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Thread: Gym rules going a bit too far?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice

    Gym rules going a bit too far?

    Warning for all you grunters (myself included) in the gym:

    Al Argibay, a corrections officer, reportedly emitted several grunts earlier last week while lifting weights and was escorted out of Planet Fitness in suburban New York by police officers called in by management.
    A manager at the gym, which has outlets nationwide, was quoted by local media as saying that the grunting ban was part of the club's bid to offer customers a nonthreatening environment.
    The club has a "lunk alarm" that goes off if someone grunts or drops weights on the floor. Wearing bandannas and do-rags on the head or screaming is also forbidden.

    I can understand the no screaming and dropping weights rules, but no grunting? Come on!!! When you're moving the heavy stuff, a little grunting is permissible - wouldn't you think?
    Last edited by CSAR; 11-05-2006 at 07:21 AM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey
    that is so stupid.

  4. #4
    is that a joke? A lunk alarm? ROFL

    Ive hurt myself before trying to come up with weights and not dropping them..when ppl tell me to not drop the weights i ask if they would like to try it and then not drop them

  5. #5
    i dont really grunt loud but only the strongest and hardest of working members grunt! its a manly thing i beleive

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    up a 500ft cell tower
    That's insane... Its a gym not a church... Well I mean it's my church but it's not church in the classical sense.

    Maybe the guy was screaming like Brock Samson on venture brothers... Who knows.

    Here's to the meatheads... Carry on brothers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    i would walked outa the gym along with the cops and the escorteee that is gay
    there is a gym near me i forget the name but they have a huge banner out front and it says
    the owner of the gym must be a big DORK

  8. #8
    Join Date
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    ya these rules are whack. i think its stupid how a gym basically doesnt want the dedicated people that are going to be paying their money for years to even be there. they want it to be more family oriented. its dumb because the families join and never go and cancel after like 2 months.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    My worhless gym "suspended" me for stacking extra 45 plates on the cables when I was doing tri's. **** them! I'm joining a new gym on Monday and not paying them squat anymore.

  11. #11
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    Yeh, well, at 24 Hours it says on the wall where it has the rules no Deadlifts... No Deadlifts! Wtf, is that? I mean, my current workout regime does not require me to do so, but in two months I'm switching it up and adding them in. Seriously wtf, that's like the "original" leg exercise.

  12. #12
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    Its is kinda weird... if you dont want people to grunt then dont open a gym lol. Unfortunately that is not an uncommon rule in gyms. Research shows that 80% of people that join a gym will drop out before the first year. Its that 80% that gym owners like, they pay thier money and then dont use the gym, owners need a throughput of people like this, wheras dedicated bb's pay thier money and practically move in, so the owners dont mind loosing a few "scary" grunting members in order to attract the non dedicated.

    There is this one gym I went to that had about 3 free standing BOB's, but you wernt allowed to kick them or punch them hard or show any degree of boxing/martial arts skill on them for that matter, and those who did were shown the door

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Warning for all you grunters (myself included) in the gym:

    Al Argibay, a corrections officer, reportedly emitted several grunts earlier last week while lifting weights and was escorted out of Planet Fitness in suburban New York by police officers called in by management.
    A manager at the gym, which has outlets nationwide, was quoted by local media as saying that the grunting ban was part of the club's bid to offer customers a nonthreatening environment.
    The club has a "lunk alarm" that goes off if someone grunts or drops weights on the floor. Wearing bandannas and do-rags on the head or screaming is also forbidden.

    I can understand the no screaming and dropping weights rules, but no grunting? Come on!!! When you're moving the heavy stuff, a little grunting is permissible - wouldn't you think?
    Planet fitness is for Bitches, if you want to drink tea and sit around and bullsh!t, then thats your gym, any place that has a resturant in it is not a place i want to work out, if you aint gruntin and screamin and throwin your weights down, you aint workin out !!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I heard about that the other day. They were making fun of it on Bob and Tom. Even they thought it was dumb.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Holy **** stupid is that?
    ***No source checks!!!***

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    man **** those guys i mean have them lift heavy weight with out grunting dew rags or bandans thats stuip you pay to go there your the reason they make money you should be able to were what you want with in reason.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    In a bowl of rice
    Well, perhaps the do-rags and bandannas are associated with gang culture, which may be very intimidating to the average gym member. And I can understand the no screaming bit (powerlifters excluded). But grunting? Jeez...that's just too extreme IMO. This article was actually reported yesterday in the Japan Times, via AP news. I was pretty shocked to say the least. Is this the future of gym etiquette in the States?

  18. #18
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    Here's a link to a video on this issue of Grunting....

    Here's a link to a video on this issue.....

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    El Paso, Texas
    Don't ever go to a planet fitness then. They don't want our business, so fvck 'em! Simple as that.
    And did you see that wussy guy pressing the 40's? I hope that was a really light weight warm up or a burnout.

  20. #20
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Warning for all you grunters (myself included) in the gym:

    Al Argibay, a corrections officer, reportedly emitted several grunts earlier last week while lifting weights and was escorted out of Planet Fitness in suburban New York by police officers called in by management.
    A manager at the gym, which has outlets nationwide, was quoted by local media as saying that the grunting ban was part of the club's bid to offer customers a nonthreatening environment.
    The club has a "lunk alarm" that goes off if someone grunts or drops weights on the floor. Wearing bandannas and do-rags on the head or screaming is also forbidden.

    I can understand the no screaming and dropping weights rules, but no grunting? Come on!!! When you're moving the heavy stuff, a little grunting is permissible - wouldn't you think?
    Wheres your gym, mine just turned into planet hollywood me and 25 guys left, I trained there for 12 years.

  21. #21
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    that manager looks like a ****in paper pusher! bet shes never worked out in her life!!

  22. #22
    BG's Avatar
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    When it turned to PF, they put in buttons, if there pushed a blue light goes off at the desk, if you get three your asked not to comeback to the gym.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    the ****ing women are beginning to take over our environment, everyday it gets worse and worse....thank god I found my Gold's that is still hardcore

  24. #24
    BG's Avatar
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    They got rid of all dumbells more then 60lbs, 45lb plates, then the owner after 12 years of working out there tells me maybe its time I train lighter. Then they amitted they just didnt want us in the gym refund also.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    this is why im gald i use a good ol' suspect-looking back street gym!!!

  26. #26
    ahhh what is happening...

    LOL @ "No deadlifts"

    soon it ll be

    "No sweating" We have a sweat siren, and if you sweat, you will be asked to leave.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    No Chalk
    No Grunting
    No deadlifting
    No dropping weights
    Wipe down equipment
    where does it end!!?!?

  28. #28
    ahhh I just broke all those rules!

    Theres no chalk at my gym..but I took Carlos' advice and just clean it up when Im done. Its still on the bar and sum of the plates but I tell them other members like it cuz they get a better grip

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Wheres your gym, mine just turned into planet hollywood me and 25 guys left, I trained there for 12 years.
    I'm at East Tokyo Gold's. No screaming, no dropping/slamming the weights, no cameras, no cellphones, no tattoos, no chalk. But we can grunt all we want to.

  30. #30
    "Sir, please dont drop the weights, we'd rather you tear your shoulder out of socket"

  31. #31
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    we got a part of the gym that is for dL and squatting and over head Olympic lifts .....thats where the grunting and the chalk fly

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    I'm at East Tokyo Gold's. No screaming, no dropping/slamming the weights, no cameras, no cellphones, no tattoos, no chalk. But we can grunt all we want to.
    no tattoos???? how the **** do u manage that........

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron-man
    Here's a link to a video on this issue.....
    i had to give that lady the finger the whole time the video was on.......

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    is planet fitness publicly traded????? lets buy all their stock and then change the name and get rid of all their ****in stupid rules

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    dumm gym I would change

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    no tattoos???? how the **** do u manage that........
    You gotta cover them up with a shirt or sweatpants. But if they're in a place that's always visible, like your hands, you gotta use gloves, athletic tape, or a bandage of some type.

    Their reasoning is that only gangsters (yakuza) have tattoos. Even though non-Japanese cannot be yakuza, it doesn't matter. To the average Japanese person, tattoos are intimidating and offensive.

  37. #37
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    It's the wave of the future families bring in the money and we don't (compared to families) . Hell I pay $10.73 a month at 24 and go every day We do wear out the equipment and deadlifts mess up the bars and plates (just stating what gyms think, not my opinion) I know it sucks but we don't make fat lazy fuks comfortable all they want to do is go a few times and lose 100 lbs by magic

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    The cops should have arrested her for wasting there time !!! And the tax payers money !!

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    You gotta cover them up with a shirt or sweatpants. But if they're in a place that's always visible, like your hands, you gotta use gloves, athletic tape, or a bandage of some type.

    Their reasoning is that only gangsters (yakuza) have tattoos. Even though non-Japanese cannot be yakuza, it doesn't matter. To the average Japanese person, tattoos are intimidating and offensive.
    damn thats uncool
    im going to get addicted to tattoos once i get more ideas

  40. #40
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Warning for all you grunters (myself included) in the gym:

    Al Argibay, a corrections officer, reportedly emitted several grunts earlier last week while lifting weights and was escorted out of Planet Fitness in suburban New York by police officers called in by management.
    A manager at the gym, which has outlets nationwide, was quoted by local media as saying that the grunting ban was part of the club's bid to offer customers a nonthreatening environment.
    The club has a "lunk alarm" that goes off if someone grunts or drops weights on the floor. Wearing bandannas and do-rags on the head or screaming is also forbidden.

    I can understand the no screaming and dropping weights rules, but no grunting? Come on!!! When you're moving the heavy stuff, a little grunting is permissible - wouldn't you think?
    RIDICULOUS!!!! what is this world coming to ?you cant even grunt in a gym?!?!?! get real!!!

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