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I was in Hollywood some years back when me and my girl got pulled from the street and went to the Scientology center. It was like one huge ass museum that is dedicated to L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. I can say that it was a very interesting place, but no doubt it serves to make their founder seem God-like. The place is used for recruiting and I am sure it serves that purpose well.
I've read many of Hubbard's fiction, which was surprisingly very good. After reading like 10 or so of his books, I decided to check out Dianetics, which is like the bible of Scientology. It is true that there is some talk of aliens and volcanoes and shit. Nothing I read made much sense at all. According to Hubbard, the reason people get confused when reading is that they come across a word they don't understand and continue to move along, and it is at that point that their train of thought got derailed and thus resulted in confusion. It doesn't help that the guy made up a ton of words of his own that have no meaning outside of scientology and then threw them into his book.
I believe it was back in the 1970's that Scientologists started a secret operation that placed members in positions of power with in government agencies, including the FBI, IRS, and CIA. The mission was to get ahold of all the information that these agencies had on the Church of Scientology and destroy it. Apparently this mission came directly from Hubbard. Naturally, they got caught and Hubbard went on the run and he died in exile somewhere in Europe, I believe. His wife, however, had to go to prison.
I read a quote somewhere that L. Ron Hubbard said "The quickest way for a man to become a millionaire is to create his own religion." Smart dude.
So yeah, imo the Church of Scientology is a crock of shit. But, it is a very powerful crock of shit. Go to any major North American city and you will most likely find a Scientology center and it will be very centrally located in the city, on a piece of very desirable real estate. The top Hollywood stars contribue millions to this organization and their involvement alone serves to recruit thousands more who would have otherwise had no involvement.
Yes, it is a cult and some of the things they believe in are pretty wack. But, I wouldn't go so far as to say that any other organized religion is any better or less harmful. Look at mormonism, do some research on the history of that and tell me that aliens in volcanoes is any weirder than the stuff they'd like you to believe. Anyway, this is all just my opinion and I am basically atheistic in my beliefs, though I do leave some room for error. lol.