View Poll Results: is it worse for women to cheat or men?

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  • worse for men to cheat

    1 2.04%
  • worse for women to cheat

    23 46.94%
  • both are equally bad

    25 51.02%
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Thread: worse for women to cheat or men?

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    A woman thinks a guy who cheats is a piece of shit dirt trash who sticks his dick in anything and she'll lose all respect for him.

    What's the difference? Cheating is wrong no matter which sex is doing it. And don't give me the cave man nature crap. We're no longer apes. We have brains to think with.

    Agreed. And while we still have certain "animal tendencies" still, saying its a male animals perogative to breed with as many partners as possible is a ****ing cop out. Man or woman, it's just as bad.

  2. #82
    Join Date
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    College Station
    u fn hippies. and yes im gonna give yall the caveman crap. Our bodies have been evolving for over 40,000yrs, and u think just because over the last thousand yrs weve been practicing manogamy we have changed our evolutiuon. wtf. men are made for breeding. woman r made for making babies and being in the kitchen(they already have milk and eggs why not)hehehe. men can knock up like 3 chicks a day. a chick can make 1 baby per 9mon. do u think weve(men) stuck with this woman. hell no. we went and spread around all our DNA as possible. face it, we are animals, more intelligent animals but still animals. u cant take the natural drive out of us men. its always gonna be there and nature always wins! so yes its not ok but its less wrong is a man cheats on a woman than a woman cheating on a man. men can fck and not be emotionally tied. women get fcked and their bodies produce dopamines(hormone cocktail) which makes them fall in love and get attached and crap. hell my own wife said men cheat cuase they r horny, girls cheat cause something is wrong with the relationship. u guys have to accept the fact that men and women arent equal. there are certain things men can do that women cant and vice versa. LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by peteroy01; 11-02-2006 at 11:58 AM.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    u fn hippies. and yes im gonna give yall the caveman crap. Our bodies have been evolving for over 40,000yrs, and u think just because over the last thousand yrs weve been practicing manogamy we have changed our evolutiuon. wtf. men are made for breeding. woman r made for making babies and being in the kitchen(they already have milk and eggs why not)hehehe. men can knock up like 3 chicks a day. a chick can make 1 baby per 9mon. do u think weve(men) stuck with this woman. hell no. we went and spread around all our DNA as possible. face it, we are animals, more intelligent animals but still animals. u cant take the natural drive out of us men. its always gonna be there and nature always wins! so yes its not ok but its less wrong is a man cheats on a woman than a woman cheating on a man. men can fck and not be emotionally tied. women get fcked and their bodies produce dopamines(hormone cocktail) which makes them fall in love and get attached and crap. hell my own wife said men cheat cuase they r horny, girls cheat cause something is wrong with the relationship. u guys have to accept the fact that men and women arent equal. there are certain things men can do that women cant and vice versa. LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, a redneck caveman.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    sweet comeback! couldnt even get the bat off ur shoulder on that one could ya

  5. #85
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    exactly there's no is this even a poll for.....any guy that thinks it's more ok for him to cheat than for her to cheat is simply's not ok in any sense or should it be tolerated at all....
    if the answer was that clear cut the poll wouldnt be almost 50/50. in no way was i saying that it is ok for men to cheat, i was just pointing out that there are completely different feelings when a man cheats as opposed to when a woman cheats. believe it or not there are sexual differences between men and women. pretend you have a son and a daughter both 15years old, would you be more upset if your son slept with a different girl every week or if your daughter slept with a different guy every week?

    im sure just about every guy here has had a girl cheat on them, think about what feelings you had the last time a girl cheated on you. it is impossible for a girl to have those same feelings unless your idea of cheating is letting a girl dominate you and **** you in the ass with a strap on. i just think that the way women's body's are and the way men's body's are makes it worse for women to cheat, but like i said anyone cheating is 100% wrong. also i have only had a couple actual girlfriends in my life but i have never cheated and dont think i ever would.

    also a question for mizfit or any other female, what exact feelings do girls have when a guy cheats on them? i know it is irritating as hell but what is the most irritating thing that goes through your mind?

  6. #86
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    can somebody try and convince me that its equal for both to cheat besides crap like ur a redneck caveman, or ur retarded. im actually interested in this topic but i think i have the correct opinion.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    why dont you guys think about this. Lets say your parents cheated. Would you be more angry with your dad, or your mom???

    No matter what you GUYS say, i know what you think, and you know what i mean

    I know that in the back of your minds, your mom cant be forgiven, but its more foregiveing with your dad.....

    Quite possibly these feelings can be traced back to Ancient roman times

    This is somthing hard to explain and put into words. Its just the way it is and ya cant help it, right or wrong
    i think it is the way sex happens physically. A women is penatrated and a man is not,she lets someone in yah nit saying its ok for either to cheat at all and both are equally as bad but i think thats why its ok for a guy to be a slut but not a girl.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    i got over two years clean time..........will never cheat again. its a daily struggle. and i did get payed back by the wife........that hurt, and i think if i do it again so will she....

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Gee it's funny that men cheating is not listed as worse for a single person - tells you alot about the make up of this board

  10. #90
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    i think it is the way sex happens physically. A women is penatrated and a man is not,she lets someone in yah nit saying its ok for either to cheat at all and both are equally as bad but i think thats why its ok for a guy to be a slut but not a girl.

    Oh my.. male logic can sometimes be a scary thing

  11. #91
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    i think it is the way sex happens physically. A women is penatrated and a man is not,she lets someone in yah nit saying its ok for either to cheat at all and both are equally as bad but i think thats why its ok for a guy to be a slut but not a girl.

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    can somebody try and convince me that its equal for both to cheat besides crap like ur a redneck caveman, or ur retarded. im actually interested in this topic but i think i have the correct opinion.
    Dude, I think you've got a good point. You need to work on your grammar to get it across properly. Start a thread on the subject and I'll post there, but in this thread, any good argument you might make will get lost in all the bs.

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by captain5214
    i got over two years clean time..........will never cheat again. its a daily struggle. and i did get payed back by the wife........that hurt, and i think if i do it again so will she....

    luckily i had morals implanted in my brain,they would never allow me to cheat.

    hope it works out for you mate.

  14. #94
    Join Date
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    College Station
    Only have sex with girls that are singal and chicks that have a boyfriend. Boyfriends are always negociable. Never mess around with a friends girl. and there is no way in hell one should mess around with a married chick. doesnt matter if you know the guy or not. just dont piss on another guys territory.

  15. #95
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    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    Only have sex with girls that are singal and chicks that have a boyfriend. Boyfriends are always negociable. Never mess around with a friends girl. and there is no way in hell one should mess around with a married chick. doesnt matter if you know the guy or not. just dont piss on another guys territory.
    shouldnt be cheatin in the first place if you give a fvck about the person you're with.

  16. #96
    Join Date
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    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Gee it's funny that men cheating is not listed as worse for a single person - tells you alot about the make up of this board
    do you think it is worse for a man to cheat, if so why? you have to admit that even if it is equal in your mind men and women go through completely different thought processes when they are cheated on.

    very sexy pic, drives me crazy every time i see it in the most professional way possible
    Last edited by zodiac666; 11-03-2006 at 11:06 AM.

  17. #97
    Join Date
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    College Station
    Zodiac- u have to test drive a couple of cars before u find the one u like. cause u might be stuck with that car for a very long time. so why not go and see what ur options are. or u can lease and trade it in when ur done with it and get a new one. it all about what phase life ur in. but life is too short to not do what u want. so live it up, loosen up and have some fun.

  18. #98
    I say they are both equally as bad. And I thought I read a response earlier..I think cheating is pretty equal on both sides...

  19. #99
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    Zodiac- u have to test drive a couple of cars before u find the one u like. cause u might be stuck with that car for a very long time. it all about what phase life ur in. but life is too short to not do what u want.
    absolutly, i just hate hurting females (unless they really fvckin deserve it), i even felt bad for that slut who cheated on me, she was sobbing and saying she was sorry when i broke up with her, plus she had a 4year old girl and i was like a dad to her. you absolutly have to have fun in life but you should be able to have fun without stomping on other people's lives in the process.

    i always say do whatever you want in life as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else, expirment all you want but if you do settle on a ferrari you dont need to buy a porche as well. hmmmm, car analogy is not working too well here

  20. #100
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    u said car thing no working but u used it. funny.

  21. #101
    Join Date
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    Training my ninja Degu
    Personally I think that both are equally wrong, but society seems to be more understanding of men cheating for some reason.

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