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  1. #1
    bigdogc is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    trying to figure out what to career to go to

    I used to post here a lot about 2 years ago. I read all the time and eventually became very involved in biology at my university. Im applying to pharmacy school and I have to write an essay on my motivation/goals in pharmacy. Im thinking about saying I want to do help make a contribution to hormone replacement therapy and find healthy and efficient ways to incorporate hormones to everday lifestyle of some people.
    I know this isnt the safest stance, but has there been a lot out there since hGH and IGF? i need some examples as to why I want to get into HRT!

    thanks for the help old friends

  2. #2
    Mobligator is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mountains of WV
    Pharmacy's a good choice. At the present it's not very susceptible to outsourcing like so many jobs are and that should be a prime consideration in choosing any occupation these days. Better bone up on your chemistry tho. In some countries they are called chemists.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    I'd find examples and articles on how it's been proven to increase sex drive in middle aged men and women, how it takes away wrinkles and improves skin elasticity, sense of well being, and when used properly supports overall health and system function. Make sure to include women too, a TON of women take it, contrary to what most guys think.

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