact that his existence alone must have a negative effect on even molecular particles.

    Not so, if God is pure thought or information, "He" would have no mass. If "He" exists without "existing", logically he would need no opposite. Just like a nuetron has no opposite. Besides, right and wrong are relative human interpretations, if we are talking "God" here, these are irrelevant"

    God has sin in his heart. Bear in mind that if christianity is right, then by that perspective, everything in existence, the world, humanity, concepts, ideals, math, science, these things came from him. There is nothing that could not exist because as a Christian would say, God is responsible for the existence of everything. Therefore, by that statement alone, God is responsible for the existence of sin. In order to have a correct design of what sin is, God must have experienced sin himself. Therefore he cannot be without Sin.

    Christian ideology of God is as backwater as any other Pagan religion. But I digress. God, by Christian logic and in contrast, could not be capable of sin BECAUSE he is an absolute good. Sin is an intentional wrong, and only beings with free will can exercise the option of choosing right or wrong, hence, to sin is to be human, and to exercise free will.

    Do not attempt to say that Satan or Lucifer or the snake in the garden was responsible, as this is not possible. They were created by God. They cannot grow beyond what God allows them to.

    A lot of assumption going on

    1. Barring the laws of physics, God created all things. Therefore no energy could be destroyed, nor could any matter be turned to energy. The Heisenburg principle would be defunct in this situation.

    Barring the laws of physics? Why would you eliminate the very physical laws that God supposedly transcends?

    2. Assuming that the animals did not require meat to survive in the Garden of Eden, and that plants have no perception of existence, then we can assume that plants did not feel pain when their fruit was plucked or their leaves eaten. (if the plants in question could not perceive their own destruction, then they would not be able to define what was happening as a negative event.)

    Again, you are refuting backwater stories, not the existence of an ultimate singular being

    3. Assuming that the “snake” was created by God, (At no point does the bible identify the snake as Satan. In fact Satan does not appear in the Bible until the New Testament. Until that point, he is referred to as the Devil. Yet, Revelations makes a distinction between Satan and the Devil.), we also have to assume that God gave that creature all of its attributes and personality structure. It is, after all, defined as “the most cunning of all creatures in the garden”. This would immediately suggest a deceptive nature, a nature that could not have developed through mere circumstance. The reason for this is that in order for something to be defined as good or evil, we must have a common frame of reference to use as an example. The same thing occurs when we attempt to translate languages that we do not natively speak. We must have a common frame of reference to identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and so forth. Without this frame of reference, how would we know that something is good or evil? Therefore, the available source of this “cunning” would have been God. Again, even God would have to have a source of information to draw from in order to design the animals and the humans and that same source would have provided the basis for emotional and mental structuring in the humans and animals that inhabited the garden.

    This is exactly right. So how can you say God is not an absolute good when he is incapable of right or wrong? If he is incapable of the choice of sin, as well as the frames of reference used to decide each, how can he be anything nuetral?

    4. Assuming that the snake “naturally” developed this sense of cunning, we still face its tool for bringing the fall of man. The tree in the garden. God himself is stated as creating that tree and even identifies it as being a danger to Adam and Eve. This is the first instance of God’s inability to be an absolute good. He created something that posed a threat. He identifies that threat, therefore He must have prior knowledge of this threat and the danger it posed.

    Again, using a more modern notion of reality, thought, etc, for all we know the "snake" could be a personification of man's ability to choose something besides absolute good. By that logic, again, to sin is to be "ungodlike", or human.

    5. The remainder of time following the events that led to Adam and Eve being ejected from the garden until this point of my writing, they are all a direct result of God creating the tree and the snake that resided in the garden. In order for an absolute good to exist, it must have no negative effects on existence, either directly or indirectly. Millions have died over the centuries, many killed by those who follow this God. For God to be an absolute good, these things could not have happened. Interestingly, an absolute good would also invalidate the concept of free will as free will would give rise to an inevitable negative event. To clarify, if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, we must still determine if it was a good thing. If we have to ask, then we must acknowledge the possibility that it may not have been a good thing. If the tree fell over of its own accord, then we could surmise that it was good thing. The tree wanted to do this. However, the likelihood that a tree would commit suicide and we would see it as a good thing is very, very low.

    Causality and morals/ethics are two very different things. When it boils down, there is no right or wrong, there ae only actions and reactions that are judged by those who are capable of empathizing BOTH sides. The only creature capable of choosing and empathazing with both sides would be a creature that was able to experience both per a frame of reference. If God was a singular being, he would just "be". There is no opposite to God, therefore there can be no opposite to his will. If that will is "good", the only thing that could counteract the will of something capable of only good would be the decision to enact the alternative to good, which is evil. As much as I refute the bible, it does say the only creature capable of free will against God is man. Man is responsible for his own actions, his own good, and his own evils. God is simply the catalyst of man's will.

    Good argument, but you can't argue against Christianity as an argument against a singular good being. God is EVERYTHING. He is the action and the reaction. He is the symphony playing the song of everything. It is up to humanity to choose one way or the other. This makes God absolute.
    Last edited by Phreak101; 10-31-2006 at 06:22 PM.

  19. #99
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  20. #100
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    I gotta admit psychotron and phreak you both equally blew my mind. i love to see 2 people who know thier shit get into it.
    And the crazy part is you both possess directly opposite views, but they both make logical sense to me, which logically.. makes no sense.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I never really paid attention to this crap. But Im watchn 48 hours on CNN (i think) and they're doing a documentary on scientology.

    I kinda always thought it was an f'ed up religion, but this show is tearing scientology into pieces. Talking about they think psychiatrists are evil, and they lock people in rooms when they're ill, dont believe in meds etc.

    What is the general consensus on this? Do we have any scientology members on this site? Id like to ask you a few questions? About the aliens and all who live in volcanos..
    i think scientology is retarted, especially after seeing that South Park episode

    on a serious note though, I don't think they are crazy for disagreeing with psychiatry and medicine. We have a major drug problem in the United States today... and I'm not talking coke or weed, I'm talking about Prescription and OTC meds. We have medicine for everything: heart burn, depression, headaches, anxiety, sleep, ADD... you name it there is a pill for it (or in some cases an injection). I would be willing to bet that over 75% of Americans have developed a dependency on some kind of medication that they really don't need - not only wasting their money and in many cases taxpayers' money, but also risking their health. So many medications cause cancers and various types of diseases but since they were approved by the FDA nobody really looks into it and just assumes that the deaths were unrelated. Don't even get me started on ****ing diet pills.

    Tell me why millions of kids are prescribed medication for ADD/ADHD! Is it because they truly need it? NO. They're problem can be fixed by proper parenting. They just need discipline. Psychiatrists presribe drugs to treat the problems their patients have, not to cure them. IMO psychiatry is complete bullshit. Psychologists, on the other hand, find the route cause of their patient's problems and fix them versus lazily prescribing some shitty pill to mask they symptoms.

  22. #102
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    additionally, there are studies that show that in many third-world nations where mcdonalds has made stores, there has been a dramatic increase in cancer rates, disease rates, diabetes rates, and obesity rates since their opening. MANY MANY MANY of todays health problems in America are cause by the shitty food Americans eat... all the processed garbage, factory farming, pesticides in produce, antibiotics and hormones in meat. All of these things cause problems in the consumer. The consumer then needs a medication to treat the problem which never actually goes away because they don't know what cause it and continue to eat that garbage. I'm sure you could guess too, that in these 3rd world countries where mcdonalds and coca cola were introduced and all of these problems arose the Pharmaceutical companies have monopolized on it and are now prescribing their evil medications to these 3rd world people in a neverending cycle of greed! lol

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    i think scientology is retarted, especially after seeing that South Park episode

    on a serious note though, I don't think they are crazy for disagreeing with psychiatry and medicine. We have a major drug problem in the United States today... and I'm not talking coke or weed, I'm talking about Prescription and OTC meds. We have medicine for everything: heart burn, depression, headaches, anxiety, sleep, ADD... you name it there is a pill for it (or in some cases an injection). I would be willing to bet that over 75% of Americans have developed a dependency on some kind of medication that they really don't need - not only wasting their money and in many cases taxpayers' money, but also risking their health. So many medications cause cancers and various types of diseases but since they were approved by the FDA nobody really looks into it and just assumes that the deaths were unrelated. Don't even get me started on ****ing diet pills.

    Tell me why millions of kids are prescribed medication for ADD/ADHD! Is it because they truly need it? NO. They're problem can be fixed by proper parenting. They just need discipline. Psychiatrists presribe drugs to treat the problems their patients have, not to cure them. IMO psychiatry is complete bullshit. Psychologists, on the other hand, find the route cause of their patient's problems and fix them versus lazily prescribing some shitty pill to mask they symptoms.
    do you have a link to that episode b/c i wanna see it

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicejunkie2
    Karl Marx said it best .. religion is the opium of the masses.
    Well said, bro

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I gotta admit psychotron and phreak you both equally blew my mind. i love to see 2 people who know thier shit get into it.
    And the crazy part is you both possess directly opposite views, but they both make logical sense to me, which logically.. makes no sense.
    Bo, welcome to the world of uncertainty

  26. #106
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    Survival of the fitest.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Survival of the fitest.
    Survival of the SMARTEST

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    do you have a link to that episode b/c i wanna see it

  29. #109
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    in dreamy land
    thank u bino.....and johan for explaining that evolution is accepted as fact and not a "theory" in laymans terms.......i hate it when religious whackos try to use that against's like such an ignorant statement i don't know what to say..

  30. #110
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    i agree with u about the meds thing too superhuman.....people have become far far too dependant on these things......i never take medecine and i'm still alive......and i've never had any immunizations either.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Survival of the fitest.
    Everyone thinks Darwin said that.. I learned this semester otherwise.

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    thank u bino.....and johan for explaining that evolution is accepted as fact and not a "theory" in laymans terms.......i hate it when religious whackos try to use that against's like such an ignorant statement i don't know what to say..
    so you think we evolved from apes?

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Everyone thinks Darwin said that.. I learned this semester otherwise.
    Including me, so who DID say it?

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    so you think we evolved from apes?
    of course we did.....unless u believe that an alien.....(also referred to as "god" here)......brought us here from another world and helped us develop........this is true because something cannot create anything without existing and if he created earth he wasn't of earth hence an of course i believe we evlolved.....only logical explanation

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    of course we did.....unless u believe that an alien.....(also referred to as "god" here)......brought us here from another world and helped us develop........this is true because something cannot create anything without existing and if he created earth he wasn't of earth hence an of course i believe we evlolved.....only logical explanation
    so you strongly believe that anyone who follows any form of religion is a fool?

  36. #116
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    The only thing that gets me with god is everything that exists today whether we evolved from apes and apes evolved from a ***kn grasshopper or w/e is the fact that anythin that exists has a begining.

    Like how did animals evolve to breath the air earth provides? Is this the science of adaption. Where does the solar system come from? or the universe?

    Does everything have to have a begining?

    Only explanation I can think of is the universe has always existed, and will always continue to exist. But to think that everything that exists today was forumed by the random adaption and evolution of the most basic things that ever existed just reacting to each other and evolving over infinity is just as extreme as the existence god himself.

    So for the scientists and relgious people. None of you are right, and none of your are wrong, because all BOTH of you can do is speculate as to why we exist and how things started.

    There is no fact that says we came from apes, as there is no fact that says god exists. Thats why I believe half of me will always be scientific and half of me will always believe in god, because to lean the scale to one side only demonstrates the true ignorance of human nature.

  37. #117
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    Our reality is based upon our perceptions of the factual representations of that which we have come to define as our reality. If we sit in a chair, we can physically know that the chair exists. After that, everything that we apply to that chair becomes interpretation that is defined by how we perceive that chair.

    In the simplest terms, it is the opinion of some that God does not exist. While it may be an opinion, there is evidence to support it. It is a Christian’s opinion that God exists. While it may be an opinion, there is still evidence to support it.

    None of us, whether or not we choose to believe in a god, knows for absolute certainty that god exists. We have never seen god, nor have we been able to perceive the aforementioned god in a way that is purely physical and not subject to pure opinionated interpretation. We can only exercise our basic need to believe in something. That is focal point of faith. It has no basis in our physical reality. Only in our hearts. And because we do not know for absolute certainty, I ask you to answer this simple question:

    If two beings of a supernatural existence appeared before you, both claiming to be God and both claiming that other was the Devil, could you prove which was God and which was not? (to make answering this harder, try figuring this one out: we are told that the Devil is the Father of Lies, so how do you know that the Bible was not written by him?)

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    the most important thing that you better beleive is that jesus christ died for your sins and thats why we even have hope and salvation in this crazy world.the rest of it popes,presidents,religion the entire world is filled with sin so you better know how to ask for forgiveness.not how to rid yourself of tiny aliens to purify yourself.
    Well put!!!

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    so you strongly believe that anyone who follows any form of religion is a fool?
    no....i think they're brainwashed

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    The only thing that gets me with god is everything that exists today whether we evolved from apes and apes evolved from a ***kn grasshopper or w/e is the fact that anythin that exists has a begining.

    Like how did animals evolve to breath the air earth provides? Is this the science of adaption. Where does the solar system come from? or the universe?

    Does everything have to have a begining?

    Only explanation I can think of is the universe has always existed, and will always continue to exist. But to think that everything that exists today was forumed by the random adaption and evolution of the most basic things that ever existed just reacting to each other and evolving over infinity is just as extreme as the existence god himself.

    So for the scientists and relgious people. None of you are right, and none of your are wrong, because all BOTH of you can do is speculate as to why we exist and how things started.

    There is no fact that says we came from apes, as there is no fact that says god exists. Thats why I believe half of me will always be scientific and half of me will always believe in god, because to lean the scale to one side only demonstrates the true ignorance of human nature.

    so........are you not aware of the big bang theory??

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