It's almost not even a pain, just discomfort is the only way to describe it. Not in the center at all, like my sternum, not there. It happens only when I get stressed or am at work (Non physicaly involved job). It seems to feel better when I press on it too. I have went to the doctor and had an EKG which was apparently fine (Thought I don't think that means there isnt a problem) and the doctor also said that it could be acid reflux. My cholesterol is really good also and I drink a lot of water.
I have been reading around and it seems like it could be Angina??!! I am not one to blow things out of proportion and be a hypochondriac but, this doens't feel normal. I have heard good things about CQ10 and am ordering some right now, I actualy have had this problem for about 8 months now and when I took CQ10 I don't remember feeling this, I just didnt pay attention to it back then. even on cycle, I think ti might have actually felt better.
Anyone have angina or can comment on this? I already have another doc appt next week.