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Thread: Chest pain, upper left side by shoulder.

  1. #1

    Chest pain, upper left side by shoulder.

    It's almost not even a pain, just discomfort is the only way to describe it. Not in the center at all, like my sternum, not there. It happens only when I get stressed or am at work (Non physicaly involved job). It seems to feel better when I press on it too. I have went to the doctor and had an EKG which was apparently fine (Thought I don't think that means there isnt a problem) and the doctor also said that it could be acid reflux. My cholesterol is really good also and I drink a lot of water.

    I have been reading around and it seems like it could be Angina??!! I am not one to blow things out of proportion and be a hypochondriac but, this doens't feel normal. I have heard good things about CQ10 and am ordering some right now, I actualy have had this problem for about 8 months now and when I took CQ10 I don't remember feeling this, I just didnt pay attention to it back then. even on cycle, I think ti might have actually felt better.

    Anyone have angina or can comment on this? I already have another doc appt next week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Donkey calf raises
    angina is just a fancy way for saying chest pain...there is stable angina in which if you did have it, this is what you would get pain when you work out, or are breathing heavy, and it subsides when you rest.there is also unstable angina, where the pain dosnt go away...this has to do with an occlusion(s) of the coronary arteires, that supply the heart muscle with blood.
    .cq10 helps, if you have read up on it, and have heard good things about it, it really couldnt hurt, but it dont really sound like a heart problem(allthough it may be).
    -did you have your cardiac enymes tested?
    -i would suggest a stress test(run on a treadmill while hooked up to heart monitor)
    and see if any damage is occuring while you have the pain.
    -how old are u?
    -family history of heart disease?
    i would suggest going to see your doc and having more extensive exams/tests done, other than an ekg.
    There are several possibilities...
    this could be maybe a pulmonary embolism, or maybe just some muscle pain.maybe even anxiety due to the stress, several factors play in go see your doc, and let him run some more dont want to mess around with your heart bro...
    Last edited by lightwaytbaby; 11-04-2006 at 10:19 PM.

  3. #3
    yea I know, thanks man.

    I have no history of heart disease in my family that I know of.

    I never feel this when I am active.

  4. #4
    I should have named this thread "My GF left me for my mother" lol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    riding styles donkey
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I should have named this thread "My GF left me for my mother" lol.
    ahh sorry man, i read it but i cant really give any advice. maybe get a second opinion.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by donniebrasco
    ahh sorry man, i read it but i cant really give any advice. maybe get a second opinion.


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