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Thread: What is scientology? 48 hours

  1. #1
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    What is scientology? 48 hours

    I never really paid attention to this crap. But Im watchn 48 hours on CNN (i think) and they're doing a documentary on scientology.

    I kinda always thought it was an f'ed up religion, but this show is tearing scientology into pieces. Talking about they think psychiatrists are evil, and they lock people in rooms when they're ill, dont believe in meds etc.

    What is the general consensus on this? Do we have any scientology members on this site? Id like to ask you a few questions? About the aliens and all who live in volcanos..

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    i know a little bit about it and its crazy

  3. #3
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    Yeh they're saying mental illness's dont exist, like shizophrenia, therefore medications for them arent allowed.
    They also said something about how scientologist believe aliens live in volcanoes or something that Id like to hear more about if anyone knows. That will be my default line for any scientologist. So you dont believe in mental illness, but you believe aliens live in volcanoes??

    Get the f**k out of here.

    I think they say psychiatrists are evil so they can brianwash all the members of it. Supposively 10 million members, and they charge you big bucks to be a member or learn about it.

  4. #4
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    I guess the believed a evil alien dropped of aliens in volcanoes and these spirit of aliens are responsible for our feelings of guilt, sadness etc. Mind you its based of sci fi writers stories, so its a pretty messed up religion.

  5. #5
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    isnt demi moore and ashton kutcher or is that kaballa

  6. #6
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    I think Christians, Catholics, Jews, Islamics, and Buddhists should unite and do away with this religion before they suck in 10 more million people and decide everyone needs to be killed whos not a member.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    I guess the believed a evil alien dropped of aliens in volcanoes and these spirit of aliens are responsible for our feelings of guilt, sadness etc. Mind you its based of sci fi writers stories, so its a pretty messed up religion.
    Im sorry but that is INSANE.
    Im starting a religion tommorow, called Anti-Scientology.

  8. #8
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    yeah they aren't the most intelligent people they **** with a kids baby formula is like barley and whole milk. I know its to low in protien and to high in carbs but they believe in it so they are putting there own kids in danger. I would join your religion Bo but I am a proud catholic so I cant go do that but best of luck with that religion.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    yeah they aren't the most intelligent people they **** with a kids baby formula is like barley and whole milk. I know its to low in protien and to high in carbs but they believe in it so they are putting there own kids in danger. I would join your religion Bo but I am a proud catholic so I cant go do that but best of luck with that religion.
    Yeh im catholic too, damnit. Now i cant join my own religion!!!!!

    They were just talking about 2 people who died.
    ONe was a shizophrenic member who murdered his mom because scientology bans meds.
    Another was a woman who was having a nervous break down and they locked her in a room for 2 weeks where she died. The pictures of her body looked like they beat the crap out of her. But they said it was from "restraining" her.

  10. #10
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    Yeah I thnk people should stick to the basics Catholic, luthern, muslim, protestant, buddasism, confusisism(sp), baptist or non-demoninational christian churces or the other ones that have been around.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    Yeah I thnk people should stick to the basics Catholic, luthern, muslim, protestant, buddasism, confusisism(sp), baptist or non-demoninational christian churces or the other ones that have been around.
    Yeh I hear ya completely. Tom Cruise was being interviewed by some guy and he says "you dont know the history of psychiatry, I DO" than he went on to talk shit about psychiatry.

    Than they had a doctor right after that saying "Tom Cruise.. just stick to acting, and Im not sure, when did you get your medical degree in psychiatry?

    Im actually taking a history of psych class now. We learned basically psychology use to be philosophy more or less back in the Greek era. That philosophy encompassed both psychology and philosophy.

    And that the Greek era was a thriving and flourishing time in history, they had plumbing, they had schools, seeked knowledge.

    Than religion became popular during the lifetime of Christ. And eventually the Greek and Roman empires came to an end shortly after.

    Wars erupted and we actually started to regress in evolution, the dark ages came and held the world under a dark spell for hundreds of years.

    So from what I have learned. Psychology has existed before Religion, and when religion came. Everyone started killing each other.

    Really makes me question what the real purpose of religion is sometimes.

  12. #12
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    Well I believe christ is my personal savior. Religion can be used to stregthen someones life and teach good morals or at the worst be used to start wars, oppresion or hurt people. I believe most people use it to better themselves and others lives

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    Well I believe christ is my personal savior. Religion can be used to stregthen someones life and teach good morals or at the worst be used to start wars, oppresion or hurt people. I believe most people use it to better themselves and others lives
    same here man!

    scientology is such a crock of crap

  14. #14
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    nice to see that most people wont admit it cause its not believe in a higher power.

  15. #15
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    let me sum it up

    scientology= cult!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    same here man!

    scientology is such a crock of crap
    HUGE crap!!!!!!

  17. #17
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    I was in Hollywood some years back when me and my girl got pulled from the street and went to the Scientology center. It was like one huge ass museum that is dedicated to L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. I can say that it was a very interesting place, but no doubt it serves to make their founder seem God-like. The place is used for recruiting and I am sure it serves that purpose well.

    I've read many of Hubbard's fiction, which was surprisingly very good. After reading like 10 or so of his books, I decided to check out Dianetics, which is like the bible of Scientology. It is true that there is some talk of aliens and volcanoes and shit. Nothing I read made much sense at all. According to Hubbard, the reason people get confused when reading is that they come across a word they don't understand and continue to move along, and it is at that point that their train of thought got derailed and thus resulted in confusion. It doesn't help that the guy made up a ton of words of his own that have no meaning outside of scientology and then threw them into his book.

    I believe it was back in the 1970's that Scientologists started a secret operation that placed members in positions of power with in government agencies, including the FBI, IRS, and CIA. The mission was to get ahold of all the information that these agencies had on the Church of Scientology and destroy it. Apparently this mission came directly from Hubbard. Naturally, they got caught and Hubbard went on the run and he died in exile somewhere in Europe, I believe. His wife, however, had to go to prison.

    I read a quote somewhere that L. Ron Hubbard said "The quickest way for a man to become a millionaire is to create his own religion." Smart dude.

    So yeah, imo the Church of Scientology is a crock of shit. But, it is a very powerful crock of shit. Go to any major North American city and you will most likely find a Scientology center and it will be very centrally located in the city, on a piece of very desirable real estate. The top Hollywood stars contribue millions to this organization and their involvement alone serves to recruit thousands more who would have otherwise had no involvement.

    Yes, it is a cult and some of the things they believe in are pretty wack. But, I wouldn't go so far as to say that any other organized religion is any better or less harmful. Look at mormonism, do some research on the history of that and tell me that aliens in volcanoes is any weirder than the stuff they'd like you to believe. Anyway, this is all just my opinion and I am basically atheistic in my beliefs, though I do leave some room for error. lol.

  18. #18
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    Karl Marx said it best .. religion is the opium of the masses.

  19. #19
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicejunkie2
    Karl Marx said it best .. religion is the opium of the masses.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=Doc.Sust]let me sum it up

    scientology= cult![QUOTE]
    Totally agree!!

  21. #21
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Seems as screwed up as all other religions to me.

    Aliens in vulcanoes or a bearded dude splitting a ocean. Just a matter of taste what is wierdest.

    I think the greatest thing about scientology is that it shows just how ****ed up all religions are.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicejunkie2
    Karl Marx said it best .. religion is the opium of the masses.
    even marx could say rational things every now and then.

  23. #23
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    Scotty, beam me up
    We should start the church of arnold. His encylopedia beeing our bible.

    thou shalt not put down the weights.

    thou shalt not skip your meals.

    Thou shalt not put hoes before bros

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    I was in Hollywood some years back when me and my girl got pulled from the street and went to the Scientology center. It was like one huge ass museum that is dedicated to L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. I can say that it was a very interesting place, but no doubt it serves to make their founder seem God-like. The place is used for recruiting and I am sure it serves that purpose well.

    I've read many of Hubbard's fiction, which was surprisingly very good. After reading like 10 or so of his books, I decided to check out Dianetics, which is like the bible of Scientology. It is true that there is some talk of aliens and volcanoes and shit. Nothing I read made much sense at all. According to Hubbard, the reason people get confused when reading is that they come across a word they don't understand and continue to move along, and it is at that point that their train of thought got derailed and thus resulted in confusion. It doesn't help that the guy made up a ton of words of his own that have no meaning outside of scientology and then threw them into his book.

    I believe it was back in the 1970's that Scientologists started a secret operation that placed members in positions of power with in government agencies, including the FBI, IRS, and CIA. The mission was to get ahold of all the information that these agencies had on the Church of Scientology and destroy it. Apparently this mission came directly from Hubbard. Naturally, they got caught and Hubbard went on the run and he died in exile somewhere in Europe, I believe. His wife, however, had to go to prison.

    I read a quote somewhere that L. Ron Hubbard said "The quickest way for a man to become a millionaire is to create his own religion." Smart dude.

    So yeah, imo the Church of Scientology is a crock of shit. But, it is a very powerful crock of shit. Go to any major North American city and you will most likely find a Scientology center and it will be very centrally located in the city, on a piece of very desirable real estate. The top Hollywood stars contribue millions to this organization and their involvement alone serves to recruit thousands more who would have otherwise had no involvement.

    Yes, it is a cult and some of the things they believe in are pretty wack. But, I wouldn't go so far as to say that any other organized religion is any better or less harmful. Look at mormonism, do some research on the history of that and tell me that aliens in volcanoes is any weirder than the stuff they'd like you to believe. Anyway, this is all just my opinion and I am basically atheistic in my beliefs, though I do leave some room for error. lol.
    i know nothing about mormons and their beliefs and i am very interested in knowing what things they believe in is just as weird as aliens in volcanoes

  25. #25
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    I think religion should be taken with a grain of salt...Kind of like a little guide to help you live your life. We could go on for days, just with what Catholics have done.

    ..But I'm still ok with calling myself catholic.

    Its not very easy to take scientology lightly...There really aren't any "moderate" scientologists...haha...Most def. a cult. And very much flawed on many levels.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    i know nothing about mormons and their beliefs and i am very interested in knowing what things they believe in is just as weird as aliens in volcanoes
    Check out the book called "Under the Banner of Heaven" it was a best seller a few years back, written by Jon Krakauer. Should be at the library or any Barnes and Noble. A very good read and very eye opening.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    I think religion should be taken with a grain of salt...Kind of like a little guide to help you live your life. We could go on for days, just with what Catholics have done.

    ..But I'm still ok with calling myself catholic.

    Its not very easy to take scientology lightly...There really aren't any "moderate" scientologists...haha...Most def. a cult. And very much flawed on many levels.
    They may be a little wack in their beliefs, but at least they aren't strapping themselves with bombs and blowing people up in the name of their church. Maybe "moderate" isn't the best term to describe the Scientologists, but until they start killing people on a regular basis, I would not call them extreme either.

  28. #28
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    I believe any religion that uses celebrities as marketing tools and pronounces them the highest level of that religion due to their economic status is a bunch of horse shit. nevermind, those believe are bodies are polluted by aliens and we need to give the religion money to clean it out? wtf? orly?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    They may be a little wack in their beliefs, but at least they aren't strapping themselves with bombs and blowing people up in the name of their church. Maybe "moderate" isn't the best term to describe the Scientologists, but until they start killing people on a regular basis, I would not call them extreme either.
    Totally. I'm not ignoring that at all.

    There are actually some very beatiful religions in the middle east. The religion isn't the problem. Some butcher the religion in an attempt to give themselves an excuse for a particular goal. (And catholics are no exception...)

    Hence my first point...IMO, religion should be taken lightly. Understand that it is there to be used as a guide.

  30. #30
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    I am mormon and could answer any questions you guys would like

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    I am mormon and could answer any questions you guys would like
    Have you seen the south park episode about mormonism?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Have you seen the south park episode about mormonism?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    We should start the church of arnold. His encylopedia beeing our bible.

    thou shalt not put down the weights.

    thou shalt not skip your meals.

    Thou shalt not put hoes before bros
    haha my g/f would get a kick out of that

  34. #34
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Seems as screwed up as all other religions to me.

    Aliens in vulcanoes or a bearded dude splitting a ocean. Just a matter of taste what is wierdest.

    I think the greatest thing about scientology is that it shows just how ****ed up all religions are. is believing in aliens in volcanos any more retarded than believing in some guy that could walk on water and change the chemical structure of water to that of wine??? equally retarded.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I think Christians, Catholics, Jews, Islamics, and Buddhists should unite and do away with this religion before they suck in 10 more million people and decide everyone needs to be killed whos not a member.
    How in hell do u think it's ur place to decide what religion anyone can be? free country people can believe whatever they want. oh and if ur not aware catholics and christians used to kill people that didn't believe what they wanted them to all the time......maybe it's time for them to get some payback. actually i would bet a large sum of money that the vatican still carries out hits on people that could be a threat to their power.

    as for scientology being a cult.........every religion is a cult!!!!!!

    one definition of the word being..... A system of religious beliefs and ritual; also: its body of adherents;.......

    jessie ventura said it best "organized religion is a sham and a crutch for the weak minded."

  35. #35
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    Brain Washers.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Brain Washers.
    I feel the same about all religions.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    I feel the same about all religions.
    im sorry you feel that way

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    I was in Hollywood some years back when me and my girl got pulled from the street and went to the Scientology center. It was like one huge ass museum that is dedicated to L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. I can say that it was a very interesting place, but no doubt it serves to make their founder seem God-like. The place is used for recruiting and I am sure it serves that purpose well.

    I've read many of Hubbard's fiction, which was surprisingly very good. After reading like 10 or so of his books, I decided to check out Dianetics, which is like the bible of Scientology. It is true that there is some talk of aliens and volcanoes and shit. Nothing I read made much sense at all. According to Hubbard, the reason people get confused when reading is that they come across a word they don't understand and continue to move along, and it is at that point that their train of thought got derailed and thus resulted in confusion. It doesn't help that the guy made up a ton of words of his own that have no meaning outside of scientology and then threw them into his book.

    I believe it was back in the 1970's that Scientologists started a secret operation that placed members in positions of power with in government agencies, including the FBI, IRS, and CIA. The mission was to get ahold of all the information that these agencies had on the Church of Scientology and destroy it. Apparently this mission came directly from Hubbard. Naturally, they got caught and Hubbard went on the run and he died in exile somewhere in Europe, I believe. His wife, however, had to go to prison.

    I read a quote somewhere that L. Ron Hubbard said "The quickest way for a man to become a millionaire is to create his own religion." Smart dude.

    So yeah, imo the Church of Scientology is a crock of shit. But, it is a very powerful crock of shit. Go to any major North American city and you will most likely find a Scientology center and it will be very centrally located in the city, on a piece of very desirable real estate. The top Hollywood stars contribue millions to this organization and their involvement alone serves to recruit thousands more who would have otherwise had no involvement.

    Yes, it is a cult and some of the things they believe in are pretty wack. But, I wouldn't go so far as to say that any other organized religion is any better or less harmful. Look at mormonism, do some research on the history of that and tell me that aliens in volcanoes is any weirder than the stuff they'd like you to believe. Anyway, this is all just my opinion and I am basically atheistic in my beliefs, though I do leave some room for error. lol.
    thats some good shit right there.

    the thing that truley freaks me out about scientology is how they target the rich and upper class members of society.

    because we all know money rules this world and if you can control people who have money you can basically run this world.

    i never knew about him fleeing on exile or his wife being locked up, that truley is some f 'ed up shyt.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Yeh I hear ya completely. Tom Cruise was being interviewed by some guy and he says "you dont know the history of psychiatry, I DO" than he went on to talk shit about psychiatry.

    Than they had a doctor right after that saying "Tom Cruise.. just stick to acting, and Im not sure, when did you get your medical degree in psychiatry?

    Im actually taking a history of psych class now. We learned basically psychology use to be philosophy more or less back in the Greek era. That philosophy encompassed both psychology and philosophy.

    And that the Greek era was a thriving and flourishing time in history, they had plumbing, they had schools, seeked knowledge.

    Than religion became popular during the lifetime of Christ. And eventually the Greek and Roman empires came to an end shortly after.

    Wars erupted and we actually started to regress in evolution, the dark ages came and held the world under a dark spell for hundreds of years.

    So from what I have learned. Psychology has existed before Religion, and when religion came. Everyone started killing each other.

    Really makes me question what the real purpose of religion is sometimes.

    oh that was the best interview ever...i'ma find it... tom cruise got owned on a calm / cool discussion

  40. #40
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    more so i think everyone should just keep an eye out on this religion. i just got a weird feeling about scientology. they're far to gunho human rights, like they're not just focused on being saved, they want to change this world to suit them better... creepy imo

    i think L Ron Hubbard prob knew his religion was a crock.

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